Driver is roasted for their bizarre parking attempt at shopping centre – can you see why?

Driver is roasted for their bizarre parking attempt at shopping centre – can you see why?

  • A Sydney driver has become the laughing stock of the local facebook group
  • The car was sticking so far out, passersby wondered what had happened
  • The driver was nowhere to be seen as the local community was left to speculate

A driver became the laughing stock of rowdy locals online after stopping in a bizarre spot in a suburban carpark.

The Honda hatch was seen sticking so far out the front a parking space in Sydney, that many assumed the car had a person in it. 

Only the back wheels of the car were within the lines of the parking space outside the Bangor shopping centre in Bangor, southern Sydney. 

A poorly parked car in Bangor has got locals mystified, with the majority of the hatchback in the middle of the road (pictured)

The parking job was so poor, a local woman took to Facebook to share photos of the car, according to Yahoo news.  

‘You have to appreciate the parking at Bangor shops today. It’s impressive,’ she wrote.

There looks to be plenty of space behind the Honda in the picture and the small car fits well between the lines, but it looks as though the driver left the vehicle without having reversed it all the way in. 

Maybe the driver hadn’t wanted to open the door into the car behind it, or simply forgot to reverse the hatch, whatever the case, other Bangor locals were left mystified.

Many couldn't understand what would have made the driver park in such an obscure fashion

 Many couldn’t understand what would have made the driver park in such an obscure fashion

The car was sticking so far out of the park almost all four doors were visible and only the rear wheels were hidden from side on

The car was sticking so far out of the park almost all four doors were visible and only the rear wheels were hidden from side on 

‘Least they won’t hit the doors of the car next to them,’ one said.

‘The driver is either drunk or just a Moron !! Either way it doesn’t need a licence,’ said another.

One commenter said they walked past the car and checked that there was no one still in the car, with them and the original poster having found no driver to be seen.

Some speculated as to what could have been so urgent for the driver.

‘Must have been busting to get to the bathroom,’ said a local. 

‘Must have been in a hurry to shop or something,’ another said.

One commenter sarcastically summed the park up.

‘Sensational effort,’ they wrote. 
