Democrats donate Weinstein funds after sex harassment allegations

LOS ANGELES, Oct 6 (Reuters) – The Democratic National Committee (DNC) said on Friday it was re-routing some $30,000 in donations from Hollywood movie producer Harvey Weinstein following sexual harassment allegations against him in The New York Times.

Weinstein, 65, one of the most powerful men in Hollywood, was a prominent donor to Democrats during the 2016 general election campaign.

The DNC in a statement called the allegations in Thursday’s New York Times story “deeply troubling,” and said it would donate $30,000 given by Weinstein to women’s groups.

“The DNC will donate over $30,000 in contributions from Weinstein to EMILY’s List, Emerge America and Higher Heights because what we need is more women in power,” DNC communications director Xochitl Hinojosa said.

The New York Times story said Weinstein had made eight settlements with women who had accused him of unwanted physical contact and sexual harassment over three decades.

Weinstein initially responded by apologizing for causing anyone pain, and saying he was taking a leave of absence from his movie production outfit, The Weinstein Company.

His lawyer later threatened to sue the New York Times.

Several other Democratic politicians, including Senators Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Chuck Schumer, also on Friday donated smaller sums given to them by Weinstein to charities supporting women, according to their respective representatives.

Weinstein is one of Hollywood’s best-known figures, producing or distributing Oscar-winning movies including “Shakespeare in Love” and “Chicago.” (Reporting by Jill Serjeant, editing by G Crosse)

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