Netflix tease Britney Spears documentary with leaked audio

Britney Spears can be heard asking to eliminate her conservatorship back in 2009 in a leaked audio message from an upcoming Netflix documentary, titled Britney vs Spears.

The trailer for the documentary drops tomorrow, but a teaser released on Tuesday contains a voicemail from Britney, 39, to a lawyer, said to be recorded on January 21st, 2009 at 12:29 a.m. 

The 18-second clip features audio from Britney saying, ‘Hi, my name is Britney Spears, I called you earlier.’

‘I’m calling again because I just wanted to make sure that during the process of eliminating the conservatorship…’ before it cuts off. 

Wanting out: Britney Spears is heard requesting to eliminate her conservatorship back in 2009 in dramatic teaser for Netflix documentary Britney vs. Spears

The timing of the audio message is interesting, as it is just a year after her well-publicized meltdown between 2007 and 2008, when she was briefly placed under a 5150 hold. 

In the audio, Britney can be heard speaking clearly and directly, as it sounds as if the pop star is already asking for the controversial conservatorship to be ended. 

Britney’s father Jamie Spears, 69, had famously been paying himself $16,000 a month since 2008 to manage his daughter’s multimillion dollar fortune – before stepping down this year.

The Netflix series is just the latest in many documentaries made about the singer’s troubled life, that has come to ahead in recent months.  

Latest: The Netflix series is just the latest in many documentaries made about the singer's troubled life, that has come to ahead in recent months

Latest: The Netflix series is just the latest in many documentaries made about the singer’s troubled life, that has come to ahead in recent months

New information: The timing of the audio message is interesting, as it is just a year after her well-publicized meltdown between 2007 and 2008

New information: The timing of the audio message is interesting, as it is just a year after her well-publicized meltdown between 2007 and 2008

Shock: In the audio, Britney can be heard speaking clearly and directly, as it sounds as if the pop star is already asking for the controversial conservatorship to be ended

Shock: In the audio, Britney can be heard speaking clearly and directly, as it sounds as if the pop star is already asking for the controversial conservatorship to be ended

Last month, Jamie announced that he would stepping down, as his daughter has long demanded, provided Judge Brenda Penny asked him to and there was a plan in place for Britney’s care. 

Britney’s lawyer, Mathew Rosengart, said it was ‘a vindication for Britney’.

‘We are pleased that Mr. Spears and his lawyer have today conceded in a filing that he must be removed,’ he said. ‘It is vindication for Britney.’

In the court documents, obtained by TMZ, his lawyers write: ‘There are, in fact, no actual grounds for suspending or removing Mr. Spears as the Conservator of the Estate … and it is highly debatable whether a change in conservator at this time would be in Ms. Spears’ best interests.

‘Nevertheless, even as Mr. Spears is the unremitting target of unjustified attacks, he does not believe that a public battle with his daughter over his continuing service as her conservator would be in her best interests.’

Jamie Spears, pictured with Britney in 2015, on Thursday resigned as her conservator. He said that he was stepping down because he did not feel the continued public battle was in her best interests

Jamie Spears, pictured with Britney in 2015, on Thursday resigned as her conservator. He said that he was stepping down because he did not feel the continued public battle was in her best interests

Jamie, who has always insisted he was acting in the best interests of his superstar daughter, said that he will work with the legal teams to bring the complex case to an end.

‘So, even though he must contest this unjustified Petition for his removal, Mr. Spears intends to work with the Court and his daughter’s new attorney to prepare for an orderly transition to a new conservator,’ his lawyers wrote.

Jamie, who is not believed to have spoken to his daughter since before Christmas, said that he will continue to look out for his daughter’s best interests.

‘Regardless of his formal title, Mr. Spears will always be Ms. Spears’ father, he will always love her unconditionally, and he will always look out for her best interests,’ the lawyers said.

‘If the public knew all the facts of Ms. Spears’ personal life, not only her highs but also her lows, all of the addiction and mental health issues that she has struggled with, and all of the challenges of the Conservatorship, they would praise Mr. Spears for the job he has done, not vilify him.’

Britney is pictured on stage in London in August 2018, during the Piece of Me tour

Britney is pictured on stage in London in August 2018, during the Piece of Me tour

He said that the arrangement ‘has worked as intended’ and it was not surprising that Britney had felt ‘constrained’.

The lawyers wrote: ‘The Conservatorship has provided Ms. Spears with a structure to help her navigate the daily challenges of her personal life, family matters, medical issues, and career.

‘By nature, the structure includes safeguards to protect the Conservatee from self-harm or harm from others.

‘It is not surprising that Ms. Spears has often felt constrained or subject to excessive supervision.

‘But, at least for the greater part of the past thirteen years, the Conservatorship has worked as intended.’