Robert De Niro’s ex-employee asks New York court to DISMISS his $6million lawsuit against her

Robert De Niro’s former employee, who accused the actor of gender discrimination and wage violations in a lawsuit, is seeking to have his $6million lawsuit against her dismissed from Manhattan federal court. 

Graham Chase Robinson’s attorneys filed the motion on Monday, saying De Niro’s suit should be dismissed until a final judgement has been concluded on her claims. 

Robinson’s attorneys argue that the allegations in De Niro’s lawsuit contain ‘false and prejudicial allegations,’ and was done to punish her for speaking out about his ‘illegal employment practices,’ according to documents obtained by 

Additionally, Robinson hopes to strike specific allegations, including that Robinson used company time to watch 55 episodes of ‘Friends’ in four days and that she falsely reported her vacation days. 

Pictured: Robert De Niro

Graham Chase Robinson (left) has asked New York federal court to dismiss Robert De Niro’s (right) lawsuit against her until a final judgement has been concluded on her claims

Canal Productions, Inc., De Niro’s company,  also accused Robinson of using the company American Express card to lash out tens of thousands of dollars on lavish trips, floral arrangements, iPhones, Uber rides, a Louis Vuitton handbag, dog sitters and pricey dinners.

‘These inflammatory accusations are scandalous and prejudicial – so much so that they “went viral”,’ documents say. 

‘The assertion that Ms. Robinson took nearly half a year’s worth of vacation days on the sly is inherently implausible,’ they say, which Canal alleged was fraud. 

Canal’s lawsuit requests that Robinson pay $6million – $3million for the lawsuit and $3million in damages – but Robinson’s attorney ask for this dropped as well. 

They say the request is ‘clearly excessive and unattainable’

Canal Productions, Inc., De Niro's company, also accused Robinson of using the company American Express card on various items, including Uber rides, a Louis Vuitton handbag and dog sitters

Canal Productions, Inc., De Niro’s company, also accused Robinson of using the company American Express card on various items, including Uber rides, a Louis Vuitton handbag and dog sitters  

The attorney’s also maintain that the lawsuit brought against her was a preemptive strike and was an act of unlawful retaliation.  

‘In the weeks and days before Canal filed this Complaint, Ms. Robinson informed her former employer, Canal, and its owner, Robert De Niro, through counsel, that she was contemplating bringing a lawsuit against them for…employment discrimination and wage-and-hour violations under federal, state, and New York City law,’  documents say. 

‘In response, Canal retaliated and struck first by filing this preemptive lawsuit and naming Ms. Robinson as a defendant.’ 

Documents claim that De Niro (pictured) filed the lawsuit against Robinson to hider she ability to legally pursue her claims, destroy her reputation and eliminate future job prospects

Documents claim that De Niro (pictured) filed the lawsuit against Robinson to hider she ability to legally pursue her claims, destroy her reputation and eliminate future job prospects

Robinson’s attorneys say that De Niro’s lawsuit was designed to hider she ability to legally pursue her claims, destroy her reputation and eliminate future job prospects. 

Robinson filed her lawsuit in October, claiming that De Niro overworked her, underpaid her throughout her stay at the company and directed ‘vulgar, inappropriate and gendered comments,’ her way. 

Documents say that Robinson was treated as an ‘office wife’ who was subjected to sexually-charged comments and verbal abuse. 


Lawyers for Robinson say De Niro was ‘verbally abusive’ and ‘would frequently bully, berate, and curse at her’.

One example was captured in the November 2012 voicemail, transcribed below:

De Niro: ‘Chase, you are living in Spain and you’re f***ing upset with me cause now you tell me how nice you have it your life over there and you f***ing don’t answer my call?

‘How dare you. You are absolutely fired, you’re f***ing history.

‘How dare you with all the good things you do this is bulls*** after Christmas.

‘F*** this, how dare you f***ing disrespect me how much you did. You want a f***ing another position? You want another position. Then change and go off somewhere.

‘Don’t f***ing get angry with me cause I’m p***ed off cause I didn’t get a simple thing I need more than right now here out in California when I am here for less than 24 hours.

‘You got to be f***ing kidding me you spoiled brat, f*** you! So quit whenever you want, god damn ya how can you f***ing so you don’t answer you’re upset cause you’re living in Spain you spoiled f***ing brat.’

De Niro allegedly called Robinson a b****, brat and referred to a female business partner as a c*** in the presence of Robinson.

‘De Niro would unleash tirades against Ms. Robinson – often while he was intoxicated– in which he denigrated, berated, bullied, and hurled expletives at her,’ the documents say. 

Among other complaints, Robinson claims De Niro would direct her to scratch his back, button his shirts, tie his ties, fix his collard and wake him when he was in bed.  

‘De Niro routinely assigned Ms. Robinson job duties that were stereotypically female…De Niro directed Ms. Robinson to put away his boxers, hang up his clothes, wash his sheets, vacuum his apartment, set his table, mend his clothing, and select gifts for his children,’ documents say. 

‘De Niro insisted on having a female take care of him and responded angrily when Ms. Robinson objected to performing these stereotypically female duties.’ 

Robinson began working for De Niro as an executive assistant when she was 25-year-old in 2008. 

She reportedly hoped to build a career in the entertainment industry, but resigned from her role of vice president of production and finance in 2019. 

‘She eventually quit because she could no longer endure the hostile work environment,’ the document say.   

Previously, leaked audio revealed De Niro verbally lashing out at Robinson and calling her a ‘spoiled brat’ in a voicemail after she did not pick up the phone.  

De Niro has not publicly responded to Robinson’s allegations.