Psychology Professor accidentally plays porn for his packed lecture hall

Professor Steve Joordens unintentionally played porn as he was teaching a psychology course at the University of Toronto Monday

One Psychology professor delivered a masterful lesson on the Freudian slip after he accidentally played hardcore porn in a packed lecture room of 500 students.

Professor Steve Joordens of the University of Toronto’s Scarborough Campus started his 9am course entitled Introduction to Biological and Cognitive Psychology by connecting his computer to the projector, without realizing he had pornography playing on his laptop. 

Then the graphic video played on the big screen in front of the classroom for all the students to see and hear.  

After the video began to play in front of his students, they erupted in shock and laughter.

Some students can be seen leaving as the video plays for at least 10 seconds.

The professor was mortified as he scrambled to turn off the video.

The University of Toronto's Scarborough Campus professor didn't realize the porn was playing on his computer when he connected to the projector during his 9am class on Monday

The University of Toronto’s Scarborough Campus professor didn’t realize the porn was playing on his computer when he connected to the projector during his 9am class on Monday

Students filmed the chaos of the classroom on SnapChat and posted it online on Reddit where it has been shared hundreds of times.

The school said it was offering support to anyone who was disturbed by the video.

The caption in the viral video says: ‘First psychology class…wtf…prof was watching porn before this…’ 

‘When I saw the [pornographic] video, I was surprised. I was not expecting that especially this early in the morning… I found the whole situation funny and he made a lot of people laugh,’ a freshman studying Philosophy who recorded the original video told the campus paper The Varsity. 

Pupils laughed in shock and some walked out as the graphic video played during the Introduction to Biological and Cognitive Psychology

Pupils laughed in shock and some walked out as the graphic video played during the Introduction to Biological and Cognitive Psychology

Joordens has apologized for the incident saying: 'I want to be clear that what happened was completely unintentional and I feel absolutely terrible about it'

Joordens has apologized for the incident saying: ‘I want to be clear that what happened was completely unintentional and I feel absolutely terrible about it’

‘Everyone makes mistakes so I can’t blame him. I hope nothing bad happens in the future and this can just be a thing to laugh about, I hope his job isn’t affected or anything in his personal life either,’ the student added.    

Professor Joordens since released a statement to the campus paper apologizing for his mistake. 

‘With respect to the event that happened prior to my class on Monday the 24th, I want to be clear that what happened was completely unintentional and I feel absolutely terrible about it,’ he said.

‘I have apologized to my class and now I want to move on. Thanks to my students, colleagues and my amazing family for their support and understanding,’ he added.  

‘We can’t discuss personnel matters. But, we are aware of the situation and are encouraging students who are feeling unsettled to speak with staff at the Health & Wellness Centre,’ spokesman Don Campbell said. 

Joordens has been teaching at UTSC since 1995 and has won numerous teaching awards.  

Joordens has taught at the University of Toronto's Scarborough Campus since 1995

Joordens has taught at the University of Toronto’s Scarborough Campus since 1995