Boy lost eyesight and a finger after his phone exploded

A boy was found covered in blood after his mobile phone suddenly exploded while being charged at his home in China.

Apparently, the blast was so strong that 12-year-old Meng Jisu, who was reaching for the phone, had his right index finger ripped off and was left blinded in the right eye. 

Jisu, from southern China’s Guangxi Province, is in a non-critical condition and being treated in the hospital, according to Chinese media.

X-ray of Meng Jisu’s right hand shows his index finger was missing from the phone explosion

The 12-year-old was charging his Hua Tong phone at home in Hechi but it suddenly exploded

Doctors confirms to his parents that he is blinded in his right eye

The 12-year-old was charging his Hua Tong phone at home in Hechi but it suddenly exploded (left). Doctors confirms to his parents that he is blinded in his right eye (right)

The blast has also blinded Meng's right eye when it sent sharp plastics into his face 

The blast has also blinded Meng’s right eye when it sent sharp plastics into his face 

The incident took place in Du’an Yao Autonomous County, Hechi, Guangxi Province on January 31, reported China News.

The mobile phone in question is said to be a Hua Tang VT-V59, which is a Chinese brand and is made in China. 

It is understood that the blast blew off Jisu’s right index finger right away. It also sent sharp pieces of plastic into his face, which damaged his right eyeball.  

X-ray pictures showed his palm and a number of other digits on his right hand were also left heavily wounded by the explosion.

Meng’s elder sister told Pear Video, a Chinese video platform, that she heard a loud bang and was shocked to see her brother covered in blood. 

Lan Tianbing, the chief physician at the local People’s Hospital, said the boy’s ‘shredded’ index finger was not brought along with him.

The exploded phone is model VT-V59 of Hua Tong mobile, a China-made phone company

The cause of the explosion is still under investigation

The exploded phone is model VT-V59 of Hua Tong mobile, a China-made phone company. The cause of the explosion is still under investigation

The boy had to undergo a five-hour surgery which doctors removed plastic from his hand and face and have since estimated a 98 per cent of his hand regaining full function in the future.

The boy’s father said the Hua Tang mobile phone was about two years old, and was handed down to his son after he bought himself a new smartphone.

Hua Tang mobile company has not responded in regarding the incident yet.