Woman jokes that she suffered a ‘stroke’ after filming herself unable to say the words ‘dead bird’

A Florida woman’s funny on-camera word flub has gone viral on TikTok, earning 7.1 million views and thousands of tickled comments.

Dani Adams took to TikTok on March 23 to share a story about a dead bird she saw on the side of the road — but mere moments into telling the story, she mispronounced ‘dead bird’ as ‘bed dird.’

While most people would simply correct themselves, Dani continued to repeat ‘bed dird’ several times while looking confused, clearly unable to think of what she was actually trying to say — and concluded in the tongue-in-cheek caption that she’d had a stroke. 

Whoops! A Florida woman’s funny on-camera word flub has gone viral on TikTok, earning 7.1 million views and thousands of tickled comments

Dani Adams took to TikTok to share a story about a dead bird she saw on the side of the road

But mere moments into telling the story, she mispronounced 'dead bird' as 'bed dird'

Huh… Dani Adams took to TikTok to share a story about a dead bird she saw on the side of the road — but mere moments into telling the story, she mispronounced ‘dead bird’ as ‘bed dird’

Wait a minute! Dani continued to repeat 'bed dird' several times while looking confused, clearly unable to think of what she was actually trying to say

Wait a minute! Dani continued to repeat ‘bed dird’ several times while looking confused, clearly unable to think of what she was actually trying to say

Finally, she remembered the correct pronunciation, triumphantly proclaiming 'dead bird' before shutting off the camera

She uploaded the funny moment to TikTok, adding the caption: 'just recorded my stroke on camera'

Yes! Finally, she remembered the correct pronunciation, triumphantly proclaiming ‘dead bird’ before shutting off the camera

Dani began the video in her kitchen, eating a banana while speaking to the camera in workout clothes. 

‘So I was driving home from the gym and I saw this huge bed dird on the side…’ she said before her words trailed off.

She stood there looking confused, trying to think of what it was that she was actually trying to say.

‘Bed dird,’ she repeated assuredly, before pulling another confused face.

She repeated ‘bed dird’ five more times, each time pausing afterword to contemplate the sound and wonder why it didn’t seem right.

Taking off: The video has gone viral, with some commenters expressing worry that Dani had been having an actual stroke

Taking off: The video has gone viral, with some commenters expressing worry that Dani had been having an actual stroke

Finally, she remembered the correct pronunciation, triumphantly proclaiming ‘dead bird’ before shutting off the camera.

She uploaded the funny moment to TikTok, adding the caption: ‘just recorded my stroke on camera.’

The video has gone viral, with some commenters expressing worry that Dani had been having an actual stroke.

‘Wait why did I get HELLA anxiety thinking I was about to actually witness her having a stroke???’ asked one.

‘I couldn’t for the life of me even guess what you were trying to say,’ said another, with others admitting they thought she was trying to say ‘dirt bed.’

Some pointed out that she never finished the story and wanted to know what was going on with the dead bird.

She's OK! In a followup video, she said she was just suffering from low blood sugar

She’s OK! In a followup video, she said she was just suffering from low blood sugar

Dani answered their curiosity, uploading a second video this week to finish the tale.

‘I saw a huge dead bird on the side of the road with a “Get Well Soon” balloon tied to it and three young boys in suits with bibles doing a prayer service,’ she said. 

She also addressed her word mixup, attributing it to low blood sugar. 

‘The confusion in word mixing up in my video is more than likely due to my low blood sugar. When you have low blood sugar, you can have stroke-like symptoms, including dizziness, weakness, confusion, word slurring, and mixing up like I have in my video,’ she said.

She also hit back at critics who accused her of making light of strokes. 

‘I’m not making fun of stroke victims, nor would I ever do that. I acknowledge I probably should have said something along the lines of “brain fart” instead of stroke, but TikTok doesn’t allow you to change your captions once you post a video,’ she said.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk