Woman gives birth to baby from embryo frozen for 24 years

A 26-year-old woman has given birth to a baby girl from a donated embryo which was frozen for 24 years – the longest ever frozen embryo to come to term.

Tina Gibson’s baby Emma Wren was conceived and fertilized 24 years ago in 1992, but the embryo was frozen instead of implanted. 

Tina, who was born in 1991, could not conceive naturally with her husband Benjamin, because he has cystic fibrosis, so they decided to adopt a frozen embryo from the National Embryo Donation Center in Knoxville, Tennessee.

In March this year, the frozen embryo was thawed then transferred to Tina in an identical procedure to IVF.

On November 25, after a normal 40-week pregnancy with no issues, Tina gave birth naturally – with no drugs and a 24-hour labor – to Emma, who weighed six pounds and eight ounces, and measured 20 inches long.

Looking back, the couple from east Tennessee said they were overcome when they found out they could adopt an embryo.

But it wasn’t until the morning of the ‘transfer’ that they found out it was the longest time an embryo had been frozen, ahead of one in Virginia which was frozen for 19 years and a few months.

Speaking to Daily Mail Online, Tina admits that she was taken aback when, on the morning of the transfer, she found out how long the embryo had been frozen. 

‘Honestly my I was just really worried that it wouldn’t work,’ Tina said. ‘I was like “I don’t want a world record, I want a baby!” But Ben was completely intrigued by it.

‘Then later it hit me when they were about to do the transfer. I said, “you know, I’m just 25… me and her, we could’ve been best friends.”‘ 

Emma Wren Gibson (pictured), born in East Tennessee on November 25, came from the longest-ever frozen embryo. She was conceived 24 years ago, 18 months after her mother Tina

Tina, who was born in 1991, could not conceive naturally with her husband Benjamin because he has cystic fibrosis, which renders 98 percent of sufferers infertile. They were going to adopt and started fostering children but then they heard they could adopt an embryo and have the experience of pregnancy as well. Pictured: Benjamin and Tina with Emma this month

Tina, who was born in 1991, could not conceive naturally with her husband Benjamin because he has cystic fibrosis, which renders 98 percent of sufferers infertile. They were going to adopt and started fostering children but then they heard they could adopt an embryo and have the experience of pregnancy as well. Pictured: Benjamin and Tina with Emma this month

The pregnancy went smoothly. Tina (pictured with Benjamin in early fall) carried the baby to term and delivered at 40 weeks, a natural birth which lasted 24 hours without an epidural

The pregnancy went smoothly. Tina (pictured with Benjamin in early fall) carried the baby to term and delivered at 40 weeks, a natural birth which lasted 24 hours without an epidural


In theory, embryos could be frozen for centuries, according to Dr Kutluk Oktay, reproductive specialist and an ovarian biologist at NYU Winthrop Hospital who pioneered ovarian freezing.

‘This is longer than I’ve ever heard of, and it just shows that if you store them right, embryos could last for decades or hundreds of years,’ Dr Oktay told Daily Mail Online.

‘If the embryo is kept in liquid nitrogen at the right temperature, there is no limit as far as we know.

‘Obviously, we don’t know how long embryos can be kept yet because this hasn’t been going on for very long. Consider how long ago we started freezing these things. You’re not going to have one frozen for longer than that. So right now, this is all we know: that 24 years is possible.’

He explains that the trick is all in maintaining the storage at the same temperature.

‘A lot of times the tank has to be refilled and moved from one location to the other and if the temperature fluctuates it might affect the embryo,’ he explains. ‘But if not, it should be fine.’

He added that without a donation center paying for the costly storage, these cases of quarter-century-old embryos will be rare.

‘Most people don’t want to pay for storage for that long; it costs several thousand dollars a year,’ he said. ‘Twenty-four years… that could be a $50,000 investment.’  

Tina and Benjamin met at church, and dated for most of Tina’s teens.

They got married seven years ago when Tina was 19 years old and Benjamin was 26, because Benjamin has cystic fibrosis (CF), a fatal respiratory disease with a life expectancy in the 30s, and they didn’t want to lose time.

Since fertility is often impossible or highly complicated for CF sufferers, they decided they would adopt. They started fostering children in 2015, which they enjoyed, hosting half a dozen children in one year.

In May, between fostering, they were about to go on a couple’s vacation, and Tina’s father came round to look after their dog. As they were about to leave, he told them he had just heard about embryo adoption on a news report, meaning they could adopt and have the experience of pregnancy.

‘I said, that sounds neat dad but we’re really set on adoption,’ Tina recalled. 

‘Me and Ben had known ever since we started dating that if we were ever going to start a family, we wouldn’t be able to have our own children. We had made peace with that, we were happy and excited about adopting a child, and we had loved fostering. So I just said, neat but no.’

And yet, throughout the entire eight-hour car journey they were reeling. ‘Both of us couldn’t stop talking about it, thinking about it, imagining it,’ Tina said. 

‘We watched every video, read every article… by the end of the trip we knew everything about it. But still, we decided at the end that we still wanted to do adoption, we didn’t know what this was, and we’d spent so long thinking about adoption.’

However, for the next three months, neither could get it out of their heads. 

‘We weren’t talking about it, but I was thinking about it every day. Then one day I came home and we were eating dinner and I said “I think we need to do the embryo adoption”, and Ben said “I know, I’ve thought about it every day, I can’t get it out of my head”.’

After exploring their options, they decided they would adopt their embryo through the National Embryo Donation Center in Knoxville, Tennessee, which has led to 700 pregnancies since 2003 – more than any other organization in the world. 

As of December 2016, Tina was taking hormonal injections so she could try for a transfer. 

In February, they started the procedure to select their embryo. They were given a book with dozens of potential profiles, listing details of the parents at the time of conception – their weight, height, age, skin color. 

Whittling it down felt impossible, they said. ‘We really wanted to do it as soon as possible so were just tearing through them, trying to find anything that could be a no. We’re both short, so anyone over six foot was out. Things like that,’ Tina said.

After selecting 10, they had to pick three, and put them in order. But their order didn’t work; all three need to have been frozen at similar times and been at similar stages of development. The center helped them rejig their selection, putting Emma first.  

‘I think it shows she was just meant to be ours,’ Tina said.  

Tina said it took her a few hours to register the fact that she and Emma were conceived just 18 months apart. She said she is excited for Emma to know the story as well as she grows up

Tina said it took her a few hours to register the fact that she and Emma were conceived just 18 months apart. She said she is excited for Emma to know the story as well as she grows up

Benjamin said Emma is 'perfect' and joked that everyone says she looks like him, despite not sharing any genes

Benjamin said Emma is ‘perfect’ and joked that everyone says she looks like him, despite not sharing any genes


The majority men with cystic fibrosis (around 98 percent) are infertile.

This is due to blockage of the sperm canal, and in some cases complete absence of the canal. 

It is a condition known as congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD). 

As a result, the sperm do not make it into the semen, which means it is impossible for them to reach and fertilize an egg through intercourse. 

Men with cystic fibrosis also have thinner ejaculate and lower semen volume due to a lack of sperm.

As far as Emma was concerned, the pregnancy ran smoothly. The only hiccup came when doctors realized Tina had an unusually short cervix.

‘We thought we might lose her,’ Benjamin explained. ‘It was scary. But Emma was perfect the whole time.’

On the day, Tina went through the entire birth naturally without drugs (‘I have no idea why I did that, it wasn’t for any particular reason and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone!’).

Now the family is preparing for their first Christmas together, in which they are planning on ‘just sitting and staring it her,’ according to Benjamin.  

‘It is deeply moving and highly rewarding to see that embryos frozen 24-and-a-half years ago using the old, early cryopreservation techniques of slow freezing on day one of development at the pronuclear stage can result in 100 percent survival of the embryos with a 100 percent continued proper development to the day three embryo stage,’ Sommerfelt said.

‘I will always remember what the Gibsons said when presented with the picture of their embryos at the time of transfer: “These embryos could have been my best friends,” as Tina herself was only 25 at the time of transfer.’ 

Around 700,000 to over 1,000,000 human embryos are currently stored in the US. 

Asked if they would do it again, Tina said she is not in a hurry to go through labor again, but ‘I’m sure I’ll get baby fever in a year and will want to do it’.

‘Emma has siblings, there are a bunch of other embryos with her DNA,’ Benjamin explained. ‘We’d love to be able to have them too.’

As for whether they will share Emma’s unusual story with her, they both exclaimed: ‘Of course we will!’

‘It’s such an amazing story,’ Tina said. ‘It’s such a miracle. And the fact that she was frozen for 24 years, and I’m 26… It means for sure that she was meant to be ours.’


Couples who go through IVF tend to have extra embryos leftover, which are frozen and stored for later use. 

Eventually, when families decide they don’t want any more children, they have to decide what to do with the leftover frozen embryos.

IVF couples have a few options for their leftover embryos:

  • donate the embryos to research
  •  thaw them and let them die
  • keep them frozen 
  • donate them to a couple who can’t conceive

The National Embryo Donation Center (NEDC) – which is a Christian pro-life organization – stores donated frozen embryos free of charge. The center has received over $3,900,000 in federal funding.

Then, like an adoption agency, the center matches families to the right embryos. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk