Force failed to take action over paedophile police officer

Policewoman accuses force of failing to take action over paedophile officer, 47, despite regular reports about his lewd behaviour – including exposing his testicles at work

  • PCSO Peter Bunyan was locked up for 16 years for sexually abusing young girls 
  • Senior officers ‘ignored’ colleagues who raised concerns about his behaviour 
  • He was reported over sexual relations with vulnerable women while on duty  
  • Was convicted of rape and sexual assault against victims aged between 3 and 5

PCSO Peter Bunyan was convicted of raping and sexually assaulting victims as young as three

Police have been accused of failing to take action over a paedophile officer and ignoring colleagues who raised concerns about his lewd behaviour. 

PCSO Peter Bunyan was jailed for 16 in 2016 after being convicted of raping and sexually abusing two victims, aged between three and five.

But Devon and Cornwall Police has been accused of ignoring staff members who reported him rubbing his groin on them, making sexual comments and touching them.

One woman, named ‘Alison’ to conceal her identity, told ITV’s Exposure: Predator Police Uncovered that several female officers fell victim Bunyan’s inappropriate behaviour.

She said concerns about his conduct regarding sexual relations with vulnerable women while on duty were raised but never acted on by superiors. 

Bunyan, a former PCSO in Redruth, had previously spent time in prison and was sacked after being convicted of having sex with domestic violence victims and a woman with mental health difficulties while on duty. 

It was reported he ‘used the police database as a dating agency.’

‘Alison’ said: ‘He was a wholly unpleasant man, inappropriate from day one. He would make jokes, sexualised comments and would often put his arm around you, often encroach your personal space, so much so it would make you feel really uncomfortable.

‘[He was] absolutely vile. If you were sat at the computer he would stand touching you with his crotch.

‘He’d rub his crotch against you or on the back of your chair. He put his hand over your shoulder and lean over although there were other computer terminals he could have used. And he did that with all the female PCSOs.

‘It almost became a running joke in the police station. Nobody wanted to be left alone with Peter Bunyan and you’d change shifts so you weren’t on a late with him.’

Devon and Cornwall Police has been accused of ignoring staff members who reported Bunyan (pictured) rubbing his groin on them, making sexual comments and touching them

Devon and Cornwall Police has been accused of ignoring staff members who reported Bunyan (pictured) rubbing his groin on them, making sexual comments and touching them

On one occasion Alison said Bunyan revealed himself in front of other officers.

She said: ‘He had a vasectomy and it became infected, apparently. One day in the office he took his testicles out to show people how infected they were. It was brought up with the sergeant a couple of days later but nothing even happened.

‘I was witness to many, many reports of inappropriate behaviour and none were ever taken seriously. I’ve never known a police officer make a complaint that was taken seriously.’ 

Alison described how he’d disappear for hours at a time and set his radio to ‘code eight’, meaning that he was not contactable.

She said he would regularly go and see a woman with learning and mental health difficulties at her flat, something that became obvious to other officers.

She added: ‘We had access to all the police systems and some of the most vulnerable people in society. I’m 100% confident his superiors knew his behaviour was inappropriate but maybe they didn’t know the true extent of it.’

The documentary also revealed that Bunyan had been a PC in Hampshire and was being investigated when he left.

But on his PCSO application to Devon and Cornwall Police he said he left because he was ‘too young’. 

Devon and Cornwall Police are also accused of failing to contact the Hampshire force for a reference. 

A total of six complaints were made against Bunyan by fellow officers.

Last year Bunyan had his 24-year sentence slashed by Appeal Court judges to 16 years, with an additional year on licence.

In a statement, Devon and Cornwall Police said: ‘The recruitment of Peter Bunyan was conducted according to the processes in place at the time. There were no breaches in these processes. 

‘This is an issue we have and continue to take extremely seriously. We take every step necessary to ensure that any cases that are raised with us, or which we proactively identify, are thoroughly investigated and that appropriate measures are put in place to try to prevent future occurrences.

‘Like any other organisation, whether public or private, the police service has staff members who do not uphold the standards expected. Where that is identified in Devon and Cornwall Police, the Deputy Chief Constable has moved quickly to dismiss such people from the organisation.’