Law student, 20, hospitalised after her drink was spiked

Pictured: Emily Haig, 20, is currently recovering after her drink was spiked 

A law student was hospitalised for eight days with a life-threatening internal bleeding after her Snowball drink was spiked at a house party. 

Emily Haig, 20, who studies at Newcastle’s Northumbria University, believes the unidentified substance was slipped into her beverage when she wasn’t looking. 

The drug she unwittingly swallowed in the Advocaat and lemon cocktail had a devastating effect, causing her to collapse and stop breathing. 

It left her so dangerously ill she spent eight days in hospital. Severe internal bleeding meant that she needed an urgent blood transfusion.

After recovering at Carlisle’s Cumberland Infirmary, Miss Haig, from Maryport, Cumbria, said: ‘The person who did this should be ashamed.

‘If people want to take drugs, that’s up to them, but they shouldn’t inflict that on somebody else. I’m lucky to be alive.’ 

Her ordeal began as she went to a flat party in Newcastle with friends on January 26. 

She said ‘I was only there 40 minutes and had one drink, which was a snowball. 

‘I suddenly felt very hot, and at first thought it was because there were so many people there. I asked my friend to go outside with me for fresh air.’ 

Once outside, Miss Haig collapsed.

She said: ‘The next thing I knew I was on the floor, with my friend’s boyfriend trying to shake me awake.’

The Northumbria University student, pictured, believes the unidentified substance was slipped into her beverage when she wasn't looking

After recovering at Carlisle's Cumberland Infirmary, Miss Haig, from Maryport, Cumbria, said: 'The person who did this should be ashamed'

The Northumbria University student, pictured left and right, believes the unidentified substance was slipped into her beverage when she wasn’t looking 

Her friends stayed with her, making sure she drank plenty of water. 

At home, the following morning, she vomited. Later, despite feeling unwell, Emily struggled into the restaurant where she works part-time. 

By Sunday evening, she was suffering a headache, shaking, and struggling to breathe. 

She collapsed again at the city’s Royal Victoria Infirmary, where she spent three days as a patient, with suspected internal bleeding. 

Finally discharged yesterday, Miss Haig has been told she must return to hospital for tests in two and four weeks 

Finally discharged yesterday, Miss Haig has been told she must return to hospital for tests in two and four weeks 

After three days, with her condition slightly improved, Miss Haig was discharged and returned to her parents’ home, unaware she was still bleeding internally.

At 9.30pm on Thursday, in the bathroom at home, she again collapsed and was saved by her father Paul.

‘I’d stopped breathing,’ said Emily. ‘My blood pressure was dangerously low and I’d turned blue, but my dad brought me back.’ 

She was taken first to hospital in Whitehaven and then to Carlisle’s Cumberland Infirmary early on Friday, where she had a blood transfusion. 

Finally discharged yesterday, Miss Haig has been told she must return to hospital for tests in two and four weeks. The drug has still not been identified.

She added: ‘More than anything, I’m grateful to be alive. I don’t do drugs. I like a drink, and a cheeky cigarette, but I don’t do drugs. I didn’t ask for this. 

‘People have said I should have been more careful. But why should I have to be? 

‘I didn’t even put my drink down. Somebody dropped something into it when I wasn’t looking. Some people think it’s hilarious to do this. 

‘But it’s not funny. They had no idea how I’d react. If my father hadn’t found me when he did, I would have died.’