Devon pervert wanted to use sex drug on 9-year-old girl

Martin Vincent, 54, from Buckfastleigh in Devon, persuaded the girl in California to abuse herself in her bathroom as he watched live on Skype

A webcam pervert, who wanted to use a sex drug on a nine-year-old girl, has been jailed after police found one of his victims from the writing on a medicine bottle. 

Martin Vincent, 54, from Buckfastleigh in Devon, was caught when he persuaded a girl, 12, in California to abuse herself in her bathroom as he watched live on Skype.

Police experts were able to find her by magnifying the small print of prescriptions in the background.

They identified another victim – a 15-year-old girl in New England.

Detectives were able to trace victims to prove they were under age and ensure they were offered counselling. 

Vincent shocked police who arrested him by telling them: ‘It is normal. It’s only society that says it’s not. 

‘I bet there isn’t a dad out there who has not noticed his daughter and is just afraid to admit what they want.’

Police also found chat logs in which he tried to arrange to meet a woman in Britain so he could abuse her nine-year-old daughter. He even offered to supply the date rape drug Rohypnol.

He used the online alias of Lord Lucan as he exchanged fantasies with fellow abusers around the world.

School fundraiser Vincent helped to organise a Summer Fair at an independent school in South Devon a year before his arrest, where he was photographed being drenched in water on a ‘super soaker’ device.

Vincent admitted two counts of inciting children to take part in pornography or prostitution, three of making indecent images and two of distribution.

He was jailed for four years and eight months by Judge Geoffrey Mercer, QC, who ordered him to sign on the sex offenders register for life and made a Sexual Harm Prevention Order which will restrict his access to children and use of the internet when he is released.

He told him: ‘This is a pretty extreme case. It was a horrible world that you created. Your sexual interest in young girls and children is very concerning and appears to almost have dominated your life over several years.

‘I have to sentence you for very serious offences. They went very much further than downloading images. You distributed images and had contact with children in America.

‘You were getting them to perform sexual acts and prostitute themselves for your benefit. One was just 12.’

Mr William Hunter, prosecuting, said Vincent was traced through an e-mail address in the name of Lord Lucan which was used to send and receive child abuse images.

He told police he had 20 gigabytes of images and added ‘my only interest is in girls’. He claimed his obsession was normal.

School fundraiser Vincent helped to organise a Summer Fair at an independent school in South Devon a year before his arrest, where he was photographed being drenched in water on a 'super soaker' device

School fundraiser Vincent helped to organise a Summer Fair at an independent school in South Devon a year before his arrest, where he was photographed being drenched in water on a ‘super soaker’ device

Experts found 4,177 stills and 638 movies of which 680 images and 405 movies showed serious abuse by adults or child rape.

They also found chat logs on Skype and other platforms showing him trying to arrange a meeting with a mother so he could use Rohypnol to abuse her nine-year-old daughter.

There were also man chat logs with girls in America and elsewhere in the world from which he had organised files on his computer to store 1,046 images of a dozen girls.

Mr Hunter said: ‘One of the girls was 12 and from California. There were 257 images directly from her. She was identified by writing on medicine bottles which were behind her in the bathroom.

‘The images were subdivided into further folders and in some images she was clearly abusing herself with and without articles.’

The girl is now receiving support. A second victim in New England was also identified as a 15-year-old girl. 

Vincent made full admissions and said his preference was for girls aged eight or nine and many images came from the Dark Web.

William Parkhill, defending, said Vincent became drawn into the offending when he was isolated after the break-up of a relationship.

He moved from adult pornography to child abuse images and went on to seek out more images. 

He has shown true remorse and his acknowledgment of his problem means he will respond well to treatment and is unlikely to reoffend.