France’s foreign minister attacks Jair Bolsonaro in Brigitte Macron row

French foreign minister slams Jair Bolsonaro for ‘managing international relations like an insults competition’ in wake of Brazilian leader’s ‘unworthy’ attacks on Brigitte Macron

  • Jean-Yves Le Drian said ‘one does not manage international relations as an insults competition’ after a series of Brazilian officials took aim at Mrs Macron
  • Jair Bolsonaro had endorsed a sexist Facebook post mocking her appearance 
  • The row began over the Amazon forest fires but has become a personal feud 

France’s foreign minister has taken aim at Jair Bolsonaro after the Brazilian President and his allies launched a series of bizarre personal attacks on French first lady Brigitte Macron. 

Jean-Yves Le Drian said the comments by top Brazilian officials were ‘unworthy’ and raged that ‘one does not manage international relations as an insults competition’. 

‘I see the persistence of aggressive words, invective that is not acceptable,’ he told Europe radio. 

What began as a dispute about the Amazon forest fires mushroomed into a deeply personal feud between the two Presidents when Bolsonaro endorsed a sexist attack on Mrs Macron’s appearance. 

Two of his aides have since compounded matters. 

France's foreign minister Jean-Yves Le Drian

France’s foreign minister has taken aim at Jair Bolsonaro after the Brazilian President and his allies launched a series of bizarre personal attacks on French first lady Brigitte Macron

Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron are seen together at the G7 summit in France where the row with Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro began

Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron are seen together at the G7 summit in France where the row with Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro began 

Brazilian martial arts legend Renzo Gracie, now a tourism ambassador for the country, called Brigitte Macron a ‘dragon’ in a bizarre video. 

In the clip he said Emmanuel Macron was a ‘clown’ who is ‘talking rubbish’, before making threats of violence. 

‘Come over here you’ll be caught by the neck, that chicken neck. You don’t fool me’ the former MMA fighter said.   

Matters escalated further on Thursday when economy minister Paulo Guedes called Mrs Macron ‘truly ugly’. 

Guedes apologised on Thursday night, saying he did not mean to offend Mrs Macron. 

The row has been simmering since the G7 summit in France last month when Macron and Bolsonaro clashed over the Amazon fires. 

It descended into personal attacks when Bolsonaro endorsed a sexist Facebook post about Mrs Macron, 66. 

A Bolsonaro supporter posted this meme mocking Brigitte Macron and comparing her unfavourably with Brazil's first lady 37-year-old Michelle Bolsonaro. It says: 'Now you understand why Macron is persecuting Bolsonaro?' The far-right Brazilian leader replied: 'Do not humiliate the guy, ha ha,' referring to Mr Macron

A Bolsonaro supporter posted this meme mocking Brigitte Macron and comparing her unfavourably with Brazil’s first lady 37-year-old Michelle Bolsonaro. It says: ‘Now you understand why Macron is persecuting Bolsonaro?’ The far-right Brazilian leader replied: ‘Do not humiliate the guy, ha ha,’ referring to Mr Macron

Renzo Gracie posted a video to Twitter amid rising tensions between the Brazilian and French governments following Macron's criticism of Brazil's reaction to the devastating wildfires in the Amazon rainforest

In the clip, Gracie, 52, says Macron is a 'clown' who is 'talking rubbish' before making threats of violence

Brazilian former martial arts star Renzo Gracie posted a video to Twitter in which he called Brigitte Macron a ‘dragon’ and Emmanuel Macron a ‘clown’ who is ‘talking rubbish’ before making threats of violence

A Bolsonaro supporter shared a meme mocking Mrs Macron’s looks, and compared her unfavourably with Brazil’s 37-year-old first lady Michelle Bolsonaro. 

The Brazilian leader, 64, replied: ‘Do not humiliate the guy, ha ha,’ referring to the French President.  

Macron blasted the ‘extraordinarily rude’ Bolsonaro in response. 

Bolsonaro then hit back again, accusing Macron of treating Brazil like ‘a colony or no-man’s land.’ 

Even Jean-Luc Melenchon, one of President Emmanuel Macron’s political rivals, issued a social media post on Friday declaring his ‘disgust for such brutes’ after the series of attacks by Brazilian officials.   

Bolsonaro has accused France of interfering in its domestic politics by making demands over the Amazon fires.  

He has said Europe has ‘nothing to teach’ Brazil about preserving the environment.

However, Bolsonaro has found an ally in the United States where President Donald Trump praised his handling of the crisis and offered U.S. assistance. 

Brazil's economy minister Paulo Guedes (pictured) said he agreed with President Jair Bolsonaro's comments about 66-year-old Ms Macron's looks

He said: 'The president said it - it's true. The woman is truly ugly'

Brazil’s economy minister Paulo Guedes (left) said he agreed with President Jair Bolsonaro’s comments about 66-year-old Ms Macron’s looks. He said: ‘The president said it – it’s true. The woman is truly ugly’