‘Joy’ not a part of serving in Congress, says GOP lawmaker

The Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee indicated Thursday that he didn’t blame his colleagues for fleeing Congress.

‘Joy would not be one of the top words I would use to describe it,’ Rep. Mac Thornberry told reporters Thursday at the House and Senate GOP retreat in Sulphur Springs, West Virginia.  

Thornberry was asked about the ‘joy factor’ in Congress, on the heels of another high-profile departure: that of House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, who made a name for himself by handling the Benghazi investigation. 

Rep. Mac Thornberry, a Texas Republican, addressed reporters Thursday at the House and Senate Republican retreat in Sulphur Springs, West Virginia 

Rep. Mac Thornberry, the chair of the House Armed Services Committee, was asked about the 'joy' factor of serving in Congress. He didn't have many good things to say 

Rep. Mac Thornberry, the chair of the House Armed Services Committee, was asked about the ‘joy’ factor of serving in Congress. He didn’t have many good things to say 

Rep. Mac Thornberry was asked about another high-profile departure, that of House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, who announced his retirement on Wednesday 

Rep. Mac Thornberry was asked about another high-profile departure, that of House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, who announced his retirement on Wednesday 

Gowdy surprised the political world by sending out a statement the morning after President Trump’s State of the Union speech, saying he was done.  

‘I will not be filing for re-election to Congress nor seeking any other political or elected office; instead I will be returning to the justice system,’ Gowdy said.

‘Whatever skills I may have are better utilized in a courtroom than in Congress, and I enjoy our justice system more than our political system,’ he noted. ‘As I look back on my career, it is the jobs that both seek and reward fairness that are most rewarding.’ 

Thornberry said that ‘there’s no question’ that partisanship has increased, which has made work on Capitol Hill more challenging. 

‘And I think most people got elected to try to do things for the country, as partisanship has increased, it is become more challenging to be productive and do things for the country,’ the said. 

As a national security person, Thornberry said he’s fortunate because he works in an area that ‘probably has the most bipartisan cooperation.’ 

‘That’s the reason why I’m still in Congress after 23 years,’ he said.  ‘But I think in a longer, larger context we all ought to think about how we continue to attract and retain top quality people for public service.’ 

‘It’s a challenge and if we can’t do that, we’re going to have really good people like Trey Gowdy who are not willing to do that,’ he continued, adding that sometimes it is up to personal preference, and Gowdy ‘may like to be a lawyer in front of judges and juries and so forth.’ 

But overall, Thornberry’s words served as a warning.  

‘I think as a country we need to think about how, the importance of attracting and retaining good people in public service because the future of our country depends on it,’ he said.

Asked about Fortenberry’s comments, National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Steve Stivers said he felt ‘pretty good’ about GOP recruitment going into the 2018 midterms. 

‘There are certainly,’ Stivers said, pausing. ‘The job is not all rainbows and unicorns, but we’ve been able to convince a lot of folks to run for Congress.’   

Fortenberry’s frank assessment also came on the heels of Sen. Joe Manchin, West Virginia’s Democratic senator, complaining, ‘This is why Washington sucks.’  

Manchin’s complaints were about the turncoat nature of politics, as the Democrat had stood and clapped during President Trump’s State of the Union Tuesday night, and even embraced the president after the speech. 

He was repaid for his kindness with a series of attack tweets, courtesy of Vice President Mike Pence. 

‘Sen. Joe Manchin is going to keep voting against West Virginia & I think Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are pretty happy w/ the way he votes,’ Pence wrote. ‘But WV needs to let him know that they EXPECT BETTER & they need to let Joe know that WEST VIRGINIA DESERVES BETTER.’ 

Pence also knocked the West Virginia senator for his no votes on killing Obamacare and defunding on Planned Parenthood, predicting the Democrat would vote against the border wall. 

Manchin is one of a handful of Democrats Republicans are hoping to pick off in order to bolster their one-seat majority in the U.S. Senate.   

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