Grieving mum launches campaign against suicide 

A woman who was mourning the death of her mother faced a further devastating blow when her own daughter killed herself because she couldn’t cope with her grandmother’s death.  

When Joanne Fenwick lost her mum Audrey, 67, following a two year battle with lung cancer she was left completely devastated.

But just months later, while she was still grieving, her world was shattered when she found her daughter Amy Fenwick, 23, dead in their family home in Consett, County Durham.

In a suicide note, the young graduate explained that she decided to take her own life because ‘I miss my Grandma so now it’s time for me to be with her’.

Amy Fenwick wrote in a suicide note: ‘I miss my Grandma so now it’s time for me to be with her’. She is pictured here with her grandmother Audrey 

Joanne Fenwick found her daughter Amy Fenwick, 23, (pictured together) dead in their family home in Consett, County Durham

Joanne Fenwick found her daughter Amy Fenwick, 23, (pictured together) dead in their family home in Consett, County Durham

The former Sunderland University student was in the middle of a gap year in Australia when she learned of her grandma Audrey’s death, and so flew straight back to the UK.

However, for the next few months, Amy was struggled to cope, and ended her own life on May 18, 2016.

Joanne was inconsolable when she and her daughter Jenna, now 12, found Amy’s lifeless body in the living room of her house.

The 46-year-old said: ‘My mum was getting better, she wasn’t given the all clear but we thought she was getting there.

‘My sister Lynne, 47, and I were both caring for her, but we didn’t think it was her time.

‘I was devastated losing my mam. I found her dead and my heart broke, but one of the first things I thought was ‘how am I going to tell Amy’.

‘When I managed to speak to her on the phone all she did was scream.

‘We all told her to stay out in Oz because there was nothing she could do, but she was back within days.

‘When she came back she was a completely changed girl.

‘She stayed in her room, her hoodie was always up, curtains closed and she wouldn’t let anyone in.

‘I was so worried about her, but I never thought that she would do something like this.

‘I came home and the doors were locked, and the curtains were closed. I knew there was something wrong.

‘When I got in and saw her I was petrified. I sent Jenna out of the house immediately. It was such an awful thing for a 10-year-old to see.

‘I can barely remember anything because I was in so much shock. It just didn’t register.

‘I tried to give her CPR but in my heart I knew that she was already gone.

‘It wasn’t until that night when I was alone that it started to sink in.’

In a letter left for her mum, Amy detailed how her mental health had deteriorated and that she wanted to be back with her Grandma.

The note read: ‘The only person that could understand me was my Grandma, she knew a lot of my secrets and she knew I was a loose cannon within myself.

Not having her around now hurts more than anything.

‘I will never forgive myself for leaving her.

‘I miss my Grandma so now it’s time for me to be with her.’

Now, brave Joanne wishes to raise awareness of suicide to hopefully prevent others from taking their own life.

She added: ‘I knew she was sad but I never ever imagined that she would have done this.

‘I never had time to grieve for my mam because of what happened with Amy.

‘They were so close. They had such a special relationship and they did everything together.

‘For a year after I couldn’t say her name without crying, but now I am determined to try and help as many people as I can by sharing my story.

‘I want other young people to know that there is support out there.’

For confidential support call the Samaritans on 116123 or visit a local Samaritans branch, or see for details.