Real-life Robinson Crusoe makes fire with a plastic bag

This real life Robinson Crusoe has revealed his unbelievable trick for making fire using only a plastic bag filled with water.

Spanish castaway Alvaro Cerezo has visited more than 400 uncharted territories since he decided to trade civilization for surviving on unspoiled pockets of paradise aged 19.

The 36-year-old now makes a living abandoning brave holidaymakers on far-flung desert islands to survive for days or weeks at a time – and has to test out the most treacherous locations himself first.

Now he has revealed amazing new video footage of himself creating a fire on a beach on a desert island in the Philippines in seconds – using only a clear plastic bag full of sea water.

In the clip, Alvaro, from Malaga, uses the plastic bag in the same way as a magnifying glass to pinpoint the sun’s burning rays onto dry coconut kindling, which quickly sets alight.

The survival expert said: ‘I have used this method to make fire so many times.

‘People are usually surprised you can use a plastic bag to make fire – they normally cannot believe it.

‘If explorers don’t carry plastic bags with them, there are always some on the shore of any desert island that have been pulled from the sea.

‘The problem is most of them have little holes which would make the coconut hair wet, meaning it would be impossible to start a fire.

‘Because of this you need to be lucky to find the right plastic bag, as it also must be transparent.

He has revealed amazing new video footage of himself creating a fire on a beach on a desert island in the Philippines in seconds – using only a clear plastic bag full of sea water 

In the clip, Alvaro, from Malaga, uses the plastic bag in the same way as a magnifying glass to pinpoint the sun's burning rays onto dry coconut kindling, which quickly sets alight

In the clip, Alvaro, from Malaga, uses the plastic bag in the same way as a magnifying glass to pinpoint the sun’s burning rays onto dry coconut kindling, which quickly sets alight

Spanish castaway Alvaro Cerezo has visited more than 400 uncharted territories since he decided to trade civilization for surviving on unspoiled pockets of paradise aged 19

The 36-year-old now makes a living abandoning brave holidaymakers on far-flung desert islands to survive for days or weeks at a time - and has to test out the most treacherous locations himself first

Spanish castaway Alvaro Cerezo has visited more than 400 uncharted territories since he decided to trade civilization for surviving on unspoiled pockets of paradise aged 19

Pictured with castaway David Glansheen, Alvaro Cerezo set up his company, Docastaway, in 2003 after staying on an island on the remote archipelago of Andaman and Nicobar in India

Pictured with castaway David Glansheen, Alvaro Cerezo set up his company, Docastaway, in 2003 after staying on an island on the remote archipelago of Andaman and Nicobar in India

‘Once you fill it with water – either fresh or salty – you need to create a round shape by pressing the sides.

‘Then, the water creates the same effect as a magnifying glass.’

Alvaro set up his company, Docastaway, in 2003 after staying on an island on the remote archipelago of Andaman and Nicobar in India and realising he could never work in an office.

He has since helped more than 500 people – from backpackers to millionaires – experience the shipwrecked life for just $1,500 USD per week.

He scours the world for suitably untrodden islands and limits each one to one person or couple at a time and withholds geographic details to ensure genuine isolation.

Alvaro has also successfully used a lightbulb to start a fire and said making a saw out of bamboo to create friction is another commonly-used method.

He added: ‘When I can’t find a plastic bag, I try to find a lightbulb.

‘They are round and so make for the perfect shape, like when you press a plastic bag.

‘You open them carefully and put water inside to create the same magnifying glass effect.’