Woman doused in ACID after ex ‘lured her to fake date’ 

A TUI holiday rep who suffered 50 per cent burns to her body when acid was thrown over her was allegedly lured to a Tinder date by her ex-boyfriend.

British woman Ellie Chessell is said to have been attacked by a ‘hit man’ in the in Portugal when she went to meet a man called ‘Diogo’.

The 29-year-old was then threatened in text messages as she recovered from horrific burns after the attack in the Algarve last May, which happened two months after she split from Claudio Gouveia. 

Ms Chessell is pictured with Mr Goeveia, who she says organised the attack with a hitman 

TUI rep Ellie Chessell was attacked in the Algarve after arranging to go for a date on Tinder

TUI rep Ellie Chessell was attacked in the Algarve after arranging to go for a date on Tinder

Court files claim Gouveia and an alleged hitman Edmundo Helder Rodrigues Fonseca travelled from the Portuguese island Madeira to the Algarve for a ‘recce’ four days before the attack, according to the Daily Mirror.

Prior to their separation, Ms Chessell had lived in Madeira with Mr Gouveia.

Ms Chessell later told police she believed her ex-boyfriend had organised the ambush after she walked out on him when he allegedly smashed her head against a wall in a row about money and his jealousy. 

Portuguese and UK police were warned the holiday rep was in danger at least a month before acid was thrown at her in May 2016, according to prosecution papers. 

‘I thought at first the liquid was urine because it felt warm but I quickly realised it was acid because the heat became burning and I realised I had been caught in a trap set by my ex-boyfriend,’ she said.

Before the attack she even received a threat that read: ‘I will find you… you are going to die.’  

Mr Fonseca, pictured, was found in a Ugandan jail serving time for heroin charges and is allegedly the hitman who was enlisted for the attack 

Mr Fonseca, pictured, was found in a Ugandan jail serving time for heroin charges and is allegedly the hitman who was enlisted for the attack 

Mr Gouveia, 34, allegedly sent a message to her parents in Newport, Isle of Wight, that said he was going to burn their daughter’s face.

The threats prompted Hampshire police to alert Algarve officers, instructing them to locate Mr Goeveia. 

Ms Chessell says he also pleaded with her to get back together with him in a message that offered a ‘fresh start’ and asked if she thought she’d be better off with anybody else.

When she didn’t reply, the rep was sent a message saying: ‘I’m going to find you and take your head off. You are a slut and you are going to die.’

Prosecutors allege Mr Goeveia continued to message her for two hours, telling her he was going to do ‘something silly’.

Court files claim he carried out reconnaissance in the Algarve  with alleged hitman Edmundo Helder Rodrigues Fonseca four days before the attack.  

The Tinder profile bearing the name ‘Diogo’ allegedly vanished as the holiday rep was assaulted with acid.

Mr Gouveia has been in custody since May 29 when he was arrested in Madeira. 

Mr Goeveia allegedly sent messages telling the rep she was going to make her do 'something silly'

Mr Goeveia allegedly sent messages telling the rep she was going to make her do ‘something silly’

The TUI rep has returned to the UK, where she is receiving treatment for her burns and the post-traumatic stress she suffered

The TUI rep has returned to the UK, where she is receiving treatment for her burns and the post-traumatic stress she suffered

Mr Fonseca, 44, was found in Uganda serving jail time for heroin charges. Prosecutors are believed to be awaiting his extradition before putting the two men on trial.

Ms Chessell has returned to the UK and is undergoing burns treatment as well as receiving therapy for post-traumatic stress.

Court papers record her saying: ‘I had a career with TUI that I enjoyed and fully expected to continue in this role.

‘This has now been put on hold pending my complete recovery.’

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