Mum of 6kg baby shares pictures seven months after birth

A woman who gave birth to a phenomenal six-kilo newborn baby boy in January has shared pictures of her son – seven months after his delivery made headlines around the world.

Nina Tassell, from Perth, gave birth to Judah Kai on Australia Day this year, his staggering weight even defying the belief of the midwives in the hospital.

Now seven months on, Nina has told Daily Mail Australia her son gets on swimmingly with his three brothers, has already outgrown countless baby clothes and is now wearing toddler-size nappies. 

Nina Tassell, from Perth, gave birth to Judah Kai (pictured) on Australia Day this year, his staggering weight even defying the belief of the midwives in the hospital

The mother delivered the whopping 6kg boy in the foyer of her home

The mother delivered the whopping 6kg boy in the foyer of her home

Judah (pictured) stunned nurses when he came out a staggering 6kg and 59cm in length

Judah (pictured) stunned nurses when he came out a staggering 6kg and 59cm in length

‘We knew he’d be big because my other three boys were quite large when they came out,’ Nina said.

‘But I am just glad I had no idea how big he was going to be! I probably would have been too scared to go into labour.’

Judah arrived at a healthy 5.95 kilos, compared to the average 3.3 kilos, and measured 59cm, 8cm longer than the average length. 

But surprisingly Nina says the delivery wasn’t too much more painful than her previous three births, and it was only when Judah was weighed did she realise just how unconventionally large he was.

Nina has shared photos of her son Judah nearly eight months after his birth made headlines

Nina has shared photos of her son Judah nearly eight months after his birth made headlines

It was only when Judah was weighed did she realise just how unconventionally large he was

It was only when Judah was weighed did she realise just how unconventionally large he was

Nearly eight months have passed since Judah was born and he is now wearing toddler-size nappies and has outgrown newborn clothes

Nearly eight months have passed since Judah was born and he is now wearing toddler-size nappies and has outgrown newborn clothes

‘When he was weighed the nurse actually weighed him again because she genuinely thought the scales were broken,’ she said.

At nearly eight months old, Judah is now a very ‘smiley’ boy who adores his siblings and already has two teeth.

‘He can’t even crawl yet but he’s in toddler size nappies and size zero clothes,’ Nina laughed.

Size zero usually caters for children aged around a year old. 

Judah is now a very 'smiley' boy who adores his siblings and already has two teeth

Judah is now a very ‘smiley’ boy who adores his siblings and already has two teeth

'He can't even crawl yet but he's in toddler size nappies and size zero clothes,' Nina laughed

‘He can’t even crawl yet but he’s in toddler size nappies and size zero clothes,’ Nina laughed

'We knew he'd be big because my other three boys were quite large when they came out,' Nina said

‘We knew he’d be big because my other three boys were quite large when they came out,’ Nina said

‘Everyone who comes to see him says he looks normal size, only when you place him next to a baby of the same age do you realise how big he is.’

Being the last of her four boys, Nina says Judah suffers from ‘fourth child syndrome’ – meaning she doesn’t obsessively weigh her son as much as she did her first several children.

‘I’ve got four kids under six now so my hands are a bit full too,’ she added.