How to plan your career?

Professional Career

It is your active efforts to achieve success in your professional life. It is closely related to professional growth and proficiency. It is not the goal itself, but the movement toward that goal. A successful career occurs when a person not only knows what he wants but also what he wants and what he will do if he achieves the goal.

Planning a professional path is a process of creating a step-by-step goal, taking into account the “human factor” (i.e. human development patterns, mental peculiarities, etc.). Before planning a professional career, it is necessary to find out a person’s attitude towards it, the general emotional mood, what you put into the concept of career because it is difficult, or maybe impossible, to strive for a goal that you do not know how to name. It is also important to know what your level of motivation is.

The level of motivation to activity depends on motivating a person to perform work tasks by activating his or her volitional sphere. The psychological factors involved in a particular motivational process and determining decision making can be moral control, abilities, aptitudes, external situation, etc. It often happens that a person proceeds to specific actions without being motivated to achieve success.

A professional career is characterized by the fact that a person goes through various stages of development in his or her working life: choice of professional path, training, entering the job, professional growth, promotion of individual professional skills, etc.

It is important to remember that a career begins not at the moment of an assignment to a certain position, but at the moment of choosing the sphere in which you can use your skills. Although it is a hard choice, many children already know from an early age what profession they want to choose, people like them do not need essay writing help because they do not have

problems with writing an essay on “My Future Profession”. The main condition for a successful career is the right career choice. The solution to this problem is based on the consideration of several factors.

  • Factor 1: It is necessary to know the world of professions and the requirements that are imposed on a person performing a particular job. You need to clarify the formula for your chosen profession, taking into account possible alternatives for your career choice.
  • Factor 2: You need to properly identify your interests and aptitudes, evaluate your skills, health status, abilities, and suitability for the chosen profession.
  • Factor 3: Research the labor market, its needs, and regional features.
  • Factor 4: Consider the actual educational, retraining, and professional development opportunities available to you.

By doing these things, you can choose several professions you are interested in, and then find the only profession among them. You will be able to outline your professional route and choose an individual way to achieve your goal.

Horizontal and vertical careers

There is a horizontal career, which is the growth of professional skills. It can develop in two directions: deepening and expanding. The first one is based on trying to master more complex forms of work, and as a result, you will be able to perform operations that other professionals are unable to do.

At the same time, you will be respected and highly valued by your management and colleagues at work. If you expand your professional capacity, you can be mastered by related professions, which will give you independence from others and flexibility in performing the work. This path is also welcomed by management and colleagues.

In addition to the horizontal, there is a vertical or administrative career – it is a growth in position and is associated with the ability to organize work. The qualities that determine career success in the professions are:

  • education;
  • systematic and analytical thinking, the ability to predict the development of the situation, to anticipate the result of the decision, the ability to think on a large scale and realistically at the same time;
  • communicative skills, skills of effective interpersonal interaction, perspicacity, ability to exert psychological influence and influence on other people
  • high level of self-regulation, ability to manage his/her temper, development of self-control, stress-resistance;
  • business orientation; activity, persistence, and ambition, focus on decision making, the ability to solve non-standard problems and tasks, the desire for constant improvement of professionalism;
  • realistic perception of his/her capabilities and abilities, high self-respect (real self-perception, without self-depreciation).

Steps to build a professional career

Career planning is an ongoing process that lasts throughout your professional life. What steps do you need to take to build your career?

The first step is a conscious and independent choice of profession, which requires continuous hard work, creative search for yourself, knowledge of your capabilities, your vocation, and your limits.

The second step is thinking over and drawing up (on your own or with the help of specialists) a personal professional and life plan, taking into account your abilities and possible obstacles, with working out backup options in case of failure.

The third step is getting a professional education, which has a great influence on the success of self-realization, career success, public recognition, development of your abilities, in achieving material well-being, etc. Besides, in this modern world, professional knowledge and skills get outdated very quickly. Today there is an increasing demand for readiness and the ability to retrain and improve qualifications. It is impossible for a person not only to get ahead but sometimes even to stay in his or her position.

The fourth step is the ability to find and get a job. It is important to have:

  • a positive attitude toward employment;
  • the ability to effectively research and find information about jobs;
  • ability to write a proper persuasive essay for employment, ability to compose a resume correctly;
  • ability to provide personal information over the phone, so that people would want to meet you and get to know you better;
  • the ability to structure a conversation with a potential employer in a way that he wants to hire you, to offer decent working conditions and salary.