You’re done! Morning Mika cuts off Michael Wolff interview

A ‘Morning Joe’ interview with ‘Fire & Fury’ author Michael Wolff on Thursday abruptly ended after he dodged questions about his insinuation that President Donald Trump is cheating on the first lady with UN Ambassador Nikki Haley.

Co-host Mika Brzezinski delivered the writer’s long-awaited public spanking on MSNBC. Wolff quickly rushed to Twitter in damage-control mode.

‘You might be having a fun time playing a little game dancing around this, but you’re slurring a woman,’ Brzezinski told Wolff before cutting him off and going to a commercial break. ‘It’s disgraceful.’

Wolff said Wednesday in an interview with the website ‘theSkimm’ that Haley ‘seems to have embraced’ the rumor by denying it publicly.

‘Morning Joe’ co-host Mika Brzezinski abruptly cut off Thursday’s interview with author Michael Wolff after he wouldn’t acknowledge that his ‘slur’ against UN Ambassador Nikki Haley was false

Wolf said last month that President Trump was having an affair, and hasn't denied the online consensus that a cryptic passage in his book was referring to Haley having an illicit presidential liaison

Wolf said last month that President Trump was having an affair, and hasn’t denied the online consensus that a cryptic passage in his book was referring to Haley having an illicit presidential liaison

Haley said last week that there's zero truth to Wolff's insinuation that she's sleeping with Trump, and cast the episode as typical of what successful women endure all the time

Haley said last week that there’s zero truth to Wolff’s insinuation that she’s sleeping with Trump, and cast the episode as typical of what successful women endure all the time

The author insisted Thursday that he ‘didn’t go after’ Haley, and ‘I found it puzzling that she would deny something she was not accused of … Certainly, I didn’t accuse her of this.’

‘What I inferred,’ he said, ‘is that … many of the people around the president believe he is still involved with various women.’ 

‘Inferring’ Trump’s infidelity means Wolff was drawing a conclusion based on evidence, but he hasn’t said what that evidence consists of. 

Brzezinski chopped his head off then and there.

‘You’re on the set of “Morning Joe.” We don’t B.S. here,’ she said.

‘If you don’t get it – and you don’t get what we’re talking about – I’m sorry. This is awkward. You’re here on the set with us, but you’re done.’

Haley flatly denied a week ago that she was having an illicit affair with the president. 

She had been at the center of a Washington parlor game over who Wolff was hinting the president was ‘f***ing’ after he made the explosive claim on an HBO program.

The former South Carolina governor said during a Politico podcast interview that the rumor, which the author freely fed last week, is ‘highly offensive’ and ‘disgusting.’

‘It is absolutely not true,’ she fumed.

Brzezinski raked Wolff over the coals before cutting to commercial: 'If you don't get it ¿ and you don't get what we're talking about ¿ I¿m sorry. This is awkward. You're here on the set with us, but you're done'

Brzezinski raked Wolff over the coals before cutting to commercial: ‘If you don’t get it – and you don’t get what we’re talking about – I’m sorry. This is awkward. You’re here on the set with us, but you’re done’

Wolff said last month that he had stumbled onto something 'so incendiary' that he only hinted at it in his book because he didn't have enough evidence to spell it out ¿ information about Trump cheating on the first lady with a public figure

Wolff said last month that he had stumbled onto something ‘so incendiary’ that he only hinted at it in his book because he didn’t have enough evidence to spell it out – information about Trump cheating on the first lady with a public figure

Wolff said during a January taping of ‘Real Time with Bill Maher’ on HBO that he had omitted an episode from his bombshell-laden book despite being ‘absolutely sure’ it was true.

‘It was so incendiary that I just didn’t have the ultimate proof,’ Wolff claimed.

‘You just have to read between the lines,’ Wolff told Maher. ‘It’s toward the end of the book. You’ll know it. Now that I’ve told you, when you hit that paragraph you’re going to say, “Bingo”.’

The political Twittersphere quickly settled on a paragraph that claimed Trump ‘had been spending a notable amount of private time with Haley on Air Force One and was seen to be grooming her for a national political future.’

Haley said Thursday that Wolff’s reporting ‘is absolutely not true.’

‘I have literally been on Air Force One once, and there were several people in the room when I was there,’ she protested.

Wolff’s insinuation, she suggested, is a symptom of the sexist atmosphere successful women endure when they have to dismiss accusations of sleeping their way to the top.

‘At every point in my life I’ve noticed that if you speak your mind, and you’re strong about it, and you say what you believe, there is a small percentage of people that resent that. And the way they deal with it is to try and throw arrows – lies or not,’ she said. 

Wolff used his Twitter account to accuse the 'Morning Joe' co-hosts of gossiping constantly about the president's alleged affairs

Wolff used his Twitter account to accuse the ‘Morning Joe’ co-hosts of gossiping constantly about the president’s alleged affairs

The author claimed he was set up ¿ with Brzezinski inviting him on 'Morning Joe' with the purpose of tossing him off the air

The author claimed he was set up – with Brzezinski inviting him on ‘Morning Joe’ with the purpose of tossing him off the air

Wolff slammed Mika and her co-host Joe Scarborough shortly after Thursday’s broadcast, complaining that while she raked him over the coals for speculating about a presidential affair, the pair regularly dish dirt backstage about Trump.

‘The last time I was on Morning Joe off camera Joe and Mika eager to gossip about who Trump might be sleeping with,’ Wolff tweeted.

He added: ‘It really would be hard to gossip more eagerly off camera than Mika and Joe gossip.’

He tweeted that Brzezinski had invited him on her show ‘with the purpose of being thrown off.’

‘In other words, I had to say what Mika wanted me to say, or else…the hook!’

Wolff also said that President Trump ‘is right about Mika.’

Trump has gone after Brzezinski three times on Twitter.

‘I hear Mika has gone wild with hate,’ he wrote during the 2016 campaign.

In June 2007, he brought down the hammer.

‘I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don’t watch anymore),’ Trump tweeted.

‘Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year’s Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!’

Days later on Twitter he called Brzezinski ‘dumb as a rock Mika.’

Haley has only been alone with Trump once but has had to defend herself against Wolff's claims and an Internet buzzing with smears

Haley has only been alone with Trump once but has had to defend herself against Wolff’s claims and an Internet buzzing with smears

Last year President Trump claimed 'low I.Q. crazy Mika' tried to cozy up to him on New Year's Eve but was 'bleeding badly from a face-lift'

Last year President Trump claimed ‘low I.Q. crazy Mika’ tried to cozy up to him on New Year’s Eve but was ‘bleeding badly from a face-lift’

Mika responded to Trump’s tweets by tweeting a Cheerios promo that reads:’Made For Little Hands.’

Wolff’s book has been a commercial success, selling more than 1.7 million copies.

But it has also become a critical laughingstock, with political journalists and commentators picking apart his reporting – especially after a separate appearance last month on MSNBC.

A mid-afternoon host asked him then whether he had interview recordings that would substantiate his reporting.

‘My evidence is the book. Read the book,’ he responded.

‘If it makes sense to you, if it strikes a chord – if it rings true, it is true.’