Transgender woman crowdfunds towards transition surgery

A transgender woman raised almost £12,000 in just five days after realising that the £21,500 of surgeries she needs to transition fully are not available on the NHS.

Sophie Collings, 36, from Sneinton, Nottinghamshire, has gender dysphoria – a condition where a person has ‘strong, persistent feelings of identification with the opposite gender’ – meaning she wants to live her life as a woman but was born a man.

She has  been living as a woman for the last year and has been on hormone therapy for the last 11 months. But she discovered that the surgeries she feels she needs to ‘pass’ as a woman are not available on the NHS – and will cost £21,500. 

Sophie Collings, 36, from Sneinton, Nottinghamshire, has socially transitioned and has been living as a woman for the last year. She has been on hormone therapy for the last 11 months

Last week she set up a fundraising page with an emotional essay about her situation – and was delighted when she raised more than £11,000 in just five days.

The page will raise money to pay for her operations which are not currently funded on NHS, known as gender confirming surgeries, which include hair transplants, facial feminisation surgery and plastic surgery on her nose.

Ms Collings said: ‘There are some physical changes that no amount of hormone therapy can bring.

After realising the surgeries she would need to help with her condition were not available on the NHS, she set up a fundraising page, which reached more than £11,000 in five days

After realising the surgeries she would need to help with her condition were not available on the NHS, she set up a fundraising page, which reached more than £11,000 in five days

‘I want and need recognition from the people around me that I’m a woman, and surgical interventions are now the only way to move towards that goal.

‘None of the surgeries I need are available on the NHS. 

‘I don’t pass as a woman and that means constant public ridicule. Every time I’m misgendered it feels like being punched in the stomach. It shatters me.

‘All my dysphoric feelings come from my face. It’s hard to explain how difficult I find it to live with it at times. 

‘I’ve developed several, probably unhealthy, coping techniques such as only looking at my face from certain angles and avoiding mirrors.

‘If I see a photograph of me taken by someone else it almost always sends me into a spiral of self-hatred that lasts for days.

‘I’ve had to delete most of my social media accounts to stop constantly negatively comparing myself to other women.’

She hopes her page will help raise awareness that not all operations for those going through a gender change is funded through the NHS.

On it, Ms Collings wrote: ‘I hate that this is what trans health care is unless you’re independently wealthy.

‘Writing what is essentially a begging letter and waiting to see if your social capital – and all the inequalities that go along with this – is enough to bring in the actual cash I need.

‘I’m no more or no less deserving of adequate health care than any other person. But the reality is there’s no other way of me affording this surgery, and I can’t live this way.’

She hopes her page (pictured) will help raise awareness that not all operations for those going through a gender change is funded through the NHS

She hopes her page (pictured) will help raise awareness that not all operations for those going through a gender change is funded through the NHS

The page went live on Friday and Ms Collings said she was ‘in shock’ after seeing how much had been raised so far.

She said: ‘I really want to thank everyone who has donated, it is overwhelming.

‘It started off being from friends and family but now strangers and other trans people are starting to donate and it really means a lot.


£2,000 A round of hair transplantation in cheaper European countries with a good reputation in this surgery such as Hungary or Turkey

£5,000 Revision Rhinoplasty in a Turkish clinic with a good reputation

£7,400 Revision Rhinoplasty at my preferred surgeon in Spain

£14,000 Either Rhinoplasty and Forehead work or Rhinoplasty and Hair Transplant at my preferred surgeon in Spain

£21,500 The full amount. Everything above. Hair Transplant, Revision Rhinoplasty, Forehead Contouring.

‘It makes you realise that it really is such a small minority of people who are nasty to trans people and the majority of people are supportive and kind.’

Treatments currently funded on the NHS include speech and language therapy, hormone therapy, hair removal and genital surgery.

Anything outside of these procedures has to be subject to an individual funding request from a clinician or, most likely, be privately funded.

A spokesman for NHS England said: ‘NHS England can only commission services that are specified within the NHS prescribing manual or the interim gender dysphoria protocol and service guideline. The decisions on what is contained within this guidance are made with substantial clinical and patient input.

‘There has recently been extensive community consultation and engagement regarding a proposed service specification, but this does not include the introduction of treatments or interventions that are not currently routinely commissioned by NHS England.

‘A separate process exists to develop proposals for new interventions or treatments, which are considered by NHS England’s clinical reference group for gender identity services. Clinical reference groups are made up of experienced clinicians and patients.’