Stephanie Grisham says there was a ‘culture of abuse’ in the Trump White House

Stephanie Grisham said Tuesday there was a ‘culture of abuse’ in Donald Trump’s White House, admitted she lied in TV interviews and said she believes Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell would be on staff if the former president ran and won in 2024.

The former White House press secretary was on CNN’s New Day as part of media tour for her memoir ‘I’ll Take Your Questions Now,’ her tale about her work for Donald and Melania Trump, which is out on Tuesday.

Grisham, who worked for Donald Trump from the early days of his 2016 campaign until she resigned in protest on January 6th, described what it was like to work for the former president. During her tenure she served as spokesperson for him and for Melania Trump.

‘It took me a really long time to realize it was a culture of abuse in there, you just want to keep Donald Trump happy. You just don’t want him to yell at you,’ she said.  ‘You learn to give him the answer that he wants. We learned to work around him.’

She described Trump yelling at her to her face when she refused to kick CNN’s Kaitlin Collins out of the White House briefing room.

‘He was yelling at me to my face in that one. Um it’s horrible when he yells at you. It’s horrible. He is very New York I guess,’ she said. ‘He’s very mean when he yells at you.’

Stephanie Grisham said there was a ‘culture of abuse’ in Donald Trump’s White House and described former president yelling at her – Grisham appeared on CNN’s New Day to promote her new memoir about working for the Trumps

Grisham also outlined her worries about Trump’s continued false claim that he won the 2020 election. She said she was concerned if he ran again in 2024 and won, he would seek ‘revenge’ and be out of control.

‘The fact that he is pushing this election lie is scary to me, and the fact that he’s the frontrunner right now, if he were to run for office, is scary to me,’ Grisham said. ‘And that’s because, if he gets into office, he doesn’t run for re-election again. He’ll be able to do whatever he wants, and we all know, there’s going to be retribution, there’s going revenge. I guarantee there will be very draconian policies, and they’re not going to care, because they don’t have to run for re-election again.’

Trump has not said whether or not he will make another presidential bid in 2024 although many see him as the frontrunner for the Republican nomination should he choose to get into the race. 

During his time in the White House, the president had to defend many of his decisions – such as not releasing his tax records, keeping his ties to his family business, and for trying to intefere in Justice Department investigations.  

Grisham said if Trump won, his staff for that term would be even more extreme than many of the enablers who surrounded Trump during his first tenure. 

She said she envisioned Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell on staff – the two lawyers led Trump’s failed legal attempts to overturn the 2020 election results. Both Giuliani and Powell were led propogators of the ‘big lie’ – that Trump won and the election was stolen from him. Multiple recounts proved Joe Biden won in 2020.

‘If people think that the people in (the first) Trump White House were bad perhaps, I have a feeling the 1/6 crowd might be working in the White House in 2024, or the Sidney Powells, or the Rudy Giulianis,’ Grisham said. ‘I think people left and right are going to get pardoned. The amount of things, knowing what I know, that could happen, it scares me.’

Rudy Giuliani

Sidney Powell

Stephanie Grisham said she believes if Trump ran and won in 2024 she envisioned Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell on the White House staff – the two lawyers led Trump’s failed legal attempts to overturn the 2020 election results

Stephanie Grisham also revealed she lied when she went on Fox News to talk about administration - above Grisham during her tenure as press secretary for President Trump

Stephanie Grisham also revealed she lied when she went on Fox News to talk about administration – above Grisham during her tenure as press secretary for President Trump

Grisham’s book has sparked widespread criticism from the pro-Trump crowd and even the former president weighed in to accuse her of cashing out.

‘Stephanie didn’t have what it takes and that was obvious from the beginning,’ Trump said in a statement. He said she had become ‘very angry and bitter’ after a breakup. ‘She had big problems and we felt that she should work out those problems for herself. Now, like everyone else, she gets paid by a radical left-leaning publisher to say bad and untrue things.’ 

Grisham was a controversial figure during her time in the Trump White House, particularly for never holding a press briefing when she served in the role of press secretary. 

But she, like many officials in the Trump administatration, often went on Fox News to spread their message. 

I'll Take Your Questions Now: What I saw at the Trump White House by Stephanie Grisham comes out on October 5

I’ll Take Your Questions Now: What I saw at the Trump White House by Stephanie Grisham comes out on October 5 

‘That’s just where we went to get what we wanted out,’ she said. ‘They, you know, by and large didn’t get tough with us, they just took what we were saying and disseminated it.’ 

Asked if she was always truthful during her interviews on Fox News, she admitted: ‘I probably wasn’t.’

Grisham, 45, then served as press secretary to Trump from July 2019 to April 2020. She then returned to the East Wing as Melania’s chief of staff from April 2020 until January 2021.

Many Trump loyalists have turned on her, including Melania Trump, whose office accused her of cashing in.

And Grisham’s former colleague Alyssa Farah, who served as White House Communications Director for Trump, said during an interview with The View on Monday: ‘First and foremost, I don’t believe in profiting off of public service. I had a chance to write my White House tell-all and declined. The American people, the taxpayers, paid my salary. 

‘I’m not going to go write a book and cash in.’

She went on to declare that Grisham was ‘largely MIA on the job’, and said that the reason she never held a live-televised press briefing was down to her own reluctance to do so, not Trump as Grisham claimed.

‘When I worked for him, it was, ”Go get out on TV, Alyssa. Go give a briefing.” He wanted people out,’ Farah said.

‘It seemed like she was largely MIA on the job.’ obtained a live photo of Stephanie Grisham lying on the floor of the White House during the 2020 presidential election. A source who was at the election party tells that the picture was taken to show how embarrassing her antics were obtained a live photo of Stephanie Grisham lying on the floor of the White House during the 2020 presidential election. A source who was at the election party tells that the picture was taken to show how embarrassing her antics were

Grisham has returned to the public eye since her exit from the Trump White House, promoting her 352-page memoir.  She went to Kanas after her time in Washington D.C., where she worked on the book. 

She told ABC News she is ‘terrified’ that Trump might run for president again, telling Nightline’s Juju Cheng that a second Trump term would be a disaster.

‘I am terrified of him running in 2024. I don’t think he is fit for the job,’ said Grisham in an interview that aired Monday night.

‘I think that he is erratic. I think that he can be delusional. I think that he is a narcissist and cares about himself first and foremost. And I do not want him to be our president again.’ 

Grisham said a second Trump term in the White House would lead to chaos, claiming the former president’s inflammatory behavior would lead to rising violence and alleged he would only run for the presidency to benefit himself and his family. 

‘I think he would foment more violence. I think he will line his pockets. I think his family will line their pockets.

‘I believe that he wanted to help the country in the beginning – I believe he wants to help himself now.’

And she dismissed her critics, telling ABC’s George Stephanopolous that she expected the attacks. 

‘I expected that. I expect more. This is right out of their playbook. When they don’t like the message, they’re going to destroy the messenger. I know. I was part of doing that sometimes.

She pointed out Melania Trump wasn’t ‘denying anything fully in the book just yet.’ 

‘I think she knows that I have a lot of receipts to show I’m being fully honest. So I expected that, and I’m sure that there will be more to come, probably a lawsuit or two or three or four,’ Grisham said.