Vicente Fox stars in ‘campaign video’ skewering Trump

Vicente Fox, Mexico’s former president best known in the United States for his foul-mouthed rants against President Donald Trump, is at it again.

The f-bomb-loving Trump hater stars in a new video in which he asks Americans to vote for him in 2020, while also making sure to flip the bird to his avowed enemy in the White House.

Fox’s ‘campaign ad’ is a five-minute comedic summary of the 2016 election as well as a parody of Trump’s misstatements and gaffes.

It was posted by the site Super Deluxe, along with a transcript with Fox’s signature. 

The former Mexican leader refers to Trump as ‘a rotting Halloween pumpkin.’

The video begins with Fox introducing himself as he sits at an office desk.


Vicente Fox, Mexico’s former president best known in the United States for his foul-mouthed rants against President Donald Trump, is at it again. He is seen above in a new spoof campaign video wearing a red hat mocking Trump

Fox¿s ¿campaign ad¿ is a five-minute comedic summary of the 2016 election as well as a parody of Trump¿s misstatements and gaffes. The former Mexican leader refers to Trump as ¿a rotting Halloween pumpkin¿

Fox’s ‘campaign ad’ is a five-minute comedic summary of the 2016 election as well as a parody of Trump’s misstatements and gaffes. The former Mexican leader refers to Trump as ‘a rotting Halloween pumpkin’

The desk is littered with a number of objects that recall notable episodes in the Trump saga, including a coffee mug with the word ‘covfefe’ written on it and a video tape with the label ‘PEE TAPE’.

‘Covfefe’ is a reference to a tweet which Trump posted in late May which included a typo.

‘Despite the constant negative press covfefe,’ the tweet read.

Though the president was likely trying to type the word ‘coverage,’ the Twitter error ignited a social media frenzy as Twitter users laughed at Trump while trying to decipher the meaning of the made-up word.

The ‘pee tape’ is a reference to unsubstantiated claims made in a report written by a former MI6 spy who was investigating Trump’s relationship with the Russian government.

‘Donald, every time I make fun of you, which I do a lot, people say, ‘Why can’t you be our president?’”

‘America, I feel your pain. We all do.’

Fox, who was angered by Trump during last year¿s campaign because of the then-candidate¿s pledge to have Mexico pay for a wall along the southern border with the U.S., wades into domestic U.S. politics in the video 

Fox, who was angered by Trump during last year’s campaign because of the then-candidate’s pledge to have Mexico pay for a wall along the southern border with the U.S., wades into domestic U.S. politics in the video 

Fox mocks the crowd size for Trump¿s inauguration, calls Trump¿s cabinet a ¿disgrace,¿ and says the president has failed to pass any substantial legislation. Trump is seen right alongside First Lady Melania Trump at the White House on Friday

Fox mocks the crowd size for Trump’s inauguration, calls Trump’s cabinet a ‘disgrace,’ and says the president has failed to pass any substantial legislation. Trump is seen right alongside First Lady Melania Trump at the White House on Friday

That’s when Fox announces his ‘candidacy’ for president of the United States.

Another man appears in the video along with a goat, who is wearing a sign that reads: ‘Vicente for President.’

On the other side, the sign reads: ‘A taco truck on every corner.’

That phrase is a reference to a statement made by a Latino supporter of Trump’s, Marco Gutierrez, who told MSNBC a year ago that a victory by Hillary Clinton would likely result in ‘taco trucks on every corner.’

When Fox says he is asked how he could possibly be an American president given his Mexican nationality, he says he has three words in response: ‘Donald. F***en. Trump.’

Fox sticks up his thumb at the mention of ‘Donald,’ his index finger at the mention of the profanity, and his middle finger when saying the name ‘Trump.’

‘If that worn-out baseball glove tightly gripping a turd can be president, then, amigos, anyone can.’

Fox, who was angered by Trump during last year’s campaign because of the then-candidate’s pledge to have Mexico pay for a wall along the southern border with the U.S., wades into domestic U.S. politics in the video.

He mocks the crowd size for Trump’s inauguration, calls Trump’s cabinet a ‘disgrace,’ and says the president has failed to pass any substantial legislation.

‘Amigo, you haven’t passed a f***en thing,’ Fox says.

He also gleefully notes that Trump received less votes than his opponent, Clinton.

Fox also holds up a photo of a brick wall surrounding Trump Tower, saying: ‘Mexico would be happy to pay for this one.’

The former Mexican leader has not been shy about expressing his opinions on domestic U.S. politics

The former Mexican leader has not been shy about expressing his opinions on domestic U.S. politics

He then flips over the picture, showing what could be ‘Donald’s new home’ – a prison, ‘which already has a wall,’ the former president says.

Fox also pledges ‘never to defend Nazis,’ before screaming: ‘Donald, what the f*** is wrong with you?’

Trump has been widely criticized for blaming ‘both sides’ for violence in Charlottesville, Virginia last month when an anti-racist protester was killed by an alleged neo-Nazi.

Fox also dons a red hat, similar to the ‘Make America Great Again’ hats that became Trump’s campaign slogan.

Only Fox’s hat reads: ‘Always ask before grabbing a p***y.’