Frances Abbott shows off ripped physique in Melbourne

Frances Abbott made her bikini and sports modelling debut in Melbourne late last month. 

And though she came away with only a participation medal for bikini modelling – the 26-year-old daughter of former Prime Minister Tony Abbott took away fifth place for her performance in the sports division.

Her result qualified her for the Australian national competition, and Ms Abbott’s social media feed has shown she has been training hard in preparation.

With the competition just days away, Ms Abbott’s dedicated efforts were on full display as she strolled through Melbourne for coffee with friends.

Frances Abbott showed off the results of her hard work in the gym as she stepped out in Melbourne on Tuesday

The 26-year-old was seen in active wear, pairing a tied up grey singlet with a pair of black leggings

The 26-year-old was seen in active wear, pairing a tied up grey singlet with a pair of black leggings

Ms Abbott appeared in her first modelling competition last month, and got a participation medal for her efforts in the bikini division, but placed fifth for sport, qualifying her for the national competition

Ms Abbott appeared in her first modelling competition last month, and got a participation medal for her efforts in the bikini division, but placed fifth for sport, qualifying her for the national competition

The eldest daughter of former Prime Minister Tony Abbott has shared her fitness regime with enthralled social media followers

The eldest daughter of former Prime Minister Tony Abbott has shared her fitness regime with enthralled social media followers

The personal trainer was dressed in a grey singlet top, tied up to reveal her taut stomach, and black leggings. 

She stopped into a local cafe before hitting the streets with two girlfriends, handing flyers into local shops.

Afterwards, the three women stopped to celebrate their efforts over coffee.

Ms Abbott has been very vocal about her support for same sex marriage, going against her father’s very public stance against it. 

As the postal plebiscite finally enters its last stretch, the eldest daughter of the Liberal Party back bencher has become more vocal, spreading her message through interviews and social media posts.

Ms Abbott was seen hitting the pavement with two female friends on Tuesday, handing out flyers to local businesses

Ms Abbott was seen hitting the pavement with two female friends on Tuesday, handing out flyers to local businesses

Last month, the 26-year-old excitedly participated in her first modelling competition, where she flaunted her gym-toned physique on stage in Melbourne

Last month, the 26-year-old excitedly participated in her first modelling competition, where she flaunted her gym-toned physique on stage in Melbourne

Last month, the 26-year-old excitedly participated in her first modelling competition, where she flaunted her gym-toned physique on stage in Melbourne

Ms Abbott needs to show a 'fit, toned and athletic' physique when she steps on stage on Saturday

Ms Abbott needs to show a ‘fit, toned and athletic’ physique when she steps on stage on Saturday

She made headlines when she shared an image of herself dressed in a ‘vote yes’ shirt to Instagram.

She said in a video for the Equality Campaign that she would love to see her aunt, Christine Forster, who is a Liberal Party Councillor in Sydney, be able to wed her female partner Virginia Edwards.

Cr Forster told The Daily Telegraph earlier this month she did not know her niece would be speaking about her relationship, but was flattered at the gesture.

‘It was a very brave thing for her to do, she’s showing she’s a young woman with strong convictions who is prepared to stand up for those convictions,’ she said.

Despite her popularity and strong, public stance on what has become a deeply politicised issue, the Melbourne resident says she is not interested in politics. 

To succeed in the sports model division, the ICN website says Ms Abbott should have a ‘fit, athletic and toned look’.

She will be judged on her physique while dressed in sportswear, which is often provided by the competition organisers. 

The daughter of Liberal backbencher and staunch 'No' supporter made headlines when she publicly shared she would be voting 'yes' in the same sex marriage postal survey

The daughter of Liberal backbencher and staunch ‘No’ supporter made headlines when she publicly shared she would be voting ‘yes’ in the same sex marriage postal survey

Ms Abbott's aunt, Christine Forster, said her niece was 'very brave' in coming out with her yes stance so publicly

Ms Abbott’s aunt, Christine Forster, said her niece was ‘very brave’ in coming out with her yes stance so publicly