Meet the Australian mums who lost a combined 220 KILOS

Whether it’s a demanding job, recent pregnancy or a lack of self-confidence, many women struggle to find the motivation to make their health and fitness a priority.

But eight Australian mothers have proved it can be done, with the inspiring group losing a combined 223 kilograms after completely overhauling their diet and exercise regimes. 

The dedicated women all came together to share their stories after starting the Healthy Mummy program – the community regularly sharing their results and inspiring messages with each other on social media. 

Here, FEMAIL looks at each of their stories and how each of them managed to totally transform their physiques… some of them in a matter of months. 

Eight Australian mothers have lost a combined 223 kilograms after completely overhauling their diet and exercise regimes (pictured is Elle Temple)



Elle Temple, 24, managed to lose 25 kilograms – 20 of which she shed in just six months – after being overweight for the majority of her life.

The dedicated mother-of-one from Perth was eating pizza, McDonald’s and KFC several times per week and never exercising before tipping the scales at 83.6 kilograms. 

Now, Elle weighs just 58.6 kilos and is happier than ever. 

Elle started the Healthy Mummy plan when her son was eight weeks old and started introducing smoothies into her regime.

Elle Temple, 24, managed to lose 25 kilograms - 20 of which she shed in just six months - after being overweight for the majority of her life

Elle Temple, 24, managed to lose 25 kilograms – 20 of which she shed in just six months – after being overweight for the majority of her life

Elle learned about balanced eating and now exercises four times per week either at the gym or at home with exercise DVDs doing a mixture of cardio and strength training.

She also eats healthy versions of her favourite foods and is in better shape than she was pre-pregnancy – plus she has kept off the weight for more than a year, 

‘It’s really balanced eating. There’s no deprivation and I eat carbs and dessert,’ Elle told FEMAIL previously. 

‘From being “obese” and having no energy to tackle my day, to being a healthy weight and being able to spring around with my crazy toddler… it’s been so amazing.’

Elle learned about balanced eating and now exercises four times per week either at the gym or at home with exercise DVDs doing a mixture of cardio and strength training

'It's really balanced eating. There's no deprivation and I eat carbs and dessert,' Elle told FEMAIL previously

Elle learned about balanced eating and now exercises four times per week either at the gym or at home with exercise DVDs doing a mixture of cardio and strength training



Nikola Green, 33, from Victoria, credits dedicated meal prepping and a balanced diet for her impressive 16 kilogram weight loss. 

Since starting meal prepping, Ms Green says she has become a better mother to her two sons and is saving hundreds of dollars each month.

Nikola started following the program’s balanced meal plan in August, 2015, and since, has been training hard with her personal trainer every day. 

 ‘It hasn’t been easy, I’ve had to work damn hard to get where I am and work my butt off (literally) which is made even harder being a single mum to active four-year-old twins but I’m determined and passionate about reaching my goal what ever that is,’ she said. 

Nikola Green, 33, from Victoria, credits dedicated meal prepping and a balanced diet for her impressive 16 kilogram weight loss (pictured before)

Since starting meal prepping, Ms Green says she has become a better mother to her two sons and is saving hundreds of dollars each month (pictured after)

Nikola Green, 33, from Victoria, credits dedicated meal prepping and a balanced diet for her impressive 16 kilogram weight loss (pictured before and after) 

Nikola started following the program's balanced meal plan in August, 2015, and since, has been training hard with her personal trainer every day

Nikola started following the program’s balanced meal plan in August, 2015, and since, has been training hard with her personal trainer every day

‘I’m a fit, healthy and happy mummy now that oozes confidence, something I’ve never had and I’m just loving life!’

Speaking to FEMAIL previously about her meal prepping skills, Nikola revealed she spent $200 on groceries and was able to create 68 meals and snacks including devilled sausages, red curry and laksa. 

‘The first time can be a little overwhelming but when you’re sitting down to that healthy meal you grabbed out of the freezer instead of eating takeaway it will all be worth it,’ she said.

Speaking to FEMAIL previously about her meal prepping skills, Nikola revealed she spent $200 on groceries and was able to create 68 meals and snacks including devilled sausages, red curry and laksa

Speaking to FEMAIL previously about her meal prepping skills, Nikola revealed she spent $200 on groceries and was able to create 68 meals and snacks including devilled sausages, red curry and laksa



Caren Reynolds, from New South Wales, started the program in 2013 and has been focusing on a balanced diet and simple weight loss regime ever since.  

Despite living an active lifestyle before her first pregnancy, she stopped all exercise while pregnant and continued to eat the same amount of food. 

‘I put on double the weekly recommended weight throughout my pregnancy and ended up putting on 26 kilos,’ she said. 

‘I was often in tears, miserable, and completely unmotivated, and in hindsight, I believe the major cause was the sudden lifestyle change. I had no idea how beneficial exercising regularly and eating well was, for not only my body, but my mind as well.’

Caren Reynolds, from New South Wales, started the program in 2013 and has been focusing on a balanced diet and simple weight loss regime ever since

Caren Reynolds, from New South Wales, started the program in 2013 and has been focusing on a balanced diet and simple weight loss regime ever since

She then started the Facebook group before her second pregnancy and enjoyed a much healthier pregnancy. 

In her impressive before and after Caren is seen four months post-partum of her first baby and in the after photo, at 14 months post-partum of her second and the difference is clear. 

‘My journey has been a slow and steady one. Over the 100 days to summer I actually put on two kilograms but I was running and training hard I know the gain is muscle and tone,’ she said. 

‘I no longer obsess over the scales because they don’t give an accurate reflection of your results and you are so much more than a number!’

She then started the Facebook group before her second pregnancy and enjoyed a much healthier pregnancy

She then started the Facebook group before her second pregnancy and enjoyed a much healthier pregnancy

4. KIM STEUART, 33, 


In 2015, Kim Steuart, from South Australia, said she was ‘travelling a very unhappy road within myself’ and while she had quit smoking, she gained 10 kilograms in three months. 

Feeling lethargic and lacking self-confidence, Kim said she started to ‘hate me for who I had let myself become’. 

Kim was also drinking two litres of iced coffee every day and was regularly skipping meals. 

Kim decided to join the other mums online and started making small but necessary changes including exercising at home by watching DVDs, going for one kilometre walks and introducing smoothies to her everyday diet.

By simple diet changes – including healthy alternatives and smaller portions – and the home workouts, Kim was able to lose 30 kilograms and 136 centimetres off her body. 

In 2015, Kim Steuart, from South Australia, said she was 'travelling a very unhappy road within myself' and while she had quit smoking, she gained 10 kilograms in three months- she was able to lose 30 kilograms and 136 centimetres off her body (right)

In 2015, Kim Steuart, from South Australia, said she was ‘travelling a very unhappy road within myself’ and while she had quit smoking, she gained 10 kilograms in three months- she was able to lose 30 kilograms and 136 centimetres off her body (right)

She was also able to eventually complete a 35 kilometre walk and is now able to run eight kilometres and is training for a 10 kilometre run. 

‘It wasn’t that easy I have worked my backside off to be where I am today which I am super proud of myself for never giving up,’ she said. 

Kim said one of the most helpful tips she has is writing down goals and in her own case, said she would go skydiving once she reached her goal – something she achieved.

‘Life is for living and making your dreams come true, like I did. It’s honestly the BEST feeling in the world,’ she said, 



Ashleigh Dunkley, from Queensland, has been on her weight loss journey for 3.5 years after tipping the scales at 81 kilograms and says her lifestyle changes have also helped with her depression. 

Ashleigh simply made healthy swaps for herself and her family and learned to make delicious versions of pasta, stirfry and even pizza. 

She also exercises by playing with her kids and dancing. 

At 67.9 kilos, the mother-of-two is now the lightest she’s been since having her second child and credits the weight loss to her breakfast smoothie creations, healthy lunches and snacks. 

Ashleigh Dunkley, from Queensland, has been on her weight loss journey for 3.5 years after tipping the scales at 81 kilograms (left) and says her lifestyle changes have also helped with her depression

Ashleigh Dunkley, from Queensland, has been on her weight loss journey for 3.5 years after tipping the scales at 81 kilograms (left) and says her lifestyle changes have also helped with her depression

‘Yes, there have been a couple of chocolates, there has definitely been too many coffees, but without even thinking, I have been using my new healthy habits to help manage my blue days,’ Ashleigh said. 

‘I took the kids to the park three times this week and ran around with them, I chased them around the backyard, I danced when I felt like I needed a mood lift. 

‘My “bad days” now are still healthier than most of my “good days” before. I don’t manage my depression with chocolate or wine, but walking and dancing.’

Some of Ashleigh’s favourite healthy meals include raspberry and cinnamon cream cheese pancakes, bacon and zucchini muffins and green mac and cheese.



Lorna Williams tipped the scales in March, 2014, at 85 kilograms and now weighs just 55 kilograms – the amazing result achieved by simple daily exercise and healthy, nutritious meals. 

‘I plan our weekly meals out in advance plus have a shopping list generated so I know we have everything we need,’ Lorna, from Tamworth, New South Wales, said. 

‘And as a reminder to look after myself plus have my daily exercise planned out.’

The dedicated mother shared a before and after snap of herself and in the after, donned a US size four (Australian size eight) dress for her wedding. 

‘I am now happier and healthier plus smashed my goals. Over 30kg lost between these two pictures,’ the proud mum said.

'I am now happier and healthier plus smashed my goals. Over 30kg lost between these two pictures,' Lorna said of these images

‘I am now happier and healthier plus smashed my goals. Over 30kg lost between these two pictures,’ Lorna said of these images

Jacoby’s top three tips  

1. Meal prep like a boss

2. Stay off the scales

3. Remember this is a lifestyle change not a diet!



Jacoby Cash, from Cockburn, Western Australia, has lost 19 kilograms since starting her weight loss journey in October, 2015. 

The mother of twins has dropped from 88.8 kilograms to 70.8 kilograms by eating well and not overdoing exercise.

‘Photos are proof! Healthy eating is proof! Exercise is PROOF. there are a million excuses not to jump all in at this time of year but honestly, if you’re serious about changing your lifestyle, you won’t push it forward till the new year, you’ll start now!’ She said.  

‘I originally started for everyone else in my life, but I now have the motivation to be a strong fit mummy and nothing is going to stop me.

‘Eating healthy food has had a knock on effect on my body and mind. Healthy body and healthy mind as they say!’

Jacoby Cash, from Cockburn, Western Australia, has lost 19 kilograms since starting her weight loss journey in October, 2015

Jacoby Cash, from Cockburn, Western Australia, has lost 19 kilograms since starting her weight loss journey in October, 2015

Jacoby is pictured in the same grey jumper she is wearing in the previous image 

Jacoby is pictured in the same grey jumper she is wearing in the previous image 



Monique Taylor, from New South Wales, decided to make a change in November, 2013, after being told by a doctor that her four-year-old daughter ‘wouldn’t have a mother’ if she didn’t lose weight. 

Monique, whose starting weight was 175 kilos, found herself struggling to keep up with her little girl for years and to kick start her change, she started making healthy recipes and eating well for 12 months where she lost 50 kilograms. 

She then started doing simple strength exercises at home and has since lost an incredible 80 kilograms. 

Monique Taylor, from New South Wales, decided to make a change in November, 2013, after being told by a doctor that her four-year-old daughter 'wouldn't have a mother' if she didn't lose weight

Monique, whose starting weight was 175 kilos, found herself struggling to keep up with her little girl for years and to kick start her change, she started making healthy recipes and eating well for 12 months where she lost 50 kilograms

Monique Taylor, from New South Wales, decided to make a change in November, 2013, after being told by a doctor that her four-year-old daughter ‘wouldn’t have a mother’ if she didn’t lose weight

She then started doing simple strength exercises at home and has since lost an incredible 80 kilograms

She then started doing simple strength exercises at home and has since lost an incredible 80 kilograms

‘I found my “why” – not only for my daughter and the fear of leaving her without a mother, but also the realisation that I DESERVE this!’ She said, adding that she is now 95 kilos. 

‘I now weigh less than I did in high school!

‘What I eat, how I move, my confidence, my passion for life, my ability to deal with stress, the amount of water I drink….. the list of what has changed is endless.

‘I no longer crave takeaways, and very rarely drink alcohol. I never trained a day in my life before I started and now I am extremely active, doing three bootcamp sessions a week as well as dog walking and bike riding.’