Doomsday prepper has spent $20,000 on a bunker and supplies

A 38-year-old homemaker from Missouri has become a viral sensation after opening up about her intensive doomsday preparations – which include installing a hidden bunker in her home, loading up on defense weapons, and stockpiling enough food to last her family for two years.    

Rowan MacKenzie first began stocking up her cupboards 11 years ago, believing that she needed to be prepared for a time ‘when s*** goes south’ and ensure that she and her family have enough food and supplies to survive in any eventuality.   

Initially, she focused her energies on filling her cupboards with long-life essentials such as beans and rice, which she taught herself to preserve through trial and error.

However, as her stock grew, Rowan decided to have a hidden bunker built into the basement of her home, which cost $10,000.

Aside from food and water, she also has an extensive range of defense weaponry on hand, including guns, knives, and plenty of ammunition.

A Missouri doomsday prepper has opened up about the intensive preparations she has made to ensure her family can survive in the case that ‘the worst’ happens – from stocking up on supplies to building a secret bunker in her home 

Rowan MacKenzie, a 38-year-old mother and homemaker, spent $10,000 having a secret bunker built in her basement, which she has since filled with two years' worth of supplies, including food, first aid, and weapons

Rowan MacKenzie, a 38-year-old mother and homemaker, spent $10,000 having a secret bunker built in her basement, which she has since filled with two years’ worth of supplies, including food, first aid, and weapons 

The mom now offers tips and advice to budding preppers on her social media accounts, where she explains how to best begin your own doomsday preparations

The mom now offers tips and advice to budding preppers on her social media accounts, where she explains how to best begin your own doomsday preparations

The mom now offers tips and advice to budding preppers on her social media accounts, where she explains how to best begin your own doomsday preparations

While Rowan does not often show off her weapons and ammunition on TikTok, which has strict guidelines about the kinds of content that can be shown, she insists that they are essential for anyone prepping for the worst. 

‘The number one must for any bunker is defense,’ Rowan told Jam Press.

Rowan believes that the most important supplies to have are weapons, including guns and knives, because they can be used both for defense and for hunting food

Rowan believes that the most important supplies to have are weapons, including guns and knives, because they can be used both for defense and for hunting food  

‘I would highly recommend having a few guns and knives in your bunker at all times, along with ample amounts of ammunition. You need to protect yourself, especially in a “dog eat dog” situation.

‘It’s kill or be killed and you need the best possible chance of survival.

‘Also, if meat becomes scarce, guns are good for hunting.’ 

Although Rowan has been prepping for more than a decade now, she says she really began stockpiling supplies in earnest after her bunker was built two years ago, providing her with a place to store all of the food, first aid, and weapons that she has collected for herself, her son, and her partner.  

‘I had the secret bunker made for prepping purposes, where I have enough supplies for a family of three to last around two years,’ she said.

‘I prep for now, as you never know day-to-day what might happen.

‘I believe everyone should be to some degree prepared, as food is necessary for life and everyone should have extra for an emergency.

‘The day is upon us where being prepared is a blessing, as food will disappear and become overpriced if there’s a war. We will all feel the side effects eventually.’

Rowan believes that most of the stock will last up to 25 years and she has a ‘flawless’ rotation system to ensure there isn’t any waste.  

The mother does not often show off her weapons on TikTok - which has strict regulations about the kind of content that can be shown - however she has multiple guns in her possession (seen in cases), as well as ammunition

The mother does not often show off her weapons on TikTok – which has strict regulations about the kind of content that can be shown – however she has multiple guns in her possession (seen in cases), as well as ammunition 

'The number one must for any bunker is defense,' Rowan said. 'I would highly recommend having a few guns and knives in your bunker at all times, along with ample amounts of ammunition'

‘The number one must for any bunker is defense,’ Rowan said. ‘I would highly recommend having a few guns and knives in your bunker at all times, along with ample amounts of ammunition’ 

Rowan recently shared a video tour of her bunker on TikTok, where it quickly went viral, with viewers voicing shock, surprise, and concern at seeing the results of her prepping

Rowan recently shared a video tour of her bunker on TikTok, where it quickly went viral, with viewers voicing shock, surprise, and concern at seeing the results of her prepping

She warns that everyone should have the most basic prepping supplies on-hand, such as weaponry, first aid items, and long-lasting food, including rice and beans

She warns that everyone should have the most basic prepping supplies on-hand, such as weaponry, first aid items, and long-lasting food, including rice and beans  

In total, she has spent $20,000 on prepping materials and food replacement. 

Wanting to educate others about the importance of prepping – especially in the wake of the war in Ukraine and the various supply chain issues that have caused huge delays and disruptions across the US – she uploaded a video of her bunker to TikTok, where it has since gone viral. 

‘If there was any ever time to start getting prepared, the time is now,’ the mother explained in a video posted at the start of the month. 

‘I know that we always say in the prepping community, “The time is now,” but if you look at everything that is going on you guys, there is no doubt that it is time to start prepping.’ 

In her bunker tour, which has received 863,400 views and over 67,900 likes, Rowan pans around all of her supplies, revealing all of the food, water, and other supplies that she has stockpiled in the two years since her underground hold was created.

Across the video, the text reads: ‘Been prepping for over two yrs this is only part of what I’ve done to make sure my family is fed when s**t goes south… get ready y’all.’ 

As she pans the camera across the room, 10 bottles of oil can be seen, along with storage boxes full of oats, flour and other cupboard essentials.

Multiple snacks, as well as stacks of water are shown in the corner of the room.

Another person added: ‘I pray to one day be able to afford to do this.’

‘Wasted your money,’ someone else said.

One viewer added: ‘This makes me so scared. Like why did I bring children into this world.’

‘Why has everyone been doing this lately? Do y’all know somethin I don’t??’ another viewer wrote. [sic]

As well as showing off her own preparedness, Rowan also shares tips and advice for budding preppers via her account, where she explains everything from how to store food to the kinds of supplies she believes everyone should have on-hand.  

While many people have been left impressed by Rowan's videos, she does occasionally receive backlash from those who have accused her of 'hoarding' or promoting 'panic buying'

While many people have been left impressed by Rowan's videos, she does occasionally receive backlash from those who have accused her of 'hoarding' or promoting 'panic buying'

While many people have been left impressed by Rowan’s videos, she does occasionally receive backlash from those who have accused her of ‘hoarding’ or promoting ‘panic buying’

'My friends and family think I'm crazy, but I always tell them that when the time comes, they won't be calling me crazy then,' Rowan said of her loved ones' reactions to her prepping

'My friends and family think I'm crazy, but I always tell them that when the time comes, they won't be calling me crazy then,' Rowan said of her loved ones' reactions to her prepping

‘My friends and family think I’m crazy, but I always tell them that when the time comes, they won’t be calling me crazy then,’ Rowan said of her loved ones’ reactions to her prepping

She also highlights particular food items that are known to last for years, such as honey – which she says ‘never goes bad’ – and rice spring roll skins – which she claims will ‘last indefinitely’ provided they are kept in a cool, dry place. 

In addition to food supplies, Rowan tackles other necessities too, from batteries and first-aid kits to headlamps and storage bins, while also explaining the best methods for preparing and maintaining your stockpile to ensure that it doesn’t go bad or expire. 

Although she’s received lots of support and interest on her videos, there are many people who disagree with her lifestyle habit.

Rowan believes users ‘attack’ her in the comments because they have a lack of understanding.

She added: ‘Knowledge is power and I love to help people – it’s what I do. I feel like I’ve made myself very vulnerable but I believe it’s for a good cause.

‘My friends and family think I’m crazy, but I always tell them that when the time comes, they won’t be calling me crazy then.

‘My biggest advice is: don’t panic. Breathe, make a list and execute. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and try to panic-buy supplies, but I don’t and will never encourage this.

‘Just buy a few extra items each time you shop and eventually, you will see progress.

‘There is no better feeling than knowing you are ready for anything that could happen and having your family protected.

‘The main thing is to remain calm and have a plan.’
