Melbourne make up artist shares top five weight loss tips

Make up artist to the stars, Bernadette Fisers, is a firm believer that change is always possible – one small step at a time.

18 months ago, the 52-year-old from Melbourne tipped the scales at 130 kilograms, and was also facing a raft of health issues including a pre-diabetic diagnosis.

Now, a year and a half into her journey, the busy mum-of-one has shed a whopping 30 kilos in just 30 weeks, and credits her success her self-devised diet plan.

Her inspirational story – along with some of her model clients’ top tips – has since been turned into a book which looks set to become a worldwide sensation.

Here, Ms Fisers shares some of her top tips and says that while her weight loss tips are for anyone, they will work especially well for those on the go.

Bernadette Fisers lost 30kgs in 30 weeks through a self-devised diet

The busy-mum-of one pictured with her daughter Lilli, 11

The busy-mum-of one pictured with her daughter Lilli, 11

Ms Fisers believes that weight loss comes down to 90 per cent nutrition and 10 per cent exercise (pictured before: left, and after: right)

Ms Fisers believes that weight loss comes down to 90 per cent nutrition and 10 per cent exercise (pictured before: left, and after: right)


For those wanting to start making serious inroads to changing the way they eat, Ms Fisers recommends starting by cleaning out the cupboards ‘of all the crap’.

She said that she would never have had the determination to stay the course if there had been ‘Choc Royals in the house calling my name.’

‘If you haven’t got it available,’ she offers sagely, ‘you’re not going to eat it.’

Determination to stay the course came from having the courage to clean out her cupboards

Determination to stay the course came from having the courage to clean out her cupboards


After a thorough clear-out, it’s time to go shopping, but make sure it’s mostly in the fresh section of the supermarket.

She recommends filling your fridge with healthy, fresh whole foods, and notes that ‘when you get rid of the stuff out of your house make a commitment to stay away from sugar.

‘Don’t tempt yourself by having it in front of you.’

Weighing 130 kilograms Ms Fisers said she  knew something had to change - she started taking tips from her celebrity clients (she works as a make-up artist)

Weighing 130 kilograms Ms Fisers said she knew something had to change – she started taking tips from her celebrity clients (she works as a make-up artist)


Being a busy and in-demand makeup artist can mean long days on set with little time for proper meals.

The temptation to eat whatever is immediately accessible for an energy boost can lead to a blow-out. Instead, Ms Fisers suggests to plan your day in advance and prepare for those moments when you know you’ll be hungry.

‘If I am going somewhere like a shoot, I will throw together a snack. It can be as simple as some strawberries or nuts,’ she said.

The temptation to eat whatever is immediately accessible for an energy boost can lead to a blow-out, says the weight loss expert

The temptation to eat whatever is immediately accessible for an energy boost can lead to a blow-out, says the weight loss expert


Ms Fisers swears fasting each day between 7pm and 10am has significantly contributed to realigning her metabolism, and helping increase the speed of her weight loss.

Weight loss is probably 90 per cent a mental issue.

While she admits to originally feeling quite daunted by the prospect, Ms Fiser said she’s now been practising the fast for two years.

‘In the beginning, I would have thought I would have run screaming to the fridge but I didn’t I was actually fine with it.’

In just 30 weeks, the then 130 kilogram woman (pictured before) lost around 30 kilograms

She has never felt better, she said (pictured after)

In just 30 weeks, the then 130 kilogram woman (pictured before, left) lost around 30 kilograms – she has never felt better, she said (pictured after, right)


People with weight issues can often feel it’s more difficult to start an exercise, Ms Fiser explains.

She strongly advocates walking as a way to ease into a daily routine.

‘Who has time to go to the gym all day every day? ‘It’s just not possible in the real world,’ she said.

‘What I say is to try to do 10,000 steps a day. I wear a step-counter to keep track, and if I haven’t hit my target I go for a walk around the block.’

'Who has time to go to the gym all day every day? 'It's just not possible in the real world'

‘Who has time to go to the gym all day every day? ‘It’s just not possible in the real world’

Ms Fisers encourages those embarking on a weight loss to journey to be kind to themselves above all else

Ms Fisers encourages those embarking on a weight loss to journey to be kind to themselves above all else

Although Ms Fiser is a firm believer that the things which worked – and continue to work – for her are predominately food-based and exercise based, she does say attitude is also important.

‘Weight loss is probably 90 per cent a mental issue. It’s very hard to succeed without being in the right frame of mind,’ she said.

‘Celebrate little victories along the way with treats such as a new pair of earrings or jeans.

‘Above all else, be kind to yourself, if you’re not kind to yourself you won’t make the effort to look after yourself.

”It’s a long journey to health but you can change your lifestyle one step at a time.’