A bumptious ass and his ‘cracked’ comrades



by Philip Walker (OUP £25)

A British Army Colonel called Cyril Wilson met a junior officer who had just been seconded to the British Consulate in Jeddah in October 1916.

The meeting did not go at all well. The junior officer, Wilson later reported, was a ‘bumptious young ass’. Not only that, he seemed to have an extraordinary ability to put people’s backs up.

Wilson’s colleagues heartily agreed with him. Another described the new arrival simply as ‘weird’. The man, a 5ft 5in, 28-year-old former archaeologist, was called T. E. Lawrence. Within four years, he would be better known as Lawrence of Arabia.

As far as Philip Walker is concerned, Lawrence is the best known of an unjustly forgotten, equally brave — and often equally odd — bunch. Without his fellow officers, he contends, there would never have been a Lawrence of Arabia.

T. E. Lawrence (pictured) was seconded to the British Consulate in Jeddah in October 1916 in hopes of helping Sherif Hussein of Mecca gain independence from the Turks

Even before Lawrence turned up, the British Consulate in Jeddah was a pretty strange place. One of the officers there kept a tame gazelle called Georgie, which would happily eat the wastepaper he dropped on the floor when he was doing his ciphering work. Georgie’s favourite food, however, was boiled rice and curry, followed by a dessert of tea leaves and marmalade mixed with cigarette ends. Rather unsurprisingly, he soon expired.

Jeddah itself was a nest of spies, and flies. The British were there to help Sherif Hussein of Mecca gain independence from the Turks.

When they weren’t spying or bombing, the officers would pass time playing golf, eating jam roly-poly and avoiding the local camels, especially during the mating season when they would become ‘mad with lust’ — one unfortunate man had his head bitten off by an enraged camel.

Most of the people who were stationed in Jeddah couldn’t wait to get out. But for Lawrence, who had always had a keen appetite for self-denial, it was as if he’d just stepped into Paradise. A fluent Arab speaker, he was remarkably good at his job and displayed an unquenchable zeal for blowing things up — especially railways.

In theory, the British were meant to pass themselves off as Arabs when engaged in undercover work. In practice, a lot of them found the idea abhorrent. When Sherif Hussein sent Cyril Wilson a ‘Bedouin rope thing’ to wear over his helmet, Wilson indignantly refused to put it on: ‘If I’m scuppered, I propose to be scuppered in my own uniform.’

Lawrence, of course, liked nothing better than to dress up in Arab gear, which only increased his colleagues’ suspiciousness. But even the biggest doubters had to admit he possessed an almost uncanny sixth sense into what their Arab allies were thinking and feeling.

Lawrence (pictured) was captured and tortured by the Turks in late 1917 

Lawrence (pictured) was captured and tortured by the Turks in late 1917 

It wasn’t long, though, before the pressures began to mount on him — just as they’d piled up on everyone else. Almost the whole staff of the British Consulate seems to have been teetering on the verge of mental disintegration. Within months, Lawrence was writing to a friend: ‘I’ve decided to go off alone to Damascus, hoping to get killed on the way.’

Sometime in late 1917, he was captured and tortured by the Turks. Just what happened has long been one of the great unanswered questions about Lawrence.

In Seven Pillars Of Wisdom, his account of his time in Arabia — and in David Lean’s classic 1962 film — the clear implication is that Lawrence was raped by his Turkish captors and, much to his horror, rather enjoyed it.



Whatever it was, it only deepened Lawrence’s self-loathing and boosted his appetite for self-destruction. Although he was awarded a DSO and a knighthood in recognition of his efforts, he turned them both down and famously gave the Croix de Guerre the French awarded him to a friend’s dog.

At the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, King Hussein was effectively side-lined by the British — to the disgust of those British officers who had fought alongside his troops.

But while Lawrence’s colleagues kept their feelings to themselves, Lawrence himself could never keep quiet for long. As Walker astutely says of him, he would be a master of social media if he were alive today.

There’s no doubt that in setting out to rescue Lawrence’s colleagues from obscurity, Philip Walker has performed a valuable service.

Like Lawrence they were brave, unorthodox and more than a little cracked. But there were two critical differences — they lacked Lawrence’s charisma, as well as his sense of destiny.

All this puts Walker in the awkward position of valiantly trying to push the supporting cast towards the middle of the stage while the main character is hogging the spotlight.

It says a good deal for the strength of his conviction and his powers of persuasion that, by the end, you want to give them all a clap.


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