Charlie Sheen downfall brought on by sexuality struggle

Lenny Dykstra is making more explosive claims about Charlie Sheen just one day after he alleged the actor claimed to have ‘iced’ his assistant and was filmed during a gay sex romp. 

In a lengthy open letter posted to his Facebook account, Dykstra wrote that Sheen’s Hollywood downfall was not the result of his drug use, rap sheet or even his poor making.

‘However, if his drug and alcohol addiction was not the culprit, what was it that caused Charlie’s cataclysmic fall? What catapulted Charlie Sheen into personal and professional oblivion?’ wrote Dykstra. 

‘In short, Charlie Sheen is bisexual.’

Sheen’s lawyer did not respond to a request for comment. 

Charlie Sheen

Gossip girl: Lenny Dykstra (left) wrote in an open letter posted to Facebook that Charlie Sheen’s (right) personal troubles are a result of his sexuality

Just friends: The former baseball star claims that Sheen n(above witj Two and a Half Men co-star Jon Cryer) is bisexual, and his failure to accept that has resulted in his alleged drug use and irresponsible behavior

Just friends: The former baseball star claims that Sheen n(above witj Two and a Half Men co-star Jon Cryer) is bisexual, and his failure to accept that has resulted in his alleged drug use and irresponsible behavior

Dykstra goes on to write that he believes Sheen would be accepted by the public as a bisexual man, and suggests his suffering was all for naught.

‘Particularly, in Hollywood and the Arts, sexual orientation does not preclude an individual from achieving a successful career,’ writes Dykstra. 

‘Hence, Charlie’s problem is not one of public acceptance of his sexual orientation, but rather, Charlie’s inability to accept his own sexuality.’

From there, Dykstra does not mince his words while speaking about his former friend.

‘Unequivocally, Charlie Sheen’s inability to accept his sexuality, eroded his self-worth irreparably, thereby initiating a cascade of inexplicable decisions that resulted in unthinkable consequences,’ wrote Dykstra. 

‘Moreover, said consequences resulted in the ruination of Charlie Sheen, the man, and have created a stench and stain that forever permeate his legacy.’

This is not the first time that Dykstra has very publicly discussed another man’s sexual predilections. 

In a interview with Colin Cowherd back in 2015, he claimed that in 1993 he paid $500,000 to get information on what league umpires were doing in their personal lives, and used that information to blackmail them for better calls at the plate.

Among the information he claims to have used against the men were their extramarital affairs, gambling problems and sexual encounters with other men. 


I’m merely a broken-down baseball player, with my notable accomplishments barely recognizable in the rear-view mirror. So, how did I suddenly find myself deeply entrenched in arguably the most epic Hollywood meltdown of all time? I attempted to rescue my friend Charlie Sheen. But despite my best efforts, ultimately, I was unsuccessful.

Precious few people, primarily his inner circle, are aware of how deeply involved I was in trying to help save Charlie Sheen prior to and during, his epic plunge into the abyss, filled with darkness and despair. I saw it all. I was there.

Sheen with ex-wife Denise Richards in 2005

Sheen with ex-wife Denise Richards in 2005

But even today, the world remains uninformed regarding the facts surrounding the underlying torture that ultimately led to the devastating demise of Charlie Sheen. Undeniably, it is easy and understandable to ascribe Charlie’s predicament to his well-chronicled, drug fueled days and nights. Certainly, he made some horrendous decisions while in the active throes of his addiction.

However, if his drug and alcohol addiction was not the culprit, what was it that caused Charlie’s cataclysmic fall? What catapulted Charlie Sheen into personal and professional oblivion? In short, Charlie Sheen is bisexual.

Although prejudice remains in some, the public has evolved significantly in this acceptance of various sexual orientations. Particularly, in Hollywood and the Arts, sexual orientation does not preclude an individual from achieving a successful career. Hence, Charlie’s problem is not one of public acceptance of his sexual orientation, but rather, Charlie’s inability to accept his own sexuality.

Unequivocally, Charlie Sheen’s inability to accept his sexuality, eroded his self-worth irreparably, thereby initiating a cascade of inexplicable decisions that resulted in unthinkable consequences. Moreover, said consequences resulted in the ruination of Charlie Sheen, the man, and have created a stench and stain that forever permeate his legacy.

Unfortunately, the story does not end there. Charlie was not the only victim of his actions. On the contrary, there is a long list of victims that are suffering, and will continue to suffer, as a consequence of becoming entangled in Charlie’s web. Some knowingly, some unknowingly, but all victims, nonetheless. Charlie must be held accountable for all the suffering he has perpetuated, as a direct result of his inability to accept his sexuality and his HIV status.

I am certain, that Charlie knew I was correct when I warned him, “Every single person you believe is your friend is robbing you.” Time has rendered me prescient, as every single person who was once on Charlie’s payroll, has been eliminated from his life. Now, Charlie is left to lament his horrific decisions because he did not possess the ability to do what was right.

So, the question begs to be asked, “Why tell this story now?” Well, one only has to be reminded of the multitude of celebrities who have died lonely deaths from drug overdoses, while those closest to them turned the other way when they saw the signs, or worse, reaped financial and material gain from their compromised state. Recent headlines are littered with a seemingly unending carousel of celebrities, including Harvey Weinstein, Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer, and Steve Wynn, among others, who have been publicly humiliated as a consequence of succumbing to their addictions.

Achieving the pinnacle of success can create a lifestyle that gives an individual an aura of invincibility, and a false sense of what is right. When that veil of invincibility is pierced, however, the fall from the penthouse is swift and precipitous.

Charlie Sheen has fallen from Mt. Everest. He has cushioned his fall by enveloping others on his way down. He must face that reality and answer for such. Nonetheless, Charlie’s story is a cautionary tale.

It is easy, but insufficient, to blame Charlie and the cast of characters that facilitated his demise and raped him in the process. It is easy to be justifiably angry and unwilling to forgive Charlie for the unspeakable harm and suffering he has caused innumerable individuals and families. It is easy to say, “Good Riddance!” It is easy to point fingers at the lifestyle that Hollywood creates and embodies. In contradistinction, it is somewhat difficult to look at Hollywood as an exaggerated extension of our mainstream society, rather than an aberrant outlier in an otherwise normal society. Perhaps most difficult of all, is self-reflection, whereby we all ask, “What if anything, did I do to contribute to our present state?”

Ultimately, it can be argued that we all have an ownership stake in society, regardless of how minuscule, myself included. Therefore, if we accept that premise, then we all bear some responsibility for Charlie Sheen’s demise. We owe it to ourselves to learn from this and each other. We need to get better, regardless of how hard that may be.


Dykstra shared more wild stories in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter about Sheen, including one about the time he asked the actor how his former right-hand man Robin ‘Rick’ Calamaro died.

‘He said, “You mean Dead Rick? What f***ing happened is the motherf***er tried to blackmail me just like you said – wanted $5 million. I had him f***ing iced,”‘ said Dykstra in the interview.

‘He said he had a hot dose put in there.’

A hot dose is a term that is used to describe a lethal additive that is unknowingly put into an intravenous drug user’s needle, though Calamaro’s autopsy declared his death was an accidental overdose. 

The comment seems like it could also be Sheen making a dark joke.

 Calamaro was a former nightclub promoter who briefly worked as Sheen’s assistant.

That brief stint was enough to put Calamaro in the national spotlight after it was revealed he was with Sheen during his infamous 2010 breakdown at The Plaza Hotel in New York City.

Sheen trashed his hotel room after a dispute with Capri Anderson in October 2010, with the escort later found naked and locked in a closet.

The actor’s ex-wife Denise Richards and their two daughters were also staying at the hotel in a room across the hall. 

Calamaro was found dead in his apartment surrounded by prescription pill bottles in 2012, and a autopsy later revealed his cause of death as multiple drug intoxication.

Dykstra also claims in the interview that Sheen is featured in a gay sex tape while also alleging that the former Two-and-a-Half Men star told him that he contracted HIV from a transsexual tryst. 

Sheen would not agree to be interviewed for the story, and the lawyer who Dykstra claims showed him the gay sex tape denies that claim.

‘This just never happened,’ said Keith Davidson, who has recently been in the news for allegedly getting porn star Stormy Daniels a sex-figure payout to keep quiet about her affair with President Trump.  

Dykstra was also unable to offer any proof supporting his claims about the gay sex tape or Sheen’s statement about his assistant.

And Shane Bernard, Sheen’s current lawyer, said Dykstra was making ‘disturbing, vile and outright ridiculous claims.’ 

Felon: The former baseball star, who served six months in prison for bankruptcy fraud, said upon his release in 2013 he asked Sheen about Rick Calamaro's death (Dykstra above at a 2011 arraignment)

Felon: The former baseball star, who served six months in prison for bankruptcy fraud, said upon his release in 2013 he asked Sheen about Rick Calamaro’s death (Dykstra above at a 2011 arraignment)

Rick Calamaro and the grand opening of The Lincoln Steakhouse

Rick Calamaro  in 2010

RIP: Calamaro, who was Sheen’s former assistant, died in 2012 of an accidental overdose (left in 2009, right in 2010)

Dykstra began running into major problems in his life post-baseball starting in 2009 when he was forced to file for bankruptcy after becoming unable to pay the mortgage on the multimillion home he had purchased from hockey legend Wayne Gretzky just years earlier.

The home was sold a year later at a foreclosure auction.

Then, in April 2011, Dykstra was charged with bankruptcy fraud after it was determined he had been selling off property from his home and baseball memorabilia while hiding the profits.

He was arrested and bailed out of jail by Sheen, who put up the $22,000 to set his friend free.

A few months later in June he was charged with grand theft auto and drug possession after he was found with cocaine and ecstasy.

He ran afoul of the law that August as well when a woman claimed that he had exposed himself to her after she responded to an ad he placed on Craigslist looking for a housekeeper.

Dykstra pleaded no contest that October to three of the counts of grand theft auto and filing a false financial statement, and in March 2012 was sentenced to three years in prison.

He was released in July 2013 after serving a little over six months and put on probation.

Dykstra has kept a relatively low profile since his release , though he was accused by Sheen’s porn star ex-fiancee Brett Rossi of stealing $50,000 worth of jewelry in 2015 after she had asked him to help her sell some pieces.

In this new interview, Dykstra claims that he saved Rossi’s life after she allegedly swallowed a handful of Valium.

He said that after Rossi broke up with Sheen she called him and allegedly stated that she had overdosed, which resulted in Dykstra rushing to her home and getting her to a hospital.

‘Scottine says, “I’m dying.” I say, “There’s a number for that: 9-1-1,”‘ said Dykstra. 

“‘No, Charlie won’t like that.” I go over there, she says she needs to go to the bathroom. It hits me. I run in and she’s swallowing a handful of pills. I tackle her and they go all over, but she gets a lot down.’

He continued: ‘Soon I have her in my car, driving to Cedars, flying down the 405, shaking her: “Don’t f***ing die on me, b****!” I was on probation, dude!’

Rossi did confirm the overdose and the fact that Dykstra took her to the hospital, but played down his gallant version of events. 

‘He’s still talking about that?’ asked Rossi. 

Dykstra later said towards the end of the interview that while he and Sheen have made up, he does not believe the two will ever spend time together because of the sex tape her allegedly saw of the actor.

‘He couldn’t face me. He knows what I saw. He’s humiliated,’ said Dykstra.