Man trampled by elephant was taking a selfie in India

This is the moment when an Indian man is trampled to death by a wild elephant after he tried to pose for a photo with the animal. 

Ashok Bharti, 50, had reportedly been drinking alcohol before approaching the lone elephant near Kuanrmunda, Odisha state, eastern India.

However, as he tried to take a selfie with the elephant, the animal charged at him, leaving Mr Bharti running for his life. 

The incident was caught on video, filmed by onlookers from a safe distance, and sees Mr Bharti tripping as he tries to flee the elephant.

The elephant then runs over Mr Bharti, from Rourkela, Odisha, and injured him severely.

An ambulance was called to the scene, but Mr Bharti died on the way to hospital, local news reports. 

The incident happened on Saturday morning when forest rangers were trying to rescue the elephant, which had become separated from its herd.

Dangerous: Ashok Bharti, 50, had reportedly spottet the wild elephant and approached it to take a selfie, but the animal became angry and charged at him

Tragic: Mr Bharti tried to flee, but fell over and was trampled to death by the wild animal

Philip Sahu, assistant conservator of forests, said: ‘Forest officials were trying to chase the elephant back to the herd when Bharti came too close to the animal to take a selfie.

‘The animal was nervous as it had strayed away from his family and when the man came too close to it, the elephant in its rescue attacked him.’

Since July this year, a herd of elephants that is raiding the villages near Rourkela, has killed at least three people including a woman and her son.