Mystery bang heard over Cairns baffles residents

  • A mystery ‘explosion’ heard over Cairns in Queensland has the city baffled 
  • Theories range from a meteorite to a gas bottle explosion or military plane 
  • Resident John Romanov found a smouldering hole surrounded by a broken tree

A mystery bang heard over Cairns in Queensland has the city baffled.

Resident’s theories range from a meteorite to a gas bottle explosion or military plane.

A FA-18 Hornet plane was heard flying over cairns on Sunday night, but no jets were flying on Saturday night when the ‘explosion’ happened, the Cairns Post reported.


Video taken by a local resident at the site shows a large area of burnt trees and a deep hole in the ground (pictured) 

The most popular possible cause on social media seems to be a gas bottle explosion. There was speculation youths were running amok in the area, but emergency services had no reports of the activity.

‘I live in RedlynchRise on hill near pub. And I heard it too was pretty loud sounded like a bomb going off,’ wrote a local resident on Facebook. 

Despite the mystery, Woree resident John Romanov found a huge smouldering hole surrounded by a broken tree in bush land near Edge Hill State School.

Woree resident John Romanov found a huge smouldering hole surrounded by a broken tree (pictured) in bush land near Edge Hill State School 

A mystery 'explosion' caused a gaping hole in bush land near Cairns 

Woree resident John Romanov found a huge smouldering hole surrounded by a broken tree (pictured) in bush land near Edge Hill State School 

Video taken by Mr Romanov at the site shows a large area of burnt trees and a deep hole in the ground.

‘I’m sure this is the location of what caused that massive bang though,’ he told the publication. 

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services confirmed it attended a small fire in bush land in Edge Hill on Sunday evening, but there were no reports of a loud bang.