Real Housewives Of Orange County: Jen Armstrong reveals that her husband Ryne Holliday left her

Jen Armstrong said she had reached the breaking point with her husband Ryne Holliday and wanted a divorce on Wednesday night’s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County on Bravo.

The 44-year-old show newcomer told Heather Dubrow, 52, in the limo over to a luncheon at Shannon Beador’s house about how Ryne stormed off after she tried to talk to him about their relationship. When Jen first got into the car, Heather told her she looked awesome.

‘Thank God for make-up and Botox,’ said Jen. ‘I almost cancelled.’

Breaking point: Jen Armstrong said she had reached the breaking point with her husband Ryne Holliday and wanted a divorce on Wednesday night’s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County on Bravo

Heather asked her if she wanted to talk about it.

‘Ryne packed his bags and left last night,’ said Jen. ‘Then he came back at 11 a.m this morning.’

Jen said in a confessional that Ryne left the house after then came back and screamed at her and then walked out again.

‘I feel completely alone right now,’ Jen said.

Getting emotional: The 44-year-old show newcomer told Heather Dubrow, 52, in the limo over to a luncheon at Shannon Beador's house about how Ryne stormed off after she tried to talk to him about their relationship

Getting emotional: The 44-year-old show newcomer told Heather Dubrow, 52, in the limo over to a luncheon at Shannon Beador’s house about how Ryne stormed off after she tried to talk to him about their relationship

Jen cried in the car and told Heather that ‘it’s not even hurt, it’s like humiliation. It’s like he totally humiliates me. I need a divorce.’

‘No,’ said Heather.

‘Yes,’ said Jen. ‘I don’t want to do this ever again. I really don’t like this. I don’t want to feel like this ever again.’

Divorce declaration: 'Yes,' said Jen. 'I don't want to do this ever again. I really don't like this. I don't want to feel like this ever again'

Divorce declaration: ‘Yes,’ said Jen. ‘I don’t want to do this ever again. I really don’t like this. I don’t want to feel like this ever again’

Jen asked Heather if could talk to the women and tell them not to ask her any questions. Heather and Jen walked into Shannon’s house and said hi to everyone.

Heather said in a confessional that every time she saw Noella Bergener, 36, she said hi to her and hoped that nothing bad happened.

‘It hasn’t worked out well historically,’ she said.

Says hello: Heather said in a confessional that every time she saw Noella Bergener, 36, she said hi to her and hoped that nothing bad happened

Says hello: Heather said in a confessional that every time she saw Noella Bergener, 36, she said hi to her and hoped that nothing bad happened

Heather brought Shannon a gift of a glass crystal and when she opened it she laughed and said ‘micro’ seeing what it was filled with packages of edibles. Heather told her to not let the kids see it.

‘Since marijuana became legal, I decided to experiment a little bit and I have to say little bites, little microdose of an edible is kind of fabulous,’ said Heather in a confessional. ‘And Shannon and edibles do very well together.’

Emily Simpson, 45, asked Jen how she was and she said she had a very difficult day. Heather tried to help her deflect but then Jen blurted out that Ryne packed his bags and left last night.

‘I just stopped crying for 13 hours,’ Jen said.

Took off: Jen blurted out that Ryne packed his bags and left last night

Took off: Jen blurted out that Ryne packed his bags and left last night

Jen told them that she was talking about her day with Ryne and was reaching out to him for support and that he was not able to give her support.

‘Then he lashes out,’ said Jen. ‘It was just a very big lash out.’

Emily shared that when she hit the 10-11 year point with her husband Shane that it was their lowest point. She said they then managed to make years 12 and 13 their best.

‘How did you do that,’ asked Jen who said she would take any advice.

Advice accepted: 'How did you do that,' asked Jen who said she would take any advice

Advice accepted: ‘How did you do that,’ asked Jen who said she would take any advice

Emily said she did a lot of counseling. Shannon said she did relationship boot camp and Jen said she did that as well.

‘You know what else we did and this might sound corny and cliche but we actually sat down and wrote out a mission statement for our marriage,’ said Emily.

In a confessional, Emily shared that one day she sat down and told Shane that she was really unhappy in their marriage, didn’t want to be in it anymore and thought that Shane felt the same. ‘And that day, he committed himself to me and our marriage,’ said Emily. ‘100 % he has lived by what he had said everyday since then.’

Noella went up to Jen and told her that she was truly sorry. The women sat down for lunch and Shannon shared that she fought with her previous husband for years before the infidelity.

Opening up: The women talked about their relationships at the table

Opening up: The women talked about their relationships at the table

Emily asked Jen if she was willing to do whatever it takes and she said yes.

‘Was there a prenup?’ asked Noella. ‘I’m just throwing it out there because I just went through it. It will be six weeks on Friday. I literally was served with divorce papers where I had no expectation we were even in that realm of thought.’

Emily said ‘I don’t think that’s helpful.’ Emily said to Jen maybe Ryne will say he regrets that and will reel it back in.

Not helpful: Emily told Noella that she wasn't being helpful with the divorce talk

Not helpful: Emily told Noella that she wasn’t being helpful with the divorce talk

‘Just in case he doesn’t know that there is potential that he is being counseled,’ said Noella.

‘He comes across as the mellow guy, he’s very calm and collected and very cool all the time and it’s false advertising,’ said Jen. ‘He’s the most f***ing dramatic person I’ve ever met.’

Noella then started talking about her break up and Emily interrupted her and asked her a question.

‘Am I allowed to finish what I’m saying?’ said Noella.

‘What is going on?’ said Noella, who turned to Emily.

Noella said ‘apparently I’m not allowed to talk about my divorce.’

‘It’s all you talk about,’ yelled Emily.

Jen got up from the table to get some more champagne.

In a confessional, Heather said ‘Noella save the diatribe for another time. Preferably when I’m not around.’

Heather went to the kitchen to speak to Jen. She said she didn’t like Noella’s ‘lets go get divorced’ attitude. Jen told her she didn’t want a divorced and that she wanted ‘progress and success and I’m frustrated because he is not participating with me. I don’t want to fail at this because I love him.’

Emily told Noella that she liked to talk about her divorce but didn’t like when someone questioned her about it. Emily got up and left Noella at the table and said she was going to talk to Jen and Heather because they were nicer.

‘I have sat through many, many, many conversations about this divorce,’ Emily told Jen and Heather. ‘If you turn to me then that’s bullsh**. You can’t sit there and monopolize the conversation.’

Many times: 'I have sat through many, many, many conversations about this divorce,' Emily told Jen and Heather

Many times: ‘I have sat through many, many, many conversations about this divorce,’ Emily told Jen and Heather

‘Can we just say that it’s sad that the only time she feels a connection with other women is when they are going through something horrible and traumatic?’ Emily said.

Shannon encouraged everyone to come back to the table because her cookies were being served. Emily said she might take valium, but Shannon said she would take an edible. Heather, Shannon and Emily took bites of the edible and ten minute later they were laughing.

‘I now have a drug dealer named Heather Dubrow,’ Shannon said in a confessional.

Emily got back to the table and Noella told her that she loved her. Jen thanked Shannon for having her over.

Much appreciated: Jen thanked Shannon for having her over

Much appreciated: Jen thanked Shannon for having her over

‘I was spiraling down and you invited me here and it really helps me and I really appreciate it,’ said Jen.

The episode titled ‘Edible Derangements’ opened with Heather and her husband Terry, 63, going out to dinner at Nobu with their children Nicky, 17 and Max, 17. Kat, 14, and Coco, 10. Heather said in a confessional that it was important for their family to have this time together.

At the dinner Kat didn’t like how Max talked about how she was eating. Heather told her that maybe she was being a little sensitive.

‘With my siblings, I’m not super close because we have such a big age difference that I don’t really connect with them’ Kat said in a confessional.

Family dinner: The episode titled 'Edible Derangements' opened with Heather and her husband Terry, 63, going out to dinner at Nobu with their children Nicky, 17 and Max, 17. Kat, 14, and Coco, 10

Family dinner: The episode titled ‘Edible Derangements’ opened with Heather and her husband Terry, 63, going out to dinner at Nobu with their children Nicky, 17 and Max, 17. Kat, 14, and Coco, 10

Heather told her at the table that her relationship with her siblings would change over time. ‘It will grow,’ said Heather.

‘From what I saw from the outside of my older sisters coming out story, it was very, everyone was supportive and her friends were supportive,’ said Kat in a confessional. ‘But when I came out, I was dealing with a lot of homophobia. I had issues with people at school who were saying the f-slur around me and just not very respectful of the LBGTQ plus community.’

Heather told her in that same confessional that ‘just breaks my heart.’

Double confessional: 'From what I saw from the outside of my older sisters coming out story, it was very, everyone was supportive and her friends were supportive,' said Kat in a confessional with her mom by her side. 'But when I came out, I was dealing with a lot of homophobia. I had issues with people at school who were saying the f-slur around me and just not very respectful of the LBGTQ plus community'

Double confessional: ‘From what I saw from the outside of my older sisters coming out story, it was very, everyone was supportive and her friends were supportive,’ said Kat in a confessional with her mom by her side. ‘But when I came out, I was dealing with a lot of homophobia. I had issues with people at school who were saying the f-slur around me and just not very respectful of the LBGTQ plus community’

Across town, Noella met Emily for a pedicure. Noella discussed with her how they were all going to be together at Shannon Beador’s house for a luncheon.

Noella told her that when she feels attacked that the ‘voice comes up and the hands come out.’

In a confessional Noella said that she was a typical Gemini and went from one extreme to the other. ‘I realized that I am kind of the psycho of the relationship. I can just pump the brakes, take it slow, and I care enough about this friend group to just make peace so we can get over this.’

Gemini style: In a confessional Noella said that she was a typical Gemini and went from one extreme to the other

Gemini style: In a confessional Noella said that she was a typical Gemini and went from one extreme to the other

Noella told Emily that she had a mediation with her estranged husband on Saturday. Emily asked if he would show up at the mediation.

Emily said in a confessional that she liked Noella but that she could also be ‘suffocating.’ She said ‘A lot of the conversation revolves around herself and her divorce.’

Noella said to her ‘right now it’s fight or flight for me.’ Emily said she understood. Noella kept talking about how he cries every day.

Emily also said in a confessional that she also feels that she has to walk on eggshells around her ‘because she gets very angry and defensive.’

Emily told Noellla that she needed to recognize that she does things that are unreasonable and that can be hurtful.

Self awareness: Emily told Noellla that she needed to recognize that she does things that are unreasonable and that can be hurtful

Self awareness: Emily told Noellla that she needed to recognize that she does things that are unreasonable and that can be hurtful

Emily said in a confessional that she knew that Noella was going through a divorce but she thought that sometimes she needs to ask someone else about their family and about how they are.

‘Sometimes women, we just want to connect on a very basic level,’ said Emily.

Noella said to Emily can she not get grace, and Emily told her yes but that she needed to reciprocate too.

In a confessional, Noella said that ‘when I am showing that I’m not okay it is almost threatening their projection of ‘everything’s fine, everything’s perfect, we don’t talk about this.’ She said that ‘that feeling that my pain is triggering something in you says something more about you than it says about me.’

Over at Shannon’s houses, she prepared lunch for the ladies. She made them cauliflower rice and chicken but forgot to order appetizers. The next day, Emily and Gina Kirschenheiter, 37, Emily took their kids to a play center. Gina said the lunch at Shannon’s house was awkward and Emily agreed.

The host: Over at Shannon's houses, she prepared lunch for the ladies

The host: Over at Shannon’s houses, she prepared lunch for the ladies

‘Does she ever ask about me?’ said Emily of Noella.

Gina said Noella didn’t even know about her skin care line. Gina shared with her pictures of her new skin care line.

At Heather’s house, she worked with her daughter Kat planting in their garden. Kat told her that she planned on taking down her rainbow flag in her room because of a comment she got from her TikTok profile.

‘When you come out, negativity is really inevitable and it really hurts,’ Kat said in a confessional. ‘It’s not something you are prepared for until it happens. And when it does happen it kind of hits you like a bus.’

Kat said that support from her family has helped her feel proud of her sexuality. Heather told Kat that she loved that she could tell her about her feelings.

‘I have learned so much from you,’ Heather said. ‘Even at this age, I’m trying to be self actualized and grow and always try to be a better person and try to learn more and I’m proud of you. I’m proud that you know who. You are. And if you want to fly a flag, and fly a huge one in your room, fly the damn flag. Be proud of yourself, I’m proud of you.’

Great mom: 'I have learned so much from you,' Heather told her daughter

Great mom: ‘I have learned so much from you,’ Heather told her daughter

Heather told her that she knows who she is and it was so amazing to watch. Kat thanked her for being there for her.

Later, Shannon met Emily and Jen for dinner. Jen ordered a dirty martini, prawns and fish and chips.

‘The dirtiest martini and fried food?’ said Shannon in a confessional. ‘Oh I’ve been there. It has not been a good day for Dr. Jen Armstrong.’

Catching up: Later, Shannon met Emily and Jen for dinner

Catching up: Later, Shannon met Emily and Jen for dinner

Emily and Shannon asked her what happened when she got home to Ryne. Jen said that he was sweet and they fell asleep on the couch holding hands. She said they hadn’t had a big conversation. Jen told them that they had a great time dating, had three babies and were hit with the ex-boyfriend lawsuit.

Shannon said she loved that she was in the mindset to fight for marriage. Jen said that after her father died she was anxious to start a family of her own.

‘I met Ryne a couple years after her father died and it was light and easy,’ said Jen. ‘Now that’s the roadblock in our relationship because he can’t go deep.’

Emily asked Shannon if she got jealous of Gina’s relationship with Heather and that she was taking her to New York for a trip. Shannon said no.

Husband talk: 'I met Ryne a couple years after her father died and it was light and easy,' said Jen. 'Now that's the roadblock in our relationship because he can't go deep'

Husband talk: ‘I met Ryne a couple years after her father died and it was light and easy,’ said Jen. ‘Now that’s the roadblock in our relationship because he can’t go deep’

‘I’m not jealous,’ said Shannon. ‘I’ve got enough s*** on my plate. I’m not thinking about you and Gina all the time. Sorry to disappoint you.’

‘Emily, every time I sit down with her she is like fricken stirring the pot,’ said Shannon in a confessional.

‘I’m reeling right now,’ said Shannon.

The Real Housewives of Orange County will return next Wednesday on Bravo.

Not jealous: Shannon insisted that she wasn't jealous of Gina's friendship with Heather

Not jealous: Shannon insisted that she wasn’t jealous of Gina’s friendship with Heather
