Council to fine residents who feed seagulls £100

A seaside council wants residents to report people for feeding gulls so they can be fined.

An increase in seagulls divebombing for food has prompted moves to hand out £100 penalties to those seen feeding the nuisance birds.

But the call for residents to ‘snitch’ on each other has attracted criticism. It follows ‘Big Brother’ bin policies by councils targeting those breaking recycling rules.

Wrye Council in Lancashire was residents to report people who are feeding seagulls. This comes after a 600 percent increase in gull attacks with more than 47 incidents reported since April this year

In common with many other seaside towns, the ‘Golden Sands’ Lancashire resorts of Fleetwood, Thornton and Cleveleys are increasingly being blighted by the flying pests.

Local Wyre Council has recently reported a 600 per cent increase in gull attacks, with 47 incidents reported since April this year.

Now it wants to use Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) to prosecute the feeders and rely on residents to report each other.

But the idea has had a mixed reaction. Local resident Ian Gerrard, 64, said: ‘It feels wrong somehow to almost recruit the public to do this. It could land people with disputes with their neighbours.’

Patricia O’Connor wrote: ‘It seems a bit harsh using PSPOs fining people for feeding these birds. The rise in the use of these PSPOs has raised public concern. I hope the seagulls and gulls will fly off to a happier place where there will no PSPOs.’

Traders in Cleveleys are clear there is a problem, but some are concerned by how fines could be administered.

The council is planning to use Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) to prosecute the feeders and rely on residents to report each other

The council is planning to use Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) to prosecute the feeders and rely on residents to report each other

Martin Hunns, from the Carousel Diner, said there was a seagull problem that needed to be dealt with.

‘When people finish eating outside as soon as they leave the table the gulls are down for the scraps, our staff are pretty sharp getting out there and getting it cleared up,’ he said.

‘People shouldn’t be feeding them but I’m not sure how you go about fining people. Is there going to be a dedicated seagull patrol?’

Jane Littlewood, from the Rossall Beach group, said: ‘If we were more respectful of where we lived and did not leave litter lying about and did not feed the gulls then I feel we could get on more harmoniously.’

Under the proposals Wyre Council would ask members of the public to report individuals feeding the birds – so the culprits can be punished and fined.

Their online consultation document says: ‘The council recognises that seagulls are a welcomed symbol of the British seaside. However, reported problems associated with seagulls are on the increase.

‘The council want to pursue controlled methods of dealing with the growing population through the introduction of a new Public Space Protection Order.’

It is illegal to injure or kill gulls or destroy their nests as the birds are protected by law.

Herring gulls were in ‘serious trouble’ and on the conservation concern ‘red list’ after a massive decline in numbers since the 1970s.

But in recent years UK coastal towns have reported increasing numbers have caused a crisis – with aggressive gulls swooping on pets and children.

In April East Devon District Council became the first authority in Britain to introduce PSPOs to crackdown on the seagull menace.

The Mail has revealed how councils have also ‘snooped’ on residents during bin collection rounds.

Binmen have been ordered to file reports on households who contaminate recycling with food waste and who overload bins and put rubbish out at the wrong time.

Families who overload bins even risk £2,500 fines and criminal convictions under anti-social behaviour laws