Ted Heath was ‘eight out of ten guilty’ says police chief

The police chief in charge of the Sir Edward Heath inquiry told MPs he thought the former Prime Minister was ‘eight out of 10 guilty’ before publishing a report on abuse claims, it was claimed last night.

One of Sir Edward Heath’s closest advisers, Lord Armstrong of Ilminster, claimed Wiltshire Police chief constable Mike Veale had privately assured MPs that he thought Sir Edward was guilty of sexual abuse allegations.

In a meeting with MPs and Heath supporters called by Mr Veale in December last year while the £1.5million two-year probe was still ongoing, the chief was asked whether he thought the late Tory was a child abuser ‘on a scale of one to 10’.

Mr Veale is said to have replied: ‘Eight out of 10 guilty’. 

Former Conservative prime minister Sir Edward Heath, pictured, in the 1960s is thought to have been guilty of sexual abuse allegations

Yesterday Lord Armstrong revealed the extraordinary remark as he called for an independent judge-led inquiry into the police investigation.

The Conservative leader’s principal private secretary during his time as prime minister from 1970 to 1974, said Mr Veale’ comments were made in front of him and a room full of MPs.

He said: ‘I remember it was towards the end of a meeting that he was asked to say on a scale of one to ten, he said that he thought that Heath was eight out of 10 guilty.

‘He did not go into anything further. He was concerned at that moment to justify the investigation.

Police boss Mike Veale, pictured, is said to have said former Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath was 'eight out of ten guilty' for sexual abuse claims

Police boss Mike Veale, pictured, is said to have said former Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath was ‘eight out of ten guilty’ for sexual abuse claims

‘He was not challenged at the time, we were all so astonished.’

Yesterday there were calls for an independent review of what was described in the House of Lords as a ‘sham investigation’ following a summary report published last week which concluded police would have interviewed Sir Edward, had he been alive, over seven sex abuse claims detectives consider credible.

Despite the finding, the report did not address the question of Sir Edward’s guilt or innocence and Mr Veale was at pains to stress that no ‘inference of guilt’ should be drawn from the decision that he would have been questioned.

Since then doubts have emerged about his accusers after it was revealed that the most serious claim of rape on an 11-year-old boy was made by a convicted sex offender who is a habitual liar and has previously falsely confessed to murder.

Yesterday Lord Armstrong told the House of Lords: ‘Edward Heath’s reputation has been under a cloud of suspicion since August 2015, when an officer of the Wiltshire Police made an ill-judged public appeal outside Sir Edward’s house for victims of child abuse – by Edward Heath and others – to come forward and make themselves known to the police.

‘The report of the investigation published more than two years later does nothing either to justify or to dispel that suspicion.’  

Calling on the Home Office to launch an independent review, he added: ‘As he is dead, the normal provisions and processes of the law are not available to resolve the matter and the cloud of suspicion remains hanging in the air indefinitely.

‘My Lords, justice delayed is justice denied, the dead deserve justice no less than the living.’

He was backed by Lord Lawson, who called for an audit into the ‘grotesque misuse of large sums of public money’ by Operation Conifer.

Former Scotland Yard Commissioner Lord Blair also suggested that the case could be looked at by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary.

Home Office minister Baroness Williams of Trafford criticised the force’s decision to appeal for victims outside Sir Edward’s home, saying this was ‘probably ill-judged’, but she said it was not up to the Government to investigate operational matters.

Baroness Williams said: ‘On the first questions about the police officer’s comments outside the home of Sir Edward Heath, those comments I think were probably ill-judged.

‘It would be a matter to refer any matters of misconduct to the IPCC (Independent Police Complaints Commission), and I understand that the Sir Edward Heath Trust has in fact referred matters to the IPCC.’

Last night a spokesman for the Sir Edward Heath Charitable Foundation said: ‘Operation Conifer has not been an objective search for truth.

‘It is clear from recent developments that Wiltshire police have relied on information for one of the six ‘credible’ accusations supplied by a paedophile who is serving an extended prison sentence for sex offences against a teenager.

‘Throughout, the police have conducted the inquiry in a prejudicial manner.

‘At a meeting with parliamentarians the chief constable, when asked whether he thought Sir Edward was a child abuser on a scale of one to 10, he replied “eight”.

‘It is not for a police officer to judge the guilt or innocence of a ‘suspect’ and the remark was highly prejudicial.’

He added: ‘These very serious concerns form part of the basis of our request to the Wiltshire Police and Crime Commissioner that a reference to the Independent Police Complaints Commission is required.’

Wiltshire Police was not available for comment last night. 

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