Cher lashes back on Twitter to woman who questions her

On Tuesday Cher took to Twitter to share her opinion of Trump’s action and say she will take a Dreamer into her home

Cher lashed out at a Twitter user who questioned her intention to help some of the people affected by the President’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Act.

On Tuesday she took to Twitter to share her opinion of Trump’s action and say she will take a Dreamer into her home. 

She also urged others to do the same, writing: ‘Those Who Can Must Take A DREAMER In2 Their Home & Protect them!! I’m Ready 2 Do This & Others in my BUSINESS WILL DO THE SAME!! SANCTUARY.’

Then, a woman, who clearly didn’t believe the pop sensation would fulfill her Twitter promises, decided to challenge her.

‘Sure you will Cher.. I’ll believe it when I see it,’ Twitter user Brenda Webb wrote. 

Cher was not amused. 

She quickly responded to Webb, writing ‘Then keep your eyes open b****.’ 


A woman, who clearly didn't believe the pop sensation would fulfill her Twitter promises, wrote 'Sure you will Cher.. I'll believe it when I see it,' Twitter user Brenda Webb wrote. Cher, unamused, replied: 'Then keep your eyes open b****

A woman, who clearly didn’t believe the pop sensation would fulfill her Twitter promises, wrote ‘Sure you will Cher.. I’ll believe it when I see it,’ Twitter user Brenda Webb wrote. Cher, unamused, replied: ‘Then keep your eyes open b****

On Tuesday the White House announced its decision to roll back DACA, much to the chagrin of many politicians and celebrities on both sides of the aisle.  

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, known as DACA, was an Obama-era program that granted work permits and protection from deportation for illegal immigrants who were brought to the United States as children by Family Members. 

The decision to roll back protection for these nearly 800,000 individuals was announced by Attorney General Jeff Sessions during a press briefing.  

People on the president’s team claim he’s not ‘cold’ or ‘heartless’ for the decision, but instead that he’s just trying to protect strong, hard-working Americans.

Multiple people on Social Media applauded Cher for her stance on the decision, and for her swift retort to the woman who questioned her

Multiple people on Social Media applauded Cher for her stance on the decision, and for her swift retort to the woman who questioned her

It is ultimately up to Congress to either save DACA, cease it, or implement a new plan for Dreamers protections, and they have a six month window to figure out a solution. 

Over the next six months, those protected under DACA will be able to renew permits for individuals whose may expire in that window so they can continue to work and study without fear of deportation while congress makes its move on the program.

Multiple people on Social Media applauded Cher for her stance on the decision, and for her swift retort to the woman who questioned her. 

‘Cher did not come to play with you h***,’ one twitter user wrote with an image of the whole conversation. 

Webb has since deleted her tweet and made her account private.