Bill Maher says #MeToo is creating ‘police state’ for sex

Bill Maher has warned that the #MeToo movement might be creating a ‘police state’ for sex and says a portion of ‘f***ing fragile’ millennials are partly to blame. 

The HBO host was dissecting the #MeToo movement on his Real Time show with guest, New York Times opinion writer Bari Weiss, on Friday night.

Maher suggested that the threshold for what is considered harassment and assault is getting wider and it has created unreasonable expectations.

He added that the lesson men are learning from the movement is to ‘just shut up’ because even when they say the right thing that are attacked for saying something wrong.


Bill Maher suggested on his Real Talk show on Friday night that the threshold for what is considered harassment and assault is getting wider and is creating unreasonable expectations

Maher used Matt Damon as an example given the actor was criticized for saying last year that it needed to be determined if ‘patting someone on the butt and rape’ should be treated the same.

‘When you’re wrong even when you say the right thing, then I feel like a husband,’ Maher said.

The HBO host blamed a certain number of millennials. 

‘This is what I always try to keep in mind when I’m feuding with the millennials – I don’t think it’s the majority of them,’ he said.

‘I think it’s the upper-middle class who grew up screaming at their parents and that was okay. And they are just so f***ing fragile. 

‘I think of them as emotional hemophiliacs and the rest of us have to be so careful around them.’

The HBO host was dissecting the #MeToo movement on his Real Time show with guest, New York Times opinion writer Bari Weiss, on Friday night

The HBO host was dissecting the #MeToo movement on his Real Time show with guest, New York Times opinion writer Bari Weiss, on Friday night

He added that with the first Valentine’s Day since the #MeToo movement gained momentum, nobody would know ‘what to write in the card’.

‘They’re going to bleed what is so great out of life,’ he said.

‘You can make anything 100 percent safe. A police state, they always say, is the safest place to live but you’re in a police state.

‘We don’t want to do that with love. We have spent our whole history as humans saying it’s magical, it’s serendipity – a lot of it happens subconsciously, we don’t know why we’re attracted to someone… 

‘You can’t legislate all this or rule it out of existence.’

During the interview, Weiss acknowledged that she had been lambasted when she came to comedian Aziz Ansari’s defense last month when he was accused of sexual misconduct. 

Her column was titled: Aziz Ansari Is Guilty. Of Not Being a Mind Reader.

‘The hard left is basically saying it’s OK if a few innocent men go down with the ship if that’s what it takes to bring down the patriarchy,’ she told Maher. 

‘They hate zero tolerance on the right when it comes to drug policy but they love zero tolerance when it comes to sexual misconduct.’