Let it Be (Brexit)! Ringo Starr says leaving EU is ‘great’

In an interview on BBC’s Newsnight, Ringo Starr has praised Brexit as a ‘great move

Ringo Starr has praised Brexit as a ‘great move’ – and urged the Prime Minister to ‘get on with it’. 

The Beatles legend also insisted it was ridiculous to demand a rerun of the historic EU referendum just because you ‘don’t like that vote’.

But the 77-year-old joked: ‘Don’t tell Bob Geldof.’

The comments came after EU commission president Jean-Claude Juncker ramped up the rhetoric over Brexit – saying Britain will ‘soon regret’ its decision.

The Eurocrat also revealed plans for a massive Brussels power grab and even more migration.

He said the ‘wind is back in Europe’s sails’ as he set out his dream for a European super-state with an army, an intelligence agency, the ability to set taxes, and a President of Europe at its helm.

Mr Juncker said the EU should be expanded to include more states in the Balkans and increase the number of countries that use the euro and are part of the bloc’s Schengen border-free travel area.

In an interview with BBC’s Newsnight, Starr said he was on tour when the referendum took place.

However, he made clear he took the opposite view from Boomtown Rats singer and arch-Remainer Geldof. 

‘I would have voted for Brexit. Yeah, I would have voted to get out,’ Starr said.

‘But don’t tell Bob Geldof.’ 

He added: ‘I think it is a great move. 

‘I think, you know, to be in control of your own country is a good move.’ 

Boomtown Rats singer and Bob Geldof was one of the most high-profile Remain supporters during the referendum. At one point he was engaged in a spat on the Thames with Brexit-supporting fishing vessels (pictured)

Boomtown Rats singer and Bob Geldof was one of the most high-profile Remain supporters during the referendum. At one point he was engaged in a spat on the Thames with Brexit-supporting fishing vessels (pictured)

He may have blown the EU¿s trumpet until he was blue in the face, but what about the things Jean-Claude Juncker didn¿t say in his grandstanding speech?

Ministers and civil servants are not doing enough to prepare Britain for no deal over Brexit, Mervyn King said last night

Jean-Claude Juncker (left) set out his vision for an EU superstate in a speech yesterday. Former Bank of England governor Lord King warned last night that negotiations were not going to plan (right)

Starr said the government should now ‘get on with it’.

‘The people have voted, and you know, they have to get on with it,’ Starr said.

‘Suddenly it’s like, “Oh well, we don’t like that vote.”

‘What do you mean you don’t like that vote? 

‘You’ve had the vote, this is what won, let’s get on with it.’ 

Meanwhile, former Bank of England governor Mervyn King has warned that ministers and civil servants are not doing enough to prepare Britain for no deal over Brexit.

Lord King, who has insisted this country can thrive outside the EU, said it was essential that Britain had a ‘fall back position’ in case talks collapse.

But the peer said he was not ‘terribly impressed’ by how much the government has set out a year after the vote.

He said that if the negotiations break down Britain must ensure it is capable of trading with the EU on World Trade Organisation terms.

He called on ministers to set up a separate team in Whitehall to ensure it is prepared for a no deal outcome.

He told BBC Newsnight: ‘If you’re going to enter a negotiation it’s actually very important that the other side of the table knows that you have a fall back position that you’re capable of delivering.’

‘That requires you to make clear publicly what the fall back position is.’

Starr urged Theresa May (pictured in Downing Street yesterday) to get on with Brexit

Starr urged Theresa May (pictured in Downing Street yesterday) to get on with Brexit

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