Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews to RETURN from leave to attend National Cabinet meeting 

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews will return from leave to attend a National Cabinet meeting on Wednesday over how Australia will tackle the new Omicron strain.

Scott Morrison called the emergency meeting on Monday as Covid cases ticked up to 3,957, a figure that was surpassed on Tuesday by a record of 4,576.

At the top of the agenda will be booster shots, with the timeframe between second and third vaccinations to be reduced from five months to four.

National cabinet was not due to meet until the New Year but Mr Morrison said the ‘informal’ meeting was arranged to ‘give everybody an update on the most recent information we have’ on the more infectious Omicron strain which is rapidly spreading across Europe and the US. 

Adding fuel to the fire is modelling prepared for the meeting by the Doherty Institute claiming Australia could record 200,000 cases a day by the end of January without extra restrictions like indoor mask wearing and density limits in pubs and bars.

Scott Morrison (pictured north of Brisbane playing swing ball on Tuesday) will chair a meeting of premiers and chief ministers from Canberra at 12pm on Wednesday

What will be discussed in the meeting? 

Mask mandates: Health experts and some states are in favour but the PM and NSW are against

Booster rollout: PM will urge states to re-open vaccine hubs. Medical experts will provide advice on timeframe between second and third jabs

Travel testing: NSW and VIC want QLD to ease testing requirements 

The modelling predicted there would be 4,000 hospitalisations a day based on the ‘conservative assumption’ that Omicron is just as severe as Delta, even though evidence to date shows it is milder – but the outbreak would be controlled by March with booster shots. 

This would lead to between 8,000 and 10,000 patients in ICUs over the course of the wave, based on modelling of how many would get sick enough to need it – even with Covid booster rollouts in full swing.

However, the Doherty Institute has a poor track record in its modelling coming even close to fruition and was blasted as ridiculous by top infectious disease expert Professor Peter Collignon.

‘I don’t know where they’ve come up with this modelling but it’s not based on any real world data,’ he told Daily Mail Australia.

‘They are assumptions that do not correlate to anything we’ve seen before in summer in any other country.

‘If there were 200,000 cases a day, the whole of Australia would be infected in just a few months. That hasn’t happened anywhere in the world.’

Wednesday’s meeting will discuss measures to tackle the new variant including mask mandates and the national booster program.

Mr Morrison said he would advise premiers to resist re-imposing lockdowns, and had given a ‘strong recommendation’ on mask use indoors.

‘What I will be saying to them – and I know a number of premiers agree with this – is we have got to move to the next phase of how we live with this virus,’ he said.

‘The time for that heavy hand is behind us. We just need to live with this virus sensibly and practically.

The meeting will also give premiers the chance to discuss rules including inter-state testing requirements as travel tests cause huge delays and deter people who are actually ill from getting a swab.

Chief medical officer Paul Kelly told premiers masks should be mandated in all indoor settings including retail, hospitality when not eating or drinking, and entertainment facilities.

Sydneysiders enjoyed 30C weather on Tuesday by heading to the beach as the state recorded 3,057 new cases of Covid

Sydneysiders enjoyed 30C weather on Tuesday by heading to the beach as the state recorded 3,057 new cases of Covid 

However, Mr Morrison wants the states to encourage mask-wearing but railed against government diktats, saying: ‘We have to move from a culture of mandates to a culture of responsibility.’

This prompted Labor’s health spokesman Mark Butler to accuse him of a ‘dangerous’ departure from the health advice. 

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet also opposes mask mandates, declaring he wanted to treat his citizens ‘like adults’.

But he said he would ‘tailor’ his state’s response based on ‘facts not fear’.

Masks are compulsory for retail shopping in Victoria and Queensland while South Australia, Tasmania, and the ACT mandated masks indoors.

The Northern Territory said it was considering the same move while Western Australia, which has no cases due to its hard border, only requires masks at airports. 

Aussies queue inside their cars for Covid testing in Bondi, eastern Sydney on Tuesday. NSW and VIC want QLD to ease testing requirements for travelling amid testing delays

Aussies queue inside their cars for Covid testing in Bondi, eastern Sydney on Tuesday. NSW and VIC want QLD to ease testing requirements for travelling amid testing delays

Doherty’s doomsday Omicron forecast 

The Doherty Institute claims without low-to-medium restrictions being mandated, including limits on visitors and density in pubs, cafes and restaurants, the country could face millions of Covid cases within weeks.

As a part of the predicted 200,000 cases a day, researchers predicted hospitalisations could hit 4,000 a day – putting a heavy strain on the medical system.

This would lead to between 8,000 and 10,000 patients in ICUs over the course of the wave, based on modelling of how many would get sick enough to need it.  

The Doherty Institute concluded the data based off current restrictions, which include no lockdowns, no retail restrictions, and open schools.

It also assumes Omicron has the same severity of disease as Delta, something that has yet to be proven and is widely believed to be incorrect by experts.

Doherty Institute modelling has not proved accurate throughout the pandemic and is criticised for flawed methodology and small timeframes that don’t account for full pictures.

The failure to include children under 12 in the data and correctly model the severity of variants has also come under criticism from health experts. 

The ACT, which recorded 16 new cases on Tuesday, took an extra step and limited aged care residents to five visitors a day. 

The Australian Medical Association called for mask-wearing and tighter density limits indoors.  

‘They’ll not destroy the economy and not destroy people’s Christmases and can keep a bit of a handbrake on Omicron while we learn more about it and whilst we get our booster program under way,’ President Omar Khorshid insisted. 

There is no suggestion of lockdowns other than in the Northern Territory where shutdowns in Tennant Creek and Ali Curung were extended on Tuesday due to an outbreak amid fears for vulnerable Aboriginal residents.

Mr Morrison said he would tell premiers not to consider lockdowns.

‘The states have the total authority when it comes to public health orders… [but] what I will be saying to them, and I know a number of premiers agree with this, is we have got to move to the next phase of how we live with this virus,’ he said.

Fortunately for Christmas travellers, there is little sign of any imminent border closures, with Covid already in every state except WA which is already effectively sealed off. 

But NSW and Victoria will pressure Queensland to remove its entry testing requirement after testing centres were swamped with travellers queuing for hours and preventing ill people from getting a swab.

‘Tourism tests are getting in the way of actually looking after patients and clinical outcomes. How we strike that balance is a challenge,’ NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard said. 

Also facing huge testing delays, South Australia on Tuesday removed its requirement for an arrival test for travellers who tested negative 72 hours before their trip.

Top expert dismisses Covid modelling of 200,000 cases a day

The Doherty Institute, which drafted Australia’s long road out of lockdown, prepared a report for national cabinet outlining its alarming data and urging all states to reintroduce face mask mandates and restrictions of gatherings.

But Australian National University professor Peter Collignon AM told Daily Mail Australia the grim prediction is ‘completely unbelievable’.

‘I don’t know where they’ve come up with this modelling but it’s not based on any real world data,’ he said.

‘They are assumptions that do not correlate to anything we’ve seen before in summer in any other country.

‘If there were 200,000 cases a day, the whole of Australia would be infected in just a few months. That hasn’t happened anywhere in the world.’

The Doherty Institute claims without low-to-medium restrictions, including limits on visitors and density in pubs, cafes and restaurants, the country could face millions of Covid cases within weeks.

As a part of the predicted 200,000 cases a day, researchers predicted hospitalisations could hit 4,000 a day – putting a heavy strain on the medical system.

This would lead to between 8,000 and 10,000 patients in ICUs over the course of the wave, based on modelling of how many would get sick enough to need it – even with Covid booster rollouts in full swing.

If the dire prediction is accurate, Australia would have four times the number of cases as Britain did in its horror summer when infections peaked at about 45,000 cases a day.

‘They’ve got twice the population of us and far less vaccination. So I just find that figure unbelievable and not realistic,’ Professor Collignon said.

‘We haven’t seen this in South Africa or anywhere else in the world.’

Professor Collignon also explained why the potential reintroduction of mask mandates may not have much of an impact on containing the spread.

‘Face masks might decrease your risks by about 10 per cent but over the medium to long term it won’t really make a lot of difference, particularly in summer when people won’t use them properly. That’s the reality of it,’ he said.

‘I find their figure of 200,000 unbelievable, therefore I find their assumptions about masks probably unbelievable too.’  

The Doherty Institute’s data based off current restrictions, which include no lockdowns, no retail restrictions, and open schools.

It assumes Omicron has the same severity of disease as Delta, something that has yet to be proven with many experts of the belief it is a more infectious but milder variant.

Doherty Institute modelling has not proved accurate throughout the pandemic and is criticised for flawed methodology and small timeframes that don’t account for full pictures.

The Australian Medical Association has called for mask-wearing and tighter density limits on indoor venues. Pictured: Sydney residents at a cafe in Coogee on Tuesday

The Australian Medical Association has called for mask-wearing and tighter density limits on indoor venues. Pictured: Sydney residents at a cafe in Coogee on Tuesday

A woman is seen receiving a vaccination at a Cohealth pop-up vaccination clinic at the State Library Victoria in Melbourne on Monday

A woman is seen receiving a vaccination at a Cohealth pop-up vaccination clinic at the State Library Victoria in Melbourne on Monday

Covid-19 cases recorded on Tuesday 

NSW: 3,057

Victoria: 1,245

South Australia: 154


ACT: 16

Northern Territory: 14

Tasmania: 4

Western Australia: 0

Total: 4,576 


The meeting will also discuss Australia’s booster rollout, with third jabs deemed key to stopping the Omicron variant.

The vaccine advisory group ATAGI has already cut the timeframe between second and third jabs from six to five months and is weighing up a further cut to four months.

Governments in NSW and Victoria are pushing for this change, and so is the AMA, but Mr Morrison said he would not change the rule unless the experts recommended it. 

‘What I will not do is front run their advice on that issue. They will consider these issues carefully, and they will advise the government,’ he said. 

There are 3.2 million Australians eligible for a booster shot but only 1.5 million have taken up the offer so far.

Many reported being unable to secure appointments at GPs and pharmacies, with wait times of up to a month. 

There is no supply shortage with latest Commonwealth figures showing there are 4.8 million Pfizer and Moderna doses in fridges at GPs and pharmacies and another 13 million doses in federal warehouses.

But the pharmacies and GPs are struggling to keep pace with demand after states wound down their vaccine hubs.

There are now 699 active state vaccine hubs across the nation, down from 957 in November. Pictured: Sydney's Olympic Park hub in August

There are now 699 active state vaccine hubs across the nation, down from 957 in November. Pictured: Sydney’s Olympic Park hub in August

State hubs handed out 890,000 doses in the week ending 29 August but only 338,000 in the week until December 19, a decline of 62 per cent.

There are 699 active state vaccine hubs across the nation, down from 957 in November. 

Mr Morrison encouraged states to re-open and re-staff their major centres to quickly roll out booster shots.

‘We urge the states and territories to reopen the state vaccination clinics that have been wound down, more than 200 of them over the last couple of months,’ he said.

Victoria’s acting premier James Merlino ruled out any restrictions on gatherings. 

‘There are no restrictions on getting together with loved ones with family and friends to celebrate Christmas, to celebrate New Year, to enjoy the summer. None of those things are changing,’ he said. 

There are currently 833 people in hospital with Covid in Australia, compared to a peak of 1,541 on September 21.

Thirty-seven have Omicron but none of those are in ICU.

Australia’s vaccine rate for over 16s sits at 90.6 per cent. 
