New mom in Japan posts images of incredible hospital food

The most precious gift a new mother can receive after giving birth is, of course, her newborn baby. 

But one woman received another rather incredible surprise after welcoming her child in a Japanese hospital, in the form of dozens of incredible dishes that have left the internet green with envy.   

The mom took to Imgur to share 12 images of fancy trays of food from her Japanese hospital that consistently featured a main meat or noodle entree surrounded by several options of healthy vegetable sides, rice, sauce, and tea. 

Dig in! One woman gave birth in Japan and was surprised by the full, restaurant style meals she was served by her hospital and took to Imgur to share her 12 favorite meals

All she can eat! Each tray provided at least five plates of bites for the mom to pick such as this meal with chicken fingers and cabbage salad and agedashi tofu

All she can eat! Each tray provided at least five plates of bites for the mom to pick such as this meal with chicken fingers and cabbage salad and agedashi tofu

The royal treatment: Each meal came with a main entree such as this plate of mushroom pasta surrounded by dishes of fruits, potato salad, bread, and broccoli and bacon salad

The royal treatment: Each meal came with a main entree such as this plate of mushroom pasta surrounded by dishes of fruits, potato salad, bread, and broccoli and bacon salad

While the mother enjoyed the lap of Japanese hospital luxury, other mothers couldn’t help but compare her fine dining experience to their dismal post delivery meals of flimsy french toast in the US and Wonder bread and baloney sandwiches in Canada. 

The mother had no trouble recovering while in the lavish comfort of her Japanese care and they made sure to nourish her soul and stomach with trays of food, never with less than five side plates of vegetables, fruits, tofu, rice and soup.

Her first meal consisted of an Omuraisu omelette over friend rice, macaroni salad, chicken soup, squid rings, fruit, green tea.

Another meal included an tantalizing plate of chicken fingers with shredded cabbage salad, melon stir fry, tofu, carrot salad, rice, all washed down with miso soup.

But her bento boxes and noodle dishes have left fans for the Japanese in an uproar, saying they’re willing to cross oceans for a chance to snag a bite.  

Jelly! While the mom was enjoying her lavish  meals of cod and shredded cabbage salad (above), fans claimed they were willing to fly across oceans for Japan's hospital food

Jelly! While the mom was enjoying her lavish meals of cod and shredded cabbage salad (above), fans claimed they were willing to fly across oceans for Japan’s hospital food

Be our guest! Moms envied this woman's chicken and fish based meals such as the above that were surrounded by healthy vegetables and rice

Yum! This hospital plate of salmon with mushroom sauce, soba noodles, and eggplant left the mom happy and healthy

Be our guest! Moms envied this woman’s chicken and fish based meals such as the above that were surrounded by healthy vegetables and rice

Seafood season! One of her meals offered mackerel, konbu salad, spinach salad and miso soup

Seafood season! One of her meals offered mackerel, konbu salad, spinach salad and miso soup

‘I wanna give birth in Japan. And I am a 60 year old man….’ one cheeky user wrote.

‘Someone knock me up with a return ticket to Osaka,’ one woman added.

‘Time to get pregnant and wander around Japan I guess,’ another lady shared.  

‘The food looks wonderful–but the PLATE WEAR OMG it’s porcelain! You get crappy plastic Tupperware in the US at best,’ another user added. 

‘Wow. That’s some meal plan you have …!! Did you give birth to the next Emperor??’ an incredulous Imgur fan wrote. 

Her delicious photos left some mothers, however, seething with the poor care they received in their countries comparatively, and that Japan’s example is a note very well worth taking.

‘I work in an US hospital and the food we serve our patients is the kind of stuff that most likely landed them there in the first place.’  

Nothing fishy here! Salmon served on a square plate was accompanied by spinach salad, natto, rice, milk and a hot bowl of miso soup for the mom's meal

Nothing fishy here! Salmon served on a square plate was accompanied by spinach salad, natto, rice, milk and a hot bowl of miso soup for the mom’s meal

Think inside the box: Even simple bento boxes offered incredible meals that left fans declaring they'd move to Japan to delivery their baby if it meant a bite of these meals

A delicious bite: The mom had no idea that her post would give such a rise to angry parents and reveal the dismal meals other countries serve compared to Japan

Think inside the box: Even simple bento boxes offered incredible meals that left fans declaring they’d move to Japan to delivery their baby if it meant a bite of these meals

Five star dining: Other moms in the Imgur thread were aghast with her stellar meals (above) compared to their measly hospital meals including baloney sandwiches and french toast

Five star dining: Other moms in the Imgur thread were aghast with her stellar meals (above) compared to their measly hospital meals including baloney sandwiches and french toast

‘Last time I was in the hospital (Canada) I got jello, soup, Wonderbread with one slice of baloney, and fake milk. I mean free healthcare tho,’ a harrowed Canadian shared.

‘You see in America, you ask for some waffles, but they accidentally just send you some cream of wheat and a side of nothing,’ a dismayed American wrote. 

‘I gave birth in the morning. I recall shitty french toast and my family brought me my favorite foods and snacks,’ a bitter mother shared on her poor experience. 

Two people even shared the dismal meals they were served in their hospitals in Canada and Serbia. 

One woman shared a photo of a Styrofoam box filled with a simple white bread sandwich filled with two pieces of deli meat. On the side was a small singular packet of graham crackers and a fruit cup reminiscent of elementary school lunches. 

Yikes! One user shared the meal her Texas hospital gave her that was deli meat between white bread, graham crackers and a cup of fruit 

Yikes! One user shared the meal her Texas hospital gave her that was deli meat between white bread, graham crackers and a cup of fruit 

Serbia's meals: One user said nothing could compare to the low standards of Serbia's sparse hospital meals that feature bread, cheese and a single slice of baloney with tea

Uh oh! This Serbian plate of food is counts barely as a snack with one slice of bread and deli meat

Serbia’s meals: One user said nothing could compare to the low standards of Serbia’s sparse hospital meals that feature bread, cheese and a single slice of baloney with tea

‘This was my mothers food at a hospital in Texas,’ the user wrote.

One added, ‘Was that a Texas prison hospital?’

‘I’m really happy for you, I’mma let you finish but hospitals in Serbia had one of the best meals of all time,’ one Imgur used named Ivan wrote. 

Attached was a serious of shocking Serbian hospital meals on tiny circular tin plates that revealed one piece of bread with cheese or a singular slice of baloney accompanied by tea.

While the internet stirred in jealously, the mother in question undoubtedly felt incredibly grateful for her one of a kind hospitable experience.