Women’s hilarious comebacks to men who ask for nudes

As anyone who’s ever tried a dating website or app knows, there’s always some chancer hoping you’ll send them a saucy picture or engage in text sex session. 

But if you ever find yourself on the receiving end of unwelcome advances and struggle to thing of a withering comeback, help is at hand. 

Bored Panda has shared a gallery of the most quick-witted and savage put-downs from women that killed any talk of ‘send me nudes’ stone dead.

From a woman who responded with an image of a hairless cat when asked for a an erotic picture, to another who replied with an image of her naked foot these are the comebacks you need to have to hand when dealing with over-eager suitors. 

And one man asked his would-be date if she’d like to play Titanic and she said she would if it means getting a diamond and him drowning at the end. 

This man’s attempt to start up a saucy chat fell flat when he was warned that the woman he was trying to seduce enjoys complaining 

This fiery chat very quickly turned into a damp squib, when Lydia made her comeback 

This fiery chat very quickly turned into a damp squib, when Lydia made her comeback 

If you're going to try a cheesy chat up line, at least get your facts straight first 

If you’re going to try a cheesy chat up line, at least get your facts straight first 

Surprisingly, Dad did not recommend having sex with a random stranger you've just started chatting to online 

Surprisingly, Dad did not recommend having sex with a random stranger you’ve just started chatting to online 

The world's cheesiest chat up line plus a request for sex all in one message is guaranteed to get you a short shrift 

The world’s cheesiest chat up line plus a request for sex all in one message is guaranteed to get you a short shrift 

Standards: This woman let her suitor know in no uncertain terms that he didn't stand a chance 

Standards: This woman let her suitor know in no uncertain terms that he didn’t stand a chance 

It looks unlikely that this pair will be going on a day anytime soon 

It looks unlikely that this pair will be going on a day anytime soon 

He was hoping for something a bit more erotic, and ended up with five naked toes 

He was hoping for something a bit more erotic, and ended up with five naked toes 

After a request to send a picture of her bottom, it looked as if this girl had obliged

But it turned out it was just a close up of a bandage around her leg

After a request to send a picture of her bottom, it looked as if this girl had obliged. But it turned out it was just a close up of a bandage around her leg

Well, he can't say that she didn't oblige, although not quite in the way he'd been hoping for 

Well, he can’t say that she didn’t oblige, although not quite in the way he’d been hoping for 

This woman was catcalled at the most convenient possible moment - when her mouth was bleeding after a dental appointment 

This woman was catcalled at the most convenient possible moment – when her mouth was bleeding after a dental appointment 

Using emojis to indicate your interest in someone is just asking for trouble 

Using emojis to indicate your interest in someone is just asking for trouble 

Do not adjust your screen: This man was hopeful for a naked picture and ended up with a dark square 

Do not adjust your screen: This man was hopeful for a naked picture and ended up with a dark square 

Taking it literally: Well, she did send him exactly what he asked for 

Taking it literally: Well, she did send him exactly what he asked for 

This man's offer to take part in a threesome with a lesbian couple was brutally rebuffed

This man’s offer to take part in a threesome with a lesbian couple was brutally rebuffed

Even if he was the last man on earth... This suitor's plans for an intimate encounter seem doomed to fail 

Even if he was the last man on earth… This suitor’s plans for an intimate encounter seem doomed to fail 

Admittedly bringing your mother into the equation does not set a romantic note 

Admittedly bringing your mother into the equation does not set a romantic note 

Let's hope religion is a comfort when he fails to find someone to go on a date with 

Let’s hope religion is a comfort when he fails to find someone to go on a date with 

This woman was up for playing a game of Titanic, but only if it involves expensive jewellery and being left alone at the end 

This woman was up for playing a game of Titanic, but only if it involves expensive jewellery and being left alone at the end 

As the saying goes, if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best 

As the saying goes, if you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk