Teesside paedophile binman ‘teenylover’ jailed

The perverted Stockton binman who called himself ‘teenylover’ has been jailed for three years after being caught with vile video of a two-year-old girl being raped.

Andrew Darren Turner, 33, was caught in two raids with almost 2,000 disturbing pictures of children on his phones and tablets. 

The recovered material included a horrific video of a two-year-old girl being raped, Teesside Crown Court heard on Tuesday. 

Turner admitted 11 charges – six of making and four of distributing indecent photos of children, and one of breaching sex offender notification requirements.

Andrew Darren Turner, pictured, is a 33-year-old paedophile who was found guilty of 11 charges of making and distributing indecent photos of children, and breaching sex offender notification requirements

Turner was a former Stockton Borough Council binman who continued accessing disturbing images of young victims even after an arrest, investigation and previous caution.

He had a collection of 589 indecent photos when the National Crime Agency first led police to his door on April 18 last year. 

A paedophile online investigation team found chats where he used the name ‘teenylover’ and sent images of abused children as young as nine to other perverts. 

He was placed on bail but a North Wales investigation into the distribution of child abuse images put Turner on the radar again – two months later, using another false name.

Andrew Darren Turner leaves court, pictured. The former Stockton binman was on the sex offenders' register after making indecent photos of children in 2015

Andrew Darren Turner leaves court, pictured. The former Stockton binman was on the sex offenders’ register after making indecent photos of children in 2015

He was arrested on August 17 while he was house-sitting a home in Stockton.

Turner was found to have 1,404 images showing even younger victims, including the 45-second rape video.

He was already on the sex offenders’ register after a caution for making indecent photos of children in 2015, and broke the law by not declaring his aliases. 

His defence, Michele Turner, said: ‘This is a very socially isolated young man. He has had many personal issues with regard to his body image and his own personal image of himself.’

She said he was ‘mortified’ he had disrupted others’ lives with his ‘sordid world’, and lost the job which was his only social interaction.

She said Turner never tried to thwart the police investigation, pass the blame or minimise his behaviour in hours of interviews.

She told how he was halfway through a treatment plan from his earlier caution, but committed the crimes after the services stopped because of funding cuts.

The judge, Recorder Eric Elliott QC, told Turner: ‘It hardly needs to be said that these are very serious matters. The effects upon the victims in these photographs are unimaginable. The pre-sentence report suggests you should not go to prison today.. I regret to say I can’t agree with that.’

He jailed Turner for three years with an indefinite sexual harm prevention order and put him on the sex offenders’ register for life.

A spokeswoman for Stockton Borough Council confirmed Turner worked as a binman for the authority but left the role in August. 

She did not wish to comment further as he is no longer an employee. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk