Orphan adopted by British family wins battle to stay in UK

An ‘exceptionally bright’ student has won his battle to remain in Britain indefinitely and take up a place at Oxford University.

Brian White, 21, is a Zimbabwean orphan who came to the UK five years ago after he was adopted by a British family.

The student, from Wolverhampton, who has been described as a ‘genius’ by his friends due to his impressive academic results, gained a place at Oxford University before his application for student finance was refused because of his immigration status.

His friend Luke Wilcox set up the petition, signed by more than 110,000 well-wishers, urging the Home Office to grant indefinite leave to remain to ‘a fantastic person who is just as much a part of British culture and society as you and I’.

Brian White (pictured right, with friend Luke Wilcox) from Wolverhampton, gained a place at Oxford before his student finance application was refused because of his immigration status

Mr Wilcox, 19, who is studying law at Bristol University, said: ‘At the moment we would like to enjoy some personal time.

‘But we would like to thank all those that supported the campaign and signed the petition, and we are grateful to them for helping change Brian’s life.’

Mr White had already overcome a string of major obstacles after being abandoned as a baby and growing up in an orphanage until the age of six.

A missionary, impressed by the boy’s intellect, introduced him to British-born Peter White, who was working in the country at the time and already had two children with his Zimbabwean wife.

A few years later Peter, along with his wife Thoko and sons John and Stephen, returned to live in Wolverhampton, leaving Brian in Africa with a family friend until he could get permission to enter the UK.

Pictured: Mr White in the orphanage he grew up in until the age of six after he was abandoned at birth

A missionary, impressed by the boy's intellect, introduced him to British-born Peter White, who was working in the country at the time. Pictured: Brian White in an orphanage as a child

Pictured: Mr White in the orphanage he grew up in until the age of six after he was abandoned at birth. A missionary, impressed by the boy’s intellect, introduced him to British-born Peter White, who was working in the country at the time

Mr White’s education started in Zimbabwe and continued in Botswana until the age of 15 when he was allowed to join the rest of the family.

He became a pupil at Highfields School, where his scientific flair impressed teachers.

They encouraged him to apply for a university place, and he was given the offer by Oxford with his four A* grades and an A at A Level.

Mr White won the battle to remain in the UK after Oxford’s Lady Margaret Hall college agreed to keep the offer open for him for at least another 12 months while he appealed the decision with his lawyer, Louis MacWilliams.

The soon-to-be chemistry scholar said: ‘I got the e-mail from Louis and sat down and let it sink in for about five to 10 minutes. Then I started ringing everybody round to say thank you. I owe so many people so much.’ 

Mr White won the battle to remain in the UK after Oxford's Lady Margaret Hall college (file pic) agreed to keep the offer open for at least another 12 months while he appealed the decision

Mr White won the battle to remain in the UK after Oxford’s Lady Margaret Hall college (file pic) agreed to keep the offer open for at least another 12 months while he appealed the decision

Mr White with Eleanor Smith MP. Friends of Mr White, who was given the offer by Oxford after gaining four A* grades and an A at A Level, set up a petition to change his immigration status

Mr White with Eleanor Smith MP. Friends of Mr White, who was given the offer by Oxford after gaining four A* grades and an A at A Level, set up a petition to change his immigration status

Mr White had an application to become a British citizen by naturalisation rejected in 2014. After the offer from Oxford’s Lady Margaret Hall college to study chemistry, he applied again for the right to remain in the country.

College principal and former Guardian editor, Alan Rusbridger, welcomed the news via Twitter, in a post that read:

‘Great news! Home Office has agreed that Brian White can come to Oxford.’

Sharon Bishop, a teacher at Highfields School, said: ‘When I heard the news I burst into tears, and I never cry, I cried for about an hour.

‘We are absolutely thrilled to get this result. Now we have got three weeks to pack and get him off to Oxford for the start of the term.

‘We are delighted, thrilled, absolutely over the moon.’ 

West Midlands police and crime commissioner David Jamieson last week called on the Home Office to ‘act quickly’ and ‘see sense’ in its consideration of the case.

Calling for the case to be fast-tracked, Mr Jamieson said: ‘Brian is an exceptionally bright and talented young man and he must be allowed to fulfil his full potential.’

Sharon Bishop (right, with Mr White, on ITV's This Morning earlier this week) is a teacher at Highfields School. She said: 'We are absolutely thrilled to get this result'

Sharon Bishop (right, with Mr White, on ITV’s This Morning earlier this week) is a teacher at Highfields School. She said: ‘We are absolutely thrilled to get this result’

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