What it’s REALLY like to live in a haunted house

A solicitor has told how she was tormented as a teenager by a violent poltergeist that ‘possessed’ her and almost drove her to take her own life.

Millie, whose surname was not given, spoke to BBC Radio 4 podcast Uncanny about her experience growing up in a 17th century farmhouse in the Cotswolds, which she believes was haunted by the spirit of a teenage girl who had hung herself in the attic in the 1700s. 

Both Millie, now in her 30s, and her mother, Mary, witnessed unexplained goings-on, including seeing cassettes levitate and discovering a heavy, gilt-frame mirror broken on the floor after apparently flying across the room and crashing against the wall.

Mary, whose husband, Robert, grew up in the property, claims to have been possessed by the spirit after smelling the stench of ‘rotting flesh’ in the kitchen. 

Most chillingly, Millie woke one day to find herself standing on a stool in her bedroom with a noose around her neck, with no recollection of how she got there.

Terrifying: Millie spoke to BBC Radio 4 podcast Uncanny about her experience growing up in a 17th century farmhouse in the Cotswolds, which she believes was haunted by the spirit of a teenage girl who had hung herself in the attic in the 1700s. Stock image

Presenter Danny Robins heard how Millie, who he described as ‘sensible’, first felt uneasy at the house at six years old, when she was put down for a nap in her stepfather Robert’s childhood bedroom following his wedding to her mother.  

Six years later, Millie, Mary and Robert moved into the property to care for Robert’s mother during her cancer battle. Millie was given Robert’s old childhood bedroom, the same one she had felt ‘very uncomfortable’ in as a young girl.

‘Everywhere around the house, I would feel like I was being watched,’ she said. 

‘The room under my bedroom, the hall, I would feel like there was a presence in one particular corner. When my sister and I were playing outside I would feel someone was watching me from the windows in the attic. 

‘Every so often my mother would ask me to go up to the loft to “get such-and-such” and I would cry with fear.’

She said the ‘overwhelming feeling’ was that there was ‘someone else in this house’. 

At the age of 14, Millie started to notice more ‘physical’ evidence that the house was haunted. 

‘Things started to move during the night,’ she continued. ‘I would hear a rolling across the floorboards in my bedroom. I would turn my light on and there would be nothing in the middle of the floor. I would turn the light off and the noise would start again. Every night.’

Sometimes, to try and disguise her fear, Millie would listen to music on her Walkman. Before going to bed she would take the headphones out of her ears and place the device on the floor. But in the morning, she would notice something strange. 

‘The whole earpiece was cut off at the wire,’ she said. ‘The whole in-ear plastic piece would be gone. That happened five or six times.’

Both Millie, now in her 30s, and her mother, Mary, witnessed unexplained goings-on at the house, including seeing cassettes levitate and discovering a heavy, gilt-frame mirror broken on the floor after apparently flying across the room and crashing against the wall. Stock image

Both Millie, now in her 30s, and her mother, Mary, witnessed unexplained goings-on at the house, including seeing cassettes levitate and discovering a heavy, gilt-frame mirror broken on the floor after apparently flying across the room and crashing against the wall. Stock image

One of the most striking encounters with the apparent spirit came in 2000, when Millie was studying for her Maths GCSE. 

She heard a thump and turned to find the lever arch files that had been on her bookshelf in a pile across the room.   

‘A few minutes later, I started hearing little plastic taps,’ she continued. ‘I look at my stereo and a pile of cassette tapes on top of one of the speakers are moving one at a time off the speaker, onto the floor, and restacking. 

‘The stereo was not on, there was no sound coming from it, but they were moving in a straight line, horizontally, then straight down vertically… Like someone had picked one up and is putting it down slowly. They are being moved from the speaker. I just ran.’

The stereo was not on, there was no sound coming from it, but they were moving in a straight line, horizontally, then straight down vertically… Like someone had picked one up and is putting it down slowly

Millie sought out her mother in the kitchen, where Mary agreed she thought there was ‘a poltergeist’. 

‘From the moment I moved in, I just felt terribly uneasy,’ Mary said. ‘I couldn’t put my finger on it so we just tried to live with it…

‘It was my in-laws’ property. I always felt like I was being watched. My in-laws admitted they called it a poltergeist, and said it was always playing tricks.’ 

Mary and Millie believe the poltergeist could hear and understand what they were saying. As they were discussing the spirit in the kitchen, they heard a ‘smack’ at the far end of the house.

They raced down to the hall, the room underneath Millie’s that she ‘didn’t like being in after dark’ and found ‘a very large, gilt frame mirror that was resting on the floor against the wall, behind a 3ft-tall stereo cabinet had risen up and over the top and smashed against the far wall’.

Mary added: ‘The mirror was so heavy, I couldn’t lift it. So some unnatural force had come in and lifted this whole thing and thrown it across the room. My builder at the time said, “That’ll teach you about being rude about the presence in the house because she heard you”.’ 

On a separate occasion, Mary believes she was ‘possessed’ by the spirit. It started out when she could smell something ‘invasive and vile’ in the kitchen, like ‘rotting flesh meets sewage’, but couldn’t find the source. 

Presenter Danny Robins, pictured, heard how Millie, who he described as 'sensible', first felt uneasy at the house at six years old, when she was put down for a nap in her stepfather Robert's childhood bedroom following his wedding to her mother

Presenter Danny Robins, pictured, heard how Millie, who he described as ‘sensible’, first felt uneasy at the house at six years old, when she was put down for a nap in her stepfather Robert’s childhood bedroom following his wedding to her mother 

‘I stood at the sink and I just felt something was getting far too close to me. I backed into the corner. 

‘Robert [my husband] came out and he said, “Are you alright?” And I was shaking my head and I couldn’t speak. It sounds very dramatic but I felt that if I spoke it wouldn’t be my voice coming out. 

‘This sounds very far-fetched [but] it was as if it was standing behind me and it walked forwards and it came into my body. I felt just invaded by this wretched thing… Something menacing, something not pleasant at all.’

Millie continued hearing unexplained sounds – squeaking on the stairs and footsteps on wood outside her door, even though the landing was carpeted. ‘I can’t put into words accurately how scary it is to know there is a presence in your house you can’t see,’ she said. ‘We would dread going home.’

I can’t put into words accurately how scary it is to know there is a presence in your house you can’t see,’ she said. ‘We would dread going home

As a teenager, Millie suffered, experiencing low self-esteem and low confidence. She fell into a ‘huge depression’.

It came to a head one evening while she was watching TV in her room. 

‘I was feeling very, very sad,’ she recalled. ‘Then I blacked out and came to, trying to hang myself from the beam in my bedroom. 

‘There was a beam across the centre of the bedroom. I was stood on this stool and there was a rope. I didn’t know how I had gotten there but I was almost ready to step off and hang myself. It was pretty scary. I just went, “Why am I here?” And got down.’

She added: ‘I felt like I was placed there. Like someone else had taken over my actions.’

The family later learned, thanks to the work of local historians, that a young girl had hung herself in the attic, the room that had given Millie such an uneasy feeling as a child. 

‘I think it was the ghost showing me what she had been through and why she was there,’ Millie theorised. ‘I was at the right age for it to draw on my energy. Having a young girl as the ghost felt like a right explanation. We think it was done in the attic.’  

The family eventually moved out. Robert, who had never had any ‘extraordinary experiences’, in the property, said it had been ‘heart-wrenching’ to leave his family home.  

The programme heard from sceptic psychologist Chris French, who speculated whether the incident with the noose in Millie’s bedroom, and experiences like the cassettes and the files, could be attributed to ‘dissociative behaviour’.  

‘If the account is accurate then that does indicate Millie could, at times, do stuff without realising she was doing them. If, indeed, Millie does have this potential for whatever reason go into this dissociative state where she is carrying out actions that she subsequently has no memories of, is it possible that some of the other apparently inexplicable events, might she have been responsible for those events herself and now have no memory of them. 

‘The other possibility is, did this really happen at all. Or, maybe, even though she sincerely believes it happened, might it be a false memory. Millie’s description does have a dreamlike quality to me. Maybe it was something she actually dreamt and is now remember it as having been a real thing that happened. Whatever the explanation is, it is understandably very scary and very, very unpleasant. 

Writer and paranormal psychologist Evelyn Hollow pointed out that while periods of dissociative behaviour could explain some elements of Millie’s story, it did not account for everything. 

‘It doesn’t explain the fact that she’s not the only one that experiences it. And, before that, these things have happened before Millie was even living there because the grandparents have already experienced it. That to me suggests there’s an external force.’

Concluding the episode, Danny asked: ‘Is it the story of two teenage girls, separated across centuries, one reaching out to the other? Or is it the story of a family, feeding each other’s fears and accidentally inventing a ghost.’  

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