Michelle Obama: ‘Forget what they’re saying in Washington’

Michelle Obama sought to comfort Americans troubled by the Trump administration during a visit to the Ellen Degeneres show on Thursday. 

At a serious point in the interview, Ellen told the former first lady that she feels ‘frightened’ about the current state of the world and asked her what her take is on all that’s happening in Washington, DC.   

‘You know, yeah, people are afraid. But then there are people who feel good about the direction of the country. So I mean, that’s what makes this country complicated. Because it’s made up with so many different people from different backgrounds,’ Mrs Obama said. 

While Americans differ wildly when it comes to politics, Mrs Obama said she knows that ‘we do have have a lot in common’ when it comes to our values and humanity. 


First interview: Michelle Obama sought to comfort Americans on Thursday by telling them to ‘forget what they’re saying in Washington’ 

Shared interests: While Americans differ politically, the former first lady says the country has a lot in common 

Shared interests: While Americans differ politically, the former first lady says the country has a lot in common 

Special episode: Mrs Obama appeared on the Ellen Degeneres show on Thursday to celebrate the host's 60th birthday

Special episode: Mrs Obama appeared on the Ellen Degeneres show on Thursday to celebrate the host’s 60th birthday

‘So I would just encourage your viewers, the country, to do the things we do every day – to love each other, to take care of each other, to show empathy. And you can’t do that only when people make you feel good or safe. 

‘We’ve got to do it all across the board. We have to be an open-hearted nation and that’s who we are. And that’s the truth of who we are. 

‘Yeah, so let’s just keep living our lives like that every single day and forget what they’re saying in Washington – that’s not necessarily who we are. We know who we are,’ she said. 

Mrs Obama went on to say that she learned this traveling the country with her husband, former President Barack Obama, when he was in office.   

‘I went to towns and cities all over the place and even if people didn’t agree with me or my husband, they were kind. They were hardworking. They were trying to do the right things every day. And that’s what we have to remember about each other. That’s who we are,’ she said.  

It was the former first lady's first televised interview since her husband left office last year

It was the former first lady’s first televised interview since her husband left office last year

Familiar face: Mrs Obama was a regular guest on Ellen's show during her husband's eight years in the White House 

Familiar face: Mrs Obama was a regular guest on Ellen’s show during her husband’s eight years in the White House 

Also in the interview, Mrs Obama talked about the awkward gift exchange on President Trump’s inauguration day. 

As is custom, the incoming first lady brings a gift for the outgoing president and his spouse. 

On Trump’s inauguration day, Mrs Obama looked a little confused when Mrs Trump brought her a giant box from Tiffany’s with a ‘lovely frame’ in it. 

The awkward moment – Mrs Obama desperately looking around for someone to hand the gift to before her husband took it and placed it inside the White House – became one of the most memorable moments of the day. 

‘Well there is all this protocol,’ Mrs Obama said. ‘This is like a state visit so they tell you they’re going to stand here, and never before do you get this gift so I’m kind of like, “OK…What am I supposed to do with this gift?” 

Present: Mrs Obama also revealed on the show that inside that signature Tiffany-blue box Melania gifted her on Trump's inauguration day was a 'lovely frame'

Present: Mrs Obama also revealed on the show that inside that signature Tiffany-blue box Melania gifted her on Trump’s inauguration day was a ‘lovely frame’

Twitter: The hilarious encounter has become one of the most joked-about moments from Inauguration Day, spawning countless GIFs and memes like this one

Twitter: The hilarious encounter has become one of the most joked-about moments from Inauguration Day, spawning countless GIFs and memes like this one

‘And everyone cleared out and no one would come and take the box. And I’m thinking, do we take the picture with?

‘And then my husband saved the day – see he grabbed the box and took it back inside. But everybody cleared out. No staff, no one. I was like what do you do with the box?’ 

Mrs Obama appeared on the show for Ellen’s two-part birthday special. 

Others who stopped by included Jimmy Kimmel and Jennifer Aniston. 

Mrs Obama was a frequent guest on the show during her husband’s time in office and she even co-hosted in 2016.

As part of this, the pair appeared in a sketch in which Ellen took Michelle to CVS to prepare her for life after the White House. The clip has garnered almost 29 million views on YouTube.

In 2015 the former first lady participated in a dance party to Uptown Funk with the So You Think You Can Dance choreographers. 

In 2012, Michelle famously participated in a push-up competition with Ellen to promote her anti-obesity initiative Let’s Move.

Ellen turned 60 on January 26 and since then a host of celebs have wished the star happy birthday, including Justin Timberlake, Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard.   

Cohost in 2016: In a sketch for the show, Ellen took Michelle to CVS to prepare her for life after the White House. The clip has garnered almost 29 million views on YouTube

Cohost in 2016: In a sketch for the show, Ellen took Michelle to CVS to prepare her for life after the White House. The clip has garnered almost 29 million views on YouTube

Friends: On Thursday, Michelle, pictured cohosting in 2016, will appear in front of an audience of people who are paying it forward as part of the host's #OneMillionActsofGood campaign

Friends: On Thursday, Michelle, pictured cohosting in 2016, will appear in front of an audience of people who are paying it forward as part of the host’s #OneMillionActsofGood campaign

Campaign: In 2012, the former first lady participated in a push-up competition with Ellen to promote her anti-obesity initiative Let's Move

Campaign: In 2012, the former first lady participated in a push-up competition with Ellen to promote her anti-obesity initiative Let’s Move

Frequent guest: In 2015 Michelle participated in a dance party to Uptown Funk with some of the choreographers from So You Think You Can Dance

Frequent guest: In 2015 Michelle participated in a dance party to Uptown Funk with some of the choreographers from So You Think You Can Dance

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk