Can hyperautomatization be a working tool for business?

Alexey Viktorovich Kuzovkin – CEO of Infosoft, ex-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Armada Group of Companies. Alexey Kuzovkin has tremendous experience in managing innovative and IT projects.

Hyperautomatization of business involves a revision of the strategic management plan for the development of information technologies. Simple accumulation of systems is not enough for digitalization.

It will require a revision of the business model, the IT foundation. Specific recommendations of specialists help to implement ideas for changing processes, employees, and resources.

What is hyperautomatization?

Hyperautomatization is a complex of software, implementation of digital mechanisms, automation of work. The system is necessary for people who want to facilitate the fulfillment of their tasks in business development. Hyperautomatization includes:

  • robotic automation of processes
  • artificial intelligence
  • application production platforms with low coding costs
  • machine-learning
  • the work of virtual assistants
  • data analysis using artificial intelligence

The use of one of these technologies greatly facilitates processing, information analyzing, and decision making, but the complex innovations satisfy the needs of consumers in business hyperautomatization.

Advantages of hyperautomatization

The main goal of any business is to make a profit. If automation increases the expenses of an employer, then it makes sense to continue hiring people whose salaries take much smaller amounts.

To increase business interest, it is necessary to reduce the payback time of technologies. In three years, the world may change, and the need in using the system may disappear. Thus, some processes may cease to exist even before the implemented mechanisms start working in full force.

The central place in the transition to hyperautomatization, in addition to changing the strategy, is occupied by changing the role of the ERP system, which provides the organization’s resource planning.

Business efficiency is based on the management of processes that combine finance, operations, supplies, production, personnel, and other fundamental elements of the overall structure.

Digitalization will increase the speed of updating data, will make it possible to manage changes. Flexible systems are emerging that are easy to build up and change with innovations appearance. The strategy of a modern company encourages the adoption of new solutions that will replace monolithic large-scale management systems.

Hyperautomatization involves the integration of processes that take into account the relationship between people and digital objects, data, and ways of processing them. Information is understood not as information for system maintenance, but as data that helps to support customers’ business processes using software systems.

Hyperautomatization allows you to create chains of software modules, changing the business management system. The use of one technology limits the company’s potential. It requires the introduction of an integrated system rather than separate application platforms.

The combination of BPM and RPA ensures the fulfillment of long-term plans and does not interfere with the implementation of short-term programs. BPM and IPA concepts automate decision-making based on analytically verified assumptions.

The combination of BPM and NLP implements voice control, BPM, and Process Mining automates the optimization of processes based on objective data.

Complex combinations perform complex automation process scenarios. Digitalization involves two sides of change. The first is related to the organization of the IT staff, the second involves changes in corporate IT.