Senator vows inquiry into Hunter Biden should the GOP take back majority after midterms

Senator Ron Johnson said he intends to finish an investigation into Hunter Biden that had begun in 2020, when Republicans still had the majority in the Senate

Top Republican lawmakers in the U.S. Senate are already crafting a sweeping wishlist of investigations into Hunter Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci and the southwestern border among other subjects in the event they take back the Congressional majority in November, a new report suggests on Sunday.

Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) criticized federal agencies under the Biden administration for a ‘lack of transparency’ when stressing the need for Congressional oversight, in comments to The Hill.

Of particular interest to the Wisconsin lawmaker, who chaired the Senate Homeland Security Committee until 2021, are the business dealings of the president’s son Hunter.

Johnson revealed he had been trying to get the younger Biden’s travel records for a ‘couple of years’ but to no avail.

‘The lack of transparency in these agencies. The lack of their willingness to comply with legitimate congressional oversight,’ the Republican said. 

‘I mean I think that’s an investigation right there, is why can’t Congress conduct legitimate oversight anymore.’

Johnson had previously teamed up with Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) to release an ‘interim report’ weeks before the 2020 presidential election titled ‘Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns.’

The report accused Hunter Biden of ‘cashing in’ on his father’s role as vice president in the Obama administration but found no wrongdoing on the part of then-candidate Biden himself.

But Johnson indicated there was more to the probe. Senate control shifted to the Democrats when Biden took office.

‘I’d kind of like that to wrap that up. We’ve been trying to get his travel records for a couple of years now,’ Johnson said of his investigation on Sunday.

Johnson revealed on Sunday that he has been trying to get Hunter Biden's travel records for 'a couple of years' to no avail

Johnson revealed on Sunday that he has been trying to get Hunter Biden’s travel records for ‘a couple of years’ to no avail

At the time, Democrat lawmakers accused Republicans of propagating misinformation with their probe. 

The senator dismissed concerns that renewed focus on Hunter Biden’s business dealings would take away from Republican leaders’ playbook of attacking the president on his record in the White House. 

He indicated that the potentially sweeping investigation could ensnare others in Biden’s orbit as well

‘I’ll be that mosquito. Hard to tell what targets I might pick. They’ll all be juicy,’ he said. 

Other members of Johnson’s caucus are eyeing more recent issues.

Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) have floated the idea of investigating Fauci, the White House chief medical adviser, for accusations ranging from abuse of power amid the COVID-19 pandemic to claims he funded viral research in Wuhan, China that allegedly could have led to the disease’s outbreak.

Paul could very likely become Senate Health Committee chair if Republicans retake the Senate, currently split 50-50 with Vice President Kamala Harris as a tie-breaking vote. The current ranking member on the panel Richard Burr (R-N.C.) is retiring.

‘If we win in November, if I’m chairman of a committee, if I have subpoena power, we’ll go after every one of [Fauci’s] records,’ the Kentucky lawmaker told podcast host Lisa Boothe in February. 

Meanwhile Senators Rand Paul and Tom Cotton have been calling for Congressional and even criminal probes into White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci

Meanwhile Senators Rand Paul and Tom Cotton have been calling for Congressional and even criminal probes into White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci

‘We’ll have an investigator go through this piece-by-piece because we don’t need this to happen again.’

Cotton told Fox News that Fauci should be criminally prosecuted in an interview late last year, as the GOP accused the health expert of funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

‘He should be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,’ Cotton said in September.

Senator Rick Scott (R-Fla.) has previously indicated that he would like to see an investigation into the southern border, where a record amount of migrants poured in during Biden’s first year in office — straining federal, state and local infrastructure that was not equipped to deal with the influx of hundreds of thousands of people.

In November Scott called for ‘an immediate investigation to ensure the proper vetting and processing of anyone that comes into our country, and holds the administration accountable for its basic duty of upholding U.S. laws’ through his Upholding The Law At Our Border Act. 

Florida Senator Rick Scott demanded a probe into the Biden administration's handling of the border crisis late last year (pictured: Russian and Ukrainian families are staying in a makeshift camp next to the San Ysidro Garita, in Tijuana, Baja California state, Mexico, 18 March 2022)

Florida Senator Rick Scott demanded a probe into the Biden administration’s handling of the border crisis late last year (pictured: Russian and Ukrainian families are staying in a makeshift camp next to the San Ysidro Garita, in Tijuana, Baja California state, Mexico, 18 March 2022)

‘The administration is either intentionally keeping local law enforcement and communities in the dark, or willfully breaking U.S. laws by letting unvetted immigrants roam freely across America,’ the Florida Republican said in a press release at the time. 

‘We can’t allow them to continue recklessly ignoring U.S. law and putting families at risk.’ 

With less than nine months until the midterm elections, just one Democrat senator has announced his retirement compared to five Republican incumbents.

Republicans would need to flip just one blue seat to win back the majority they lost in 2020. 

Polling aggregator FiveThirtyEight, which regularly tracks a generic Congressional ballot race, has Republicans leading Democrats by roughly two points.

However, Americans’ general dissatisfaction with Congress is clear. Both sides failed to break a 50 percent average favorability — with 44.9 percent supporting the GOP and 42.6 percent backing Democrats.
