Gastro bug strikes Gold Coast boarding school Southport

  •  50 students at the South Port School in the Gold Coast are sick with gastro
  •  The primary school across the road has not been impacted by the outbreak
  • Doctors and nurses are caring for the boys in a hall and the school hospital
  • The boarding house and kitchen have been inspected by Queensland Health
  • The primary school attached to the prestigious school is not impacted  

Fifty boys at an elite boarding school struck down with a gastro bug are recovering but feeling ‘tired’ and drained’.

The ill boarders are being looked after by doctors and nurses in an isolated assembly hall and school hospital at The Southport School on the Gold Coast.

In an email to parents, Headmaster Greg Wain said Queensland Health has advised the school to isolate the boys for 48 hours.

50 students at the elite Southport School on the Gold Coast are recovering within the school

‘The boys are tired and somewhat drained of energy but resting up well and housed in camp beds in the assembly hall and school hospital to keep them away from the other boys,’ he said in the email seen by Daily Mail Australia.

‘All the boarders are under the doctors’ care and we have registered nurses with the ill and recovering boys at all times.  

‘They remind us that washing hands regularly in such circumstances is important, and that people with such symptoms should see their doctor.’

The school is being cleaned with disinfectant regularly to keep the bug under control

The school is being cleaned with disinfectant regularly to keep the bug under control

Queensland Health has inspected the boarding houses and kitchen.

‘All is in order and being cleaned with disinfectant regularly,’ he said. 

‘The school is not closed and we do not envisage that being necessary.’  

The primary school across the road from the boarding house has not been impacted by the outbreak.