California woman confronts her girlfriend over infidelity

A woman confronted her girlfriend about her past infidelity in a touching new video—before admitting she cheated on her partner as well.

Ana, 23, and Ballesa, 28, both appear in a new video published today by The Scene, recounting their painful personal history with cheating. The two women met in San Francisco, California, as students, and started dating after Ballesa confessed her crush.

Their relationship blossomed and even prompted Ana to come out to her family, which Ballesa said was a difficult thing for her to do.


Candid: Ballesa (pictured), 28, appears with her girlfriend Ana, 23, in a new video published today, in which the two women recount their painful personal history with cheating

History: Ana (pictured) and Ballesa met in San Francisco, California, as students, and started dating after Ballesa confessed her crush

History: Ana (pictured) and Ballesa met in San Francisco, California, as students, and started dating after Ballesa confessed her crush

But after three years of dating, Ballesa got the opportunity to go to Spain for her dream internship.

While she was away, Ana ended up cheating on her with another woman, after introducing that woman to Ballesa on FaceTime.

In the new video, Ballesa can be heard asking Ana if the infidelity happened on the same night Ana FaceTimed her, to which Ana says yes.

‘It’s messed up,’ Ballesa says, still visibly upset.

Ana then admits she was scared when she found out Ballesa would be going abroad, because she didn’t know how distance would affect them.

Ballesa’s feelings, meanwhile, deepened despite the physical distance that separated her from her partner.

Distance: After three years of dating, Ballesa got the opportunity to go to Spain for her dream internship, which is when Ana cheated on her with another woman

Distance: After three years of dating, Ballesa got the opportunity to go to Spain for her dream internship, which is when Ana cheated on her with another woman

Painful: Ballesa struggled after Ana confessed her infidelity. She needed space and ended up cheating on Ana as well

Painful: Ballesa struggled after Ana confessed her infidelity. She needed space and ended up cheating on Ana as well

While reminiscing on her infidelity, Ana admits she isn’t ready to get into the specifics but admits she did something ‘really unfair’. 

‘Did you realize you cheated on me?’ Ballesa asks.

‘Yeah,’ Ana replies. ‘And I died a little inside.’

After cheating on Ballesa, Ana says she cried a lot, then came clean.   

‘I was expecting you to yell and you being silent was so much worse,’ she tells Ballesa in the clip. ‘I told her that I was going to do whatever I could to fight for this relationship.’

But Ballesa needed some space after being cheated on, which Ana struggled to give her as she wanted to do everything in her power to salvage the relationship. Ballesa, however, ended up feeling suffocated, and ultimately ended up cheating on Ana too. 

‘I started pushing you away,’ she says in the video. ‘I just wanted to figure out everything else on my own. I started to hang out with one person in particular. So then I… I hooked up with someone else.’

Making amends: But the two women decided to give their relationship a chance and are happy they didn't break up, although they still wrestle with insecurities at times

Making amends: But the two women decided to give their relationship a chance and are happy they didn’t break up, although they still wrestle with insecurities at times

Happy ending! The video concludes with a sweet kiss between Ana and Ballesa, and the two women tell each other 'I love you'

Happy ending! The video concludes with a sweet kiss between Ana and Ballesa, and the two women tell each other ‘I love you’

Ana then recounts how Ballesa told her about the infidelity, telling her: ‘The next morning when you called me and you said I have to talk to you, I just cried. Because I knew what you were about to tell me. I don’t know how I knew. But I knew.’

At this point, Ballesa apologizes, and when Ana asks if she cheated in order to get back at her, Ballesa firmly denies it. 

‘You didn’t run though my mind at all. This was all for me to figure out my situation and how I felt for you,’ Ballesa says.

Just as the relationship between the two women seems doomed, the video takes an unexpected, lighter turn, when it is revealed they ended up fighting to salvage their couple. 

‘The tables totally turned,’ Ana tells Ballesa. ‘You were telling me, “I want to fix us. I want to fight for us. We’re going to fix this.” ‘

Both women have still been trying to make things work, even though it is still difficult at times. 

‘It was not easy,’ Ana adds. ‘Of course there were nights when we were screaming and we didn’t know if we could do it anymore, but the moment you became my best friend and were just trying to help me through what was going on, I was like, “This is why I am in love with you.” ‘

Deja vu? The newest clip was released as an installment to a video that went viral earlier this year, in which Kourtney Jorge (pictured) confronted her boyfriend about his infidelities

Deja vu? The newest clip was released as an installment to a video that went viral earlier this year, in which Kourtney Jorge (pictured) confronted her boyfriend about his infidelities

Past: Thousands of viewers emphasized with Kourtney and slammed her ex, Leonard Long III, on social media, after he admitted in the video to having sex with other women

Past: Thousands of viewers emphasized with Kourtney and slammed her ex, Leonard Long III, on social media, after he admitted in the video to having sex with other women

Ballesa, in turns, reveals what she has learned from the experience, telling her girlfriend: ‘In that moment, I realized that it’s rare to be so truthful and so raw with your partner.’

While both women acknowledge they still wrestle with insecurities on a day-to-day basis, they seem happy to have chosen to keep working on their relationship.

‘I feel like when people hear “They cheated on me”, it’s immediately like, “Why are you still with them?” Like you look dumb,’ Ana muses. ‘And I think it’s important to show that either you choose to fight for what you have or you choose to walk away. And in our situation we chose to fight for it.’

Ballesa then tells her: ‘This is all worth it at the end’, before each of them tells the other: ‘I love you.’

The video ends on a sweet embrace and a kiss between the two partners.

In that sense, it is a departure from a video released by The Scene in February this year, which featured a woman confronting her ex-boyfriend after his numerous infidelities.

The clip, titled Hurt Bae, has gathered more than nine million views on YouTube and made a star of Kourtney Jorge, the model featured in it.

Thousands of viewers emphasized with her and slammed her ex, Leonard Long III, on social media, after he admitted in the video to having sex with other women.

The most recent video, featuring Ballesa and Ana, was released as the second installment in the Hurt Bae series, and dubbed Hurt Bae 2.