High school dropout starts successful business

At 26-years-old, Julia Brodska was in more than $30,000 of debt, was unhappy with her career and tipped the scales at 76 kilograms.

But just two years on, the Sydney woman has turned her life around after losing 15 kilograms and building a successful meal delivery business.

Ms Brodska, who hails from the Ukraine, hasn’t forgotten the pain she felt at realising her life wasn’t what she hoped.

Speaking to FEMAIL, the now 28-year-old recalled the night she broke down in tears.

At her lowest point, Julia Brodska (pictured) tipped the scales at 76 kilograms. She had previously weighed 55 kilograms and said the weight slowly crept on over a couple of years

Ms Brodska shared how embracing a healthy lifestyle helped turn her life around

Ms Brodska shared how embracing a healthy lifestyle helped turn her life around

‘I wasn’t doing anything I was passionate about and I wasn’t where I wanted to be. All of my bad decisions had caught up with me,’ she said.

‘It was a really low moment and I hated myself.’ 

Ms Brodska explained that although she had been working for 10 years, she was swamped with $30,000 of debt.

‘I had credit cards, which turned into overdrafts and loans, and that wasn’t even including my car loan,’ she said. 

Prior to her 'breakdown moment' the 28-year-old was drowning in debt and stuck in a job she no longer felt satisfied with

Prior to her ‘breakdown moment’ the 28-year-old was drowning in debt and stuck in a job she no longer felt satisfied with

She also said that because of her lifestyle, she wasn’t taking care of herself properly and her weight increased from 55 kilograms to 76 kilograms. 

‘I was drinking and eating out all the time and I slowly put on the weight. One day I was a size eight, then next I was a 10, then 12. Size 14 was my biggest,’ she said.  

Then there was the issue of her job. While she had been with the same company for years, she no longer felt satisfied in her career.

‘I dropped out of school at 14, and started working right away,’ she said. ‘Although I moved through the ranks I just wasn’t growing.’

The 28-year-old, who hails from the Ukraine, but is now based in Sydney, said identifying her goals helped turn her life around 

The 28-year-old, who hails from the Ukraine, but is now based in Sydney, said identifying her goals helped turn her life around 

Ms Brodska said she found it hard to continue at school after her father had died from complications following a stroke when she was 10. 

While her current situation was dire, the young woman said a friend helped her write down some goals to help get her life back on track.

‘I wanted to get a better job, get out of debt, lose 10 kilograms, and write a book. From there I broke it down into the steps I needed to take to achieve these,’ she said.

Her meal delivery service has over 200 people wanting her healthy, fresh meals every week

Her meal delivery service has over 200 people wanting her healthy, fresh meals every week

One of her aspirations, eating healthily, would ultimately take her life in a totally new direction.

‘I didn’t know how to cook anything that was healthy. For me healthy was pouring sauce on ribs from a bottle,’ Ms Brodska said.

She said started by slowly teaching herself more about nutrition, and then started taking lunches to work which caught the eye of her colleagues.

‘They would tell me how jealous they were when they saw me heat up my little box of goodness every day,’ she said. 

Though she manages a team of three chefs who help her make 500 meals a week, Ms Brodska also has a part-time job with an accounting firm

Though she manages a team of three chefs who help her make 500 meals a week, Ms Brodska also has a part-time job with an accounting firm

Soon afterwards, Ms Brodska started preparing meals for her co-workers. They would give her $50 for the groceries and write their orders on makeshift menu forms.

From that humble beginning, Ms Brodska launched Juu’s Kitchen and since September last year, her meal delivery service has been dropping off fresh and healthy meals to around 200 people a week.

As well as heading up the business which employs a team of three chefs to make close to 500 meals a week, the dynamic Ms Brodska also has a new part-time job at an accounting firm.

Her advice to anyone who may be struggling is to take a leap of faith and be a bit delusional

Her advice to anyone who may be struggling is to take a leap of faith and be a bit delusional

Ms Brodska is also a fitness fanatic and said barely a day goes by where she doesn’t go to the gym or take a walk; she now weighs 60 kilos.

Ms Brodska credits hard work and determination for turning her life around and believes it’s always worth remembering anything is possible.

‘You have to believe in yourself and be a little bit delusional,’ she said. 

‘When I was dropping out of school everybody said to me that I was never going to make it, but anything is possible if you work hard.

‘Start by taking one day at a time, one step at a time,’ she concluded. ‘Push through the cr**py days and celebrate the good moments you have.’ 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk