‘Pingdemic’ self isolation and chip shortage sees car outputs fall 40%

Staff shortages caused by ‘pingdemic’ self-isolation threatens to put the brakes on a revival of UK car production, industry chiefs warned today as they recorded the weakest ‘normal’ June since 1953 – the year in which Queen Elizabeth was crowned.

That, and a shortage of key microchips, took the six month production total for the first half of this year to 498,923 cars, down a whopping 38.4% on the five-year average and representing a loss of 311,160 vehicles worth more than £8.5billion , according to according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders.

Car bosses demanded ‘immediate action to mitigate impact of self-isolation or risk further blow to recovery’.

Car bosses demanded ‘immediate action to mitigate impact of self-isolation or risk further blow to recovery’ after half year reports showed that vehicle production had fallen by almost 40%

The main problems holding back production are ‘staff absenteeism as a result of staff being ‘pinged’ ‘ and global semiconductor shortages, they said.

The SMMT called on the government to bring forward the 16 August target date for exempting fully vaccinated adults from self-isolation and to introduce a ‘test to release’ scheme to support those employees not yet fully vaccinated.

It said the dramatic drop ‘reflects how far the sector must go before it can talk about recovery’.

The five-year production average for first half of the pre-covid years 2015-2019 stands at 810,083 units.

Barring Covid hit June 2020, the 69,097 cars which rolled off UK production lines in June this year was the worst performance in 68 years, said the SMMT.

It concluded: ‘Latest forecasts suggests global chip shortage of key microprocessors could hit UK production by up to 100,000 vehicles’.

The report was published just hours after the final Honda Civic rolled off the Swindon production line, with the factory officially due to close at the end of this month.

Some 3,000 workers at the plant – which has been producing cars since 1985 – will be forced to find new roles after the Japanese firm confirmed in February 2019 that it is pulling manufacturing from the UK in favour or building the Civic at home.

Of June’s 69,097 performance this June, the SMMT said: ‘While this was a rise compared with the Covid-depressed June 2020, it still represents the worst June total since 1953 as the global chip shortage, caused by the pandemic, and other factors continued to take a toll on production.’

The poor performance rounded off ‘a turbulent first six months’ for UK car production, said motor industry bosses.

The effect of the pandemic, new post-Brexit trading rules with Europe, and the supply issues were causing ‘ongoing challenges’.

Of the crippling effect of the pingdemic, the SMMT said: ‘Despite the easing of Covid restrictions, manufacturers are experiencing staff shortages due to self-isolation arising from notification of contacts outside the workplace.

‘This is putting production at risk and is another drag on the sector’s recovery.’

It also cited an independent study forecasting that the negative impact on planned UK car production due to the worldwide shortage of critical semiconductors could be as much as 100,000 units this year.

SMMT chief executive Mike Hawes said: ‘The industry still faces headwinds most notably from global semiconductor shortages and staff absenteeism as a result of staff being ‘pinged’.’

He noted: ‘Businesses have ensured their facilities are Covid secure but urgent action is needed, such as bringing forward the 16 August target date for exempting fully vaccinated adults from self-isolation and introducing a “test to release” scheme to support those employees not yet fully vaccinated.’

Barring Covid hit June 2020, the 69,097 cars which rolled off UK production lines in June this year was the worst performance in 68 years, said the SMMT

Barring Covid hit June 2020, the 69,097 cars which rolled off UK production lines in June this year was the worst performance in 68 years, said the SMMT

Mr Hawes said: ‘While the UK automotive industry continues to suffer the effects of the global pandemic, with first half year production down significantly and a tough few months looming, the sector has the capability to recover.

‘The latest investments into new models and battery production show a bright future is within reach.’

But he also warned: ‘Yet the industry still faces headwinds most notably from global semiconductor shortages and staff absenteeism as a result of staff being ‘pinged’.

Operating conditions remained ‘challenging’.

Car manufacturers needed specific actions to help competitiveness, such as a ‘Build Back Better Fund’ and the alleviation of high energy costs to get the sector ‘back on track and towards the volumes that make UK facilities viable,’ said.

On the positive side, exports continued to sustain British car manufacturing with more than eight in ten (83.4%) models made in the UK so far this year shipped overseas – of which more than half (51.7%) headed into the EU.

The US is the UK’s next most important global market (taking 18.8% of exports) followed by China (7.8%), Japan (1.9%) and Australia (1.8%).

UK production of pure electric electric cars, plug in hybrids (PHEV) and self-charging electric hybrid vehicles remained steady for the year-to-date with around a quarter (22.6%) of all cars alternatively fuelled.

Electrified or alternatively fuelled vehicles now account for nearly a quarter (22.6%) of cars produced. 

But the SMMT warned: ‘With the looming end of sale date for new petrol and diesel cars less than nine years away, the industry is challenged to accelerate the transition from fossil fuel to zero emission vehicles.

‘This will require significant investment into vehicle manufacturing, battery production and supply chain transformation for which a clear commitment to enhancing UK automotive competitiveness is essential.’

Car bosses said the current situation for UK manufacturers remains ‘difficult’ with the supply uncertainty expected to last into 2022.

But it welcomed recent announcements of significant and ‘much needed’ long-term investment, including at Nissan Sunderland, Vauxhall’s Ellesmere Port plant, and Lotus in Norfolk.

This was ‘much needed’ following four years of Brexit uncertainty and some recent factory closures, it said.

But the SMMT stressed: ‘Much more such investment is needed, however, if the British vehicle manufacturing sector is to remain in step with its overseas rivals.’

It said its recent report ‘Full Throttle: Driving UK Automotive Competitiveness’sets out a series of steps needed to attract such commitments and assure the sector’s long-term competitiveness.

Car bosses said the current semiconductor microchip shortage for UK manufacturers remains ‘difficult’ with the supply uncertainty expected to last into 2022

Car bosses said the current semiconductor microchip shortage for UK manufacturers remains ‘difficult’ with the supply uncertainty expected to last into 2022

Recommendations include the establishment by government of a ‘Build Back Better Fund’ for the manufacturing sector, the construction of battery gigafactories with 60 GWh of capacity and the installation of 2.3 million public charge points by 2030.

The UK automotive industry accounts for for £78.9 billion turnover and £15.3 billion value added.

Around 180,000 people are employed directly in manufacturing and 864,000 across the wider automotive industry.

It accounts for 13% of total UK export of goods and invests more than £3 billion each year in automotive research and development.

More than 30 UK-based manufacturers build around 70 vehicle models, supported by 2,500 component providers and some of the world’s most skilled engineers.

Britain’s car-makers have pressed to get double-jabbed staff safely back to work and to end the disaster that is seeing some firms lose up to a third of their staff through self-isolation. 

Hawes revealed later that it had already been pressing government to allow double-jabbed motor-industry workers to end self-isolation subject to a test, but had been rebuffed by ministers.

Some firms are losing up to a third of their staff because of the pinging, he revealed.

Their call echoes a campaign by the Daily Mail to allow double-jabbed employees to return to work if they are pinged but test negative.

Mr Hawes said: ‘We raised this prospect with government. We speak to them most weeks. It has been on the agenda.

‘The shortage of staff is as a result of people being pinged.

‘Anecdotally we have got some companies losing from 5% to something up to 30% who are still away due to self-isolation.’

Some of the worst affected are key suppliers to the main factories.

But Mr Hawes stressed: ’You can’t make a car out of 99% of the parts.’

‘Some companies are already reducing shifts. Others have managed to get to the summer shut-down period which gives them a breather.’

‘But the Government has been limited in the sectors it will allow to benefit from exemptions on double vaccination. It is keeping a tight rein on exemptions.

‘You can make the case for some automotive processes being essential, but it’s not the same as keeping food shelves stacked.’

‘Government is aware of our concerns. We have raised this issue with them. But its decision at the moment is that car production and the automotive sector will not be eased.’

He stressed motor manufacturers wanted and had pressed for an exemption on double-jabbing grounds: ‘Yes, we would welcome it.’

‘Manufacturers have gone to great efforts to keep their workplaces safe during Covid.’

He added: ‘We also want the government to bring forward that August 17 date so that firms can get moving immediately after the summer shut-down.

‘‘Any opportunity to ensure we can get our staff into the workplace safely we will take advantage of.’

A Government spokesperson has said: ‘Self-isolation remains an essential tool in our national efforts to reduce the spread of Covid-19.

‘We are working closely with businesses to help them understand how the exemption for named, critical workers operates and what to do if their staff are eligible.

‘This is a short-term and highly focused measure intended to apply only in exceptional circumstances, with the core purpose of preventing significant harm to public welfare as a result of disruption to critical services.’

He said the UK was to track to build under a million cars by the year’s end, and that it would take ‘a couple of years’ to get back to 1.2million to 1.3million.

The shortage of semi-conductors was also as a result of Covid. The average car has 1,500 – with hi-tech cars needing many more. The motor industry accounts for about 15% of the semi-conductor market, but firms making them are prioritising consumer goods firms which take the majority.


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