Feminist erotica author busted running prostitution ring

A California woman accused of running a 150-woman prostitution ring with her son also happens to be an author of feminist erotica. 

Fay Ruth Romesburg, 59, is accused of conspiring with 38-year-old David Scott Romesburg in an effort to trap women into doing sex work in the north San Francisco, California, suburb of Rohnert Park.

They would arrange for the women to have three appointments: one in Rohnert Park, California, and two in Santa Rosa. 

Fay Ruth Romesburg, 59, is accused of conspiring with 38-year-old David Scott Romesburg in an effort to trap women into doing sex work

Fay Ruth Romesburg, 59, is accused of conspiring with 38-year-old David Scott Romesburg in an effort to trap women into doing sex work

The duo would take a cut of whatever profit the women would make. 

They were accused of pimping and pandering and human trafficking. 

David is also accused of making a woman continue her sex work until her debt to him was paid. He would also commonly withhold earnings from other and would force them to have sex with hi.  

They would arrange for the women to have three appointments: one in Rohnert Park, California, and two in Santa Rosa

They would arrange for the women to have three appointments: one in Rohnert Park, California, and two in Santa Rosa

Fay was reported to having said that she is ‘deeply concerned with female sexual empowerment’ and has considered sex work laws as ‘continued assault on women’s rights.’ 

But she did reject the notion that her home was the location of prositution. 

Police detailed that the manager of the apartment complex in Rohnert Park had suspected that prostitution was happening at the home. 

Five women have also decided to work with prosecution and police in the case. Their ages range from 18 to 50. 

Up to 150 women have been said to be in connection to the ring and five have come forward to help authorities

Up to 150 women have been said to be in connection to the ring and five have come forward to help authorities

The family members haven’t entered a plea deal, seeking more time so that they can hire a private lawyer. 

Fay’s bail is set for $245,000 and her son’s bail is set at $250,000. 

‘I’m a writer, that’s my business,’ said Romesburg to the Press Democrat. 

‘I’m deeply concerned about female empowerment and female sexual empowerment,’ she said. 

The woman is listed on Amazon as being an author of feminist erotica, having supposedly received an English and Pyschology degree from the University of California at Berkeley

The woman is listed on Amazon as being an author of feminist erotica, having supposedly received an English and Pyschology degree from the University of California at Berkeley

The woman is listed on Amazon as being an author of feminist erotica, having supposedly received an English and Pyschology degree from the University of California at Berkeley

Some of her titles include: Extreme Space I and II, Quantum Afterlife, The Kinky Feminist and more

Some of her titles include: Extreme Space I and II, Quantum Afterlife, The Kinky Feminist and more

Some of her titles include: Extreme Space I and II, Quantum Afterlife, The Kinky Feminist and more

‘We need to stop treating these women as victims. They are highly intelligent and educated.’

Fay denied that prostitution took place in the seven-bedroom Santa Rosa home, adding that the women who did rent out the rooms in the building would have difficulty proving income.

‘I may go to prison,’ she added, ‘but I’ve only helped women by giving them a safe place to live.’ 

The woman is listed on Amazon as being an author of feminist erotica, having supposedly received an English and Pyschology degree from the University of California at Berkeley. 

Some of her titles include: Extreme Space I and II, Quantum Afterlife, The Kinky Feminist and more. 



Read more at DailyMail.co.uk